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106 Class 1

  • 1st Place Match - Spencer Cunningham (Mid-Buchanan) 34-2 won by fall over Levi Wilhelm (Knob Noster) 37-4 (Fall 0:50)

113 Class 1

  • 1st Place Match - Peyton Parn (Brookfield) 41-1 won by fall over Cody Strope (Fatima) 42-3 (Fall 3:16)

120 Class 1

  • 1st Place Match - Brayden Dubes (Centralia) 46-2 won by fall over Josh Payne (Lexington) 43-6 (Fall 1:42)

126 Class 1

  • 1st Place Match - Noah Gonzalez (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 46-2 won by decision over Dawson Fansher (North Andrew) 31-1 (Dec 3-1)

132 Class 1

  • 1st Place Match - Drew Stanfield (St. Michael the Archangel) 48-2 won by decision over Marco Dalakishvili (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 47-2 (Dec 10-4)

138 Class 1

  • 1st Place Match - Collin Arch (Palmyra) 40-0 won by decision over Hunter McAtee (Trenton) 31-4 (Dec 9-2)

145 Class 1

  • 1st Place Match - Kyden Wilkerson (Centralia) 27-2 won by major decision over Kaleb Jestes (Maysville) 46-10 (MD 15-5)

152 Class 1

  • 1st Place Match - Brendin Patrick (Butler) 30-0 won by decision over Josh Bieser (Valle Catholic) 47-3 (Dec 7-0)

160 Class 1

  • 1st Place Match - Brayden Shelton (Centralia) 48-0 won by decision over Rodell Sperry (Gallatin) 41-4 (Dec 4-2)

170 Class 1

  • 1st Place Match - Jaden Abongo (Brookfield) 34-3 won in sudden victory - 1 over Mason Barnett (Marceline) 22-3 (SV-1 6-4)

182 Class 1

  • 1st Place Match - Tanner Leonard (Lawson) 31-1 won by fall over Denton Biller (Mid-Buchanan) 10-4 (Fall 2:44)

195 Class 1

  • 1st Place Match - Wade Stanton (Mid-Buchanan) 44-2 won by fall over Landon Clement (Diamond) 40-6 (Fall 2:18)

220 Class 1

  • 1st Place Match - Rylan Kuhn (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 40-1 won by fall over Caleb Johnson (Trenton) 37-4 (Fall 7:49)

285 Class 1

  • 1st Place Match - Sampson Stillwell (St. Michael the Archangel) 17-1 won by decision over Seth Hasekamp (Centralia) 47-1 (Dec 7-0)

3rd & 5th (16 Man)

106 Class 1

  • 3rd Place Match - Drew Griffin (Marceline) 35-3 won by major decision over Alex Martin (Penney) 39-11 (MD 12-2)
  • 5th Place Match - Bryson Dubes (Centralia) 25-11 won by fall over Breydon Pelt (Diamond) 33-13 (Fall 4:19)

113 Class 1

  • 3rd Place Match - Dallas Grippando (Mid-Buchanan) 27-5 won by fall over Weston Ward (Centralia) 33-9 (Fall 3:00)
  • 5th Place Match - Dillan Chisam (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 34-11 won by decision over Daishaun Wilbourn (Maplewood-Richmond Hts.) 32-10 (Dec 11-6)

120 Class 1

  • 3rd Place Match - Daylen Greene (Holden) 44-6 won by decision over Lucas Barry (St. Michael the Archangel) 38-12 (Dec 1-0)
  • 5th Place Match - Kannen Wilson (Versailles) 23-7 won by decision over Mason Hamilton (South Harrison) 41-13 (Dec 1-0)

126 Class 1

  • 3rd Place Match - Lane Kimbley (North Callaway) 45-3 won by tech fall over Gambal Staddie (Brookfield) 36-5 (TF-1.5 3:34 (15-0))
  • 5th Place Match - Clancey Woodward (Mid-Buchanan) 38-12 won by decision over Canaan Wright (Marceline) 32-10 (Dec 4-0)

132 Class 1

  • 3rd Place Match - Conner Teat (Richmond) 37-3 won by fall over Logan Yoder (Holden) 38-8 (Fall 1:17)
  • 5th Place Match - Jesse Shannon (Centralia) 17-5 won by decision over Draken Bennett (Maysville) 41-18 (Dec 9-4)

138 Class 1

  • 3rd Place Match - Conner Quinn (Marceline) 30-9 won by decision over Owen Dowdy (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) 45-4 (Dec 5-4)
  • 5th Place Match - Devan Parn (Brookfield) 31-13 won by fall over Riley Humphrey (North Callaway) 31-7 (Fall 0:56)

145 Class 1

  • 3rd Place Match - Lucas Estes (St. Michael the Archangel) 39-12 won by fall over Colton Parn (Brookfield) 19-6 (Fall 4:15)
  • 5th Place Match - Michael McCoy (Adrian) 43-9 won by disqualification over Jace Bixenman (Marceline) 27-14 (DQ)

152 Class 1

  • 3rd Place Match - Drystin Dotson (Lathrop) 42-7 won by fall over Coleman Griffin (Trenton) 35-6 (Fall 1:14)
  • 5th Place Match - Isaiah Myers (Lafayette County) 31-8 won by decision over Andon Allen (Gallatin) 27-14 (Dec 6-4)

160 Class 1

  • 3rd Place Match - Cameron Williams (West Platte) 40-10 won by major decision over Jeramiah Smith (Summit Christian Academy) 42-8 (MD 12-3)
  • 5th Place Match - Colton Kirkham (Mid-Buchanan) 36-14 won by fall over Kyle Flieger (Versailles) 36-13 (Fall 3:51)

170 Class 1

  • 3rd Place Match - Christian Whisler (Tipton) 18-5 won by decision over Jackson Rotterman (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 35-7 (Dec 7-2)
  • 5th Place Match - Zach Kelly (Mid-Buchanan) 41-7 won by decision over Ben Janssen (Lone Jack) 42-5 (Dec 5-3)

182 Class 1

  • 3rd Place Match - Aidan Ivison (Richmond) 33-5 won by fall over Logan Bottcher (Gallatin) 30-4 (Fall 4:58)
  • 5th Place Match - Tristan Trumbore (Butler) 27-9 won by fall over David Brown (West Platte) 38-20 (Fall 4:44)

195 Class 1

  • 3rd Place Match - Sam Gibson (Trenton) 38-3 won by major decision over Trey Payne (Knob Noster) 35-6 (MD 8-0)
  • 5th Place Match - Trey Schreckenberg (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) 35-4 won by decision over Lane Scott (West Platte) 43-9 (Dec 5-4)

220 Class 1

  • 3rd Place Match - Luke Triplett (Palmyra) 39-8 won by decision over Jence Griffith (Adrian) 36-5 (Dec 2-1)
  • 5th Place Match - Fisher Nixdorf (Penney) 43-4 won by decision over Tristin Gavette (Versailles) 35-8 (Dec 5-0)

285 Class 1

  • 3rd Place Match - Seth Cruz (Mid-Buchanan) 34-8 won by fall over Austin Colvin (Stanberry) 32-5 (Fall 5:39)
  • 5th Place Match - William Brown (Adrian) 37-11 won by fall over Gabe Parker (Gallatin) 35-11 (Fall 2:53)

4th Wrestleback (16 Man)

106 Class 1

  • Cons. Semi - Alex Martin (Penney) 39-11 won by fall over Breydon Pelt (Diamond) 33-13 (Fall 4:09)
  • Cons. Semi - Drew Griffin (Marceline) 35-3 won by major decision over Bryson Dubes (Centralia) 25-11 (MD 18-4)

113 Class 1

  • Cons. Semi - Weston Ward (Centralia) 33-9 won by major decision over Daishaun Wilbourn (Maplewood-Richmond Hts.) 32-10 (MD 10-0)
  • Cons. Semi - Dallas Grippando (Mid-Buchanan) 27-5 won by major decision over Dillan Chisam (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 34-11 (MD 8-0)

120 Class 1

  • Cons. Semi - Daylen Greene (Holden) 44-6 won by decision over Mason Hamilton (South Harrison) 41-13 (Dec 4-0)
  • Cons. Semi - Lucas Barry (St. Michael the Archangel) 38-12 won by fall over Kannen Wilson (Versailles) 23-7 (Fall 1:00)

126 Class 1

  • Cons. Semi - Lane Kimbley (North Callaway) 45-3 won by decision over Clancey Woodward (Mid-Buchanan) 38-12 (Dec 6-2)
  • Cons. Semi - Gambal Staddie (Brookfield) 36-5 won by decision over Canaan Wright (Marceline) 32-10 (Dec 3-1)

132 Class 1

  • Cons. Semi - Logan Yoder (Holden) 38-8 won by fall over Draken Bennett (Maysville) 41-18 (Fall 1:54)
  • Cons. Semi - Conner Teat (Richmond) 37-3 won by fall over Jesse Shannon (Centralia) 17-5 (Fall 2:21)

138 Class 1

  • Cons. Semi - Owen Dowdy (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) 45-4 won by fall over Devan Parn (Brookfield) 31-13 (Fall 4:02)
  • Cons. Semi - Conner Quinn (Marceline) 30-9 won by decision over Riley Humphrey (North Callaway) 31-7 (Dec 6-0)

145 Class 1

  • Cons. Semi - Colton Parn (Brookfield) 19-6 won by disqualification over Jace Bixenman (Marceline) 27-14 (DQ)
  • Cons. Semi - Lucas Estes (St. Michael the Archangel) 39-12 won in sudden victory - 1 over Michael McCoy (Adrian) 43-9 (SV-1 2-0)

152 Class 1

  • Cons. Semi - Drystin Dotson (Lathrop) 42-7 won by fall over Andon Allen (Gallatin) 27-14 (Fall 4:35)
  • Cons. Semi - Coleman Griffin (Trenton) 35-6 won by fall over Isaiah Myers (Lafayette County) 31-8 (Fall 4:58)

160 Class 1

  • Cons. Semi - Cameron Williams (West Platte) 40-10 won by fall over Kyle Flieger (Versailles) 36-13 (Fall 4:14)
  • Cons. Semi - Jeramiah Smith (Summit Christian Academy) 42-8 won by fall over Colton Kirkham (Mid-Buchanan) 36-14 (Fall 2:00)

170 Class 1

  • Cons. Semi - Jackson Rotterman (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 35-7 won in sudden victory - 1 over Ben Janssen (Lone Jack) 42-5 (SV-1 6-4)
  • Cons. Semi - Christian Whisler (Tipton) 18-5 won by fall over Zach Kelly (Mid-Buchanan) 41-7 (Fall 2:23)

182 Class 1

  • Cons. Semi - Aidan Ivison (Richmond) 33-5 won by decision over Tristan Trumbore (Butler) 27-9 (Dec 4-2)
  • Cons. Semi - Logan Bottcher (Gallatin) 30-4 won by decision over David Brown (West Platte) 38-20 (Dec 8-1)

195 Class 1

  • Cons. Semi - Trey Payne (Knob Noster) 35-6 won by decision over Lane Scott (West Platte) 43-9 (Dec 4-3)
  • Cons. Semi - Sam Gibson (Trenton) 38-3 won by fall over Trey Schreckenberg (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) 35-4 (Fall 2:42)

220 Class 1

  • Cons. Semi - Luke Triplett (Palmyra) 39-8 won by major decision over Fisher Nixdorf (Penney) 43-4 (MD 10-2)
  • Cons. Semi - Jence Griffith (Adrian) 36-5 won by fall over Tristin Gavette (Versailles) 35-8 (Fall 1:50)

285 Class 1

  • Cons. Semi - Austin Colvin (Stanberry) 32-5 won by fall over William Brown (Adrian) 37-11 (Fall 2:28)
  • Cons. Semi - Seth Cruz (Mid-Buchanan) 34-8 won in the ultimate tie breaker over Gabe Parker (Gallatin) 35-11 (UTB 5-4)

Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)

106 Class 1

  • Semifinal - Levi Wilhelm (Knob Noster) 37-3 won by fall over Alex Martin (Penney) 38-10 (Fall 1:48)
  • Semifinal - Spencer Cunningham (Mid-Buchanan) 33-2 won by decision over Drew Griffin (Marceline) 33-3 (Dec 8-3)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Breydon Pelt (Diamond) 33-11 won by decision over Gage Judd (Versailles) 20-17 (Dec 3-2)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Bryson Dubes (Centralia) 24-10 won by fall over Clayton Teat (Richmond) 24-5 (Fall 1:38)

113 Class 1

  • Semifinal - Cody Strope (Fatima) 42-2 won by tech fall over Daishaun Wilbourn (Maplewood-Richmond Hts.) 32-8 (TF-1.5 4:18 (16-0))
  • Semifinal - Peyton Parn (Brookfield) 40-1 won by fall over Dallas Grippando (Mid-Buchanan) 25-5 (Fall 1:52)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Weston Ward (Centralia) 32-8 won by major decision over Gage DeShon (Lathrop) 20-10 (MD 8-0)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Dillan Chisam (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 33-10 won by fall over Cooper Berry (Maysville) 38-13 (Fall 0:54)

120 Class 1

  • Semifinal - Brayden Dubes (Centralia) 45-2 won by fall over Daylen Greene (Holden) 42-6 (Fall 1:28)
  • Semifinal - Josh Payne (Lexington) 43-5 won by fall over Lucas Barry (St. Michael the Archangel) 37-11 (Fall 3:10)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Mason Hamilton (South Harrison) 41-11 won by fall over Gavin Shoush (Albany) 41-9 (Fall 4:25)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Kannen Wilson (Versailles) 22-6 won by fall over Mason Smith (Sherwood) 30-14 (Fall 4:25)

126 Class 1

  • Semifinal - Dawson Fansher (North Andrew) 31-0 won by major decision over Lane Kimbley (North Callaway) 43-3 (MD 13-4)
  • Semifinal - Noah Gonzalez (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 45-2 won by major decision over Gambal Staddie (Brookfield) 35-4 (MD 9-0)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Clancey Woodward (Mid-Buchanan) 37-11 won by fall over Frank Ruether (Father Tolton Regional Catholic) 19-10 (Fall 1:53)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Canaan Wright (Marceline) 32-8 won by decision over Mason Rongey (Trenton) 36-15 (Dec 4-1)

132 Class 1

  • Semifinal - Marco Dalakishvili (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 47-1 won by major decision over Logan Yoder (Holden) 37-7 (MD 8-0)
  • Semifinal - Drew Stanfield (St. Michael the Archangel) 47-2 won by major decision over Jesse Shannon (Centralia) 16-4 (MD 16-4)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Draken Bennett (Maysville) 41-16 won by decision over Brayden Pillars (Palmyra) 32-20 (Dec 4-2)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Conner Teat (Richmond) 35-3 won by fall over Joseph Flieg (Valle Catholic) 39-9 (Fall 1:20)

138 Class 1

  • Semifinal - Collin Arch (Palmyra) 39-0 won by fall over Devan Parn (Brookfield) 30-12 (Fall 3:17)
  • Semifinal - Hunter McAtee (Trenton) 31-3 won by decision over Conner Quinn (Marceline) 28-9 (Dec 7-4)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Owen Dowdy (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) 44-3 won by fall over Gavyn Colbert (Central (New Madrid County)) 27-12 (Fall 3:16)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Riley Humphrey (North Callaway) 31-5 won by fall over Justice Vickers (Adrian) 17-14 (Fall 2:37)

145 Class 1

  • Semifinal - Kyden Wilkerson (Centralia) 26-2 won by disqualification over Jace Bixenman (Marceline) 27-12 (DQ)
  • Semifinal - Kaleb Jestes (Maysville) 46-9 won by decision over Lucas Estes (St. Michael the Archangel) 37-12 (Dec 6-4)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Colton Parn (Brookfield) 18-5 won by decision over Quentin Umbaugh (Lathrop) 27-14 (Dec 4-1)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Michael McCoy (Adrian) 42-8 won by decision over William (Frank) Hazelrigg (Father Tolton Regional Catholic) 36-10 (Dec 10-4)

152 Class 1

  • Semifinal - Josh Bieser (Valle Catholic) 47-2 won by major decision over Andon Allen (Gallatin) 27-12 (MD 10-2)
  • Semifinal - Brendin Patrick (Butler) 29-0 won by decision over Isaiah Myers (Lafayette County) 30-7 (Dec 5-1)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Drystin Dotson (Lathrop) 40-7 won by decision over Brendan Barton (Maysville) 39-14 (Dec 8-2)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Coleman Griffin (Trenton) 34-5 won in tie breaker - 1 over Ryder Gooch (Marceline) 27-8 (TB-1 4-2)

160 Class 1

  • Semifinal - Rodell Sperry (Gallatin) 41-3 won by fall over Cameron Williams (West Platte) 38-10 (Fall 1:30)
  • Semifinal - Brayden Shelton (Centralia) 47-0 won by major decision over Colton Kirkham (Mid-Buchanan) 35-13 (MD 14-3)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Kyle Flieger (Versailles) 36-11 won by fall over Kaden Owen (Trenton) 24-10 (Fall 1:31)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Jeramiah Smith (Summit Christian Academy) 41-7 won by fall over Kendrell Carter (Brookfield) 24-14 (Fall 4:45)

170 Class 1

  • Semifinal - Jaden Abongo (Brookfield) 33-3 won by decision over Jackson Rotterman (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 34-6 (Dec 14-7)
  • Semifinal - Mason Barnett (Marceline) 22-2 won by decision over Christian Whisler (Tipton) 16-5 (Dec 4-3)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Ben Janssen (Lone Jack) 42-3 won by medical forfeit over Isaac Rodriguez (Butler) 29-7 (M. For.)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Zach Kelly (Mid-Buchanan) 40-6 won by fall over Jacob Schrock (Versailles) 34-16 (Fall 2:17)

182 Class 1

  • Semifinal - Denton Biller (Mid-Buchanan) 10-3 won by major decision over Tristan Trumbore (Butler) 26-8 (MD 14-3)
  • Semifinal - Tanner Leonard (Lawson) 30-1 won by fall over Logan Bottcher (Gallatin) 29-3 (Fall 2:49)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Aidan Ivison (Richmond) 31-5 won by decision over Jakson Wimberly (St. Michael the Archangel) 36-12 (Dec 5-2)
  • Cons. Round 3 - David Brown (West Platte) 38-18 won by decision over Blake Hawes (Lone Jack) 30-12 (Dec 6-5)

195 Class 1

  • Semifinal - Wade Stanton (Mid-Buchanan) 43-2 won by fall over Trey Payne (Knob Noster) 34-5 (Fall 5:46)
  • Semifinal - Landon Clement (Diamond) 40-5 won by decision over Sam Gibson (Trenton) 36-3 (Dec 4-3)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Lane Scott (West Platte) 43-7 won by decision over Jayden Maggert (St. Paul Lutheran (Concordia)) 33-9 (Dec 6-2)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Trey Schreckenberg (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) 34-3 won by decision over Trent Polley (Brookfield) 8-4 (Dec 6-4)

220 Class 1

  • Semifinal - Caleb Johnson (Trenton) 37-3 won by decision over Luke Triplett (Palmyra) 37-8 (Dec 3-2)
  • Semifinal - Rylan Kuhn (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 39-1 won in the ultimate tie breaker over Tristin Gavette (Versailles) 35-6 (UTB 3-2)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Fisher Nixdorf (Penney) 42-3 won by decision over Tyler May (Diamond) 39-11 (Dec 2-0)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Jence Griffith (Adrian) 35-4 won by fall over Trevor Herzing (Fatima) 23-7 (Fall 3:21)

285 Class 1

  • Semifinal - Sampson Stillwell (St. Michael the Archangel) 16-1 won by fall over Austin Colvin (Stanberry) 31-4 (Fall 4:55)
  • Semifinal - Seth Hasekamp (Centralia) 47-0 won by decision over Seth Cruz (Mid-Buchanan) 32-8 (Dec 3-0)
  • Cons. Round 3 - William Brown (Adrian) 36-10 won by decision over Montana Hacker (El Dorado Springs) 27-14 (Dec 8-2)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Gabe Parker (Gallatin) 35-9 won by decision over Jarrett Eivins (South Harrison) 34-11 (Dec 7-1)

2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)

106 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 2 - Gage Judd (Versailles) 20-16 won by fall over Mattox Sybert (North Andrew) 28-13 (Fall 1:57)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Breydon Pelt (Diamond) 32-11 won by fall over Gabe Provin (Lathrop) 19-18 (Fall 1:58)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Clayton Teat (Richmond) 24-4 won by fall over Kaden Gegg (Valle Catholic) 37-12 (Fall 2:39)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Bryson Dubes (Centralia) 23-10 won by fall over Alek Tune (Fatima) 24-12 (Fall 3:25)

113 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 2 - Weston Ward (Centralia) 31-8 won by fall over Patrick Morrow (California) 32-18 (Fall 2:59)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Gage DeShon (Lathrop) 20-9 won by decision over Donovan Campbell (Warsaw) 25-12 (Dec 6-3)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Dillan Chisam (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 32-10 won by medical forfeit over Cayden Morris (Richmond) 26-11 (M. For.)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Cooper Berry (Maysville) 38-12 won by fall over Tennison Nixdorf (Penney) 30-18 (Fall 2:59)

120 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 2 - Gavin Shoush (Albany) 41-8 won by fall over Jesse Lane (Brentwood) 32-8 (Fall 2:26)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Mason Hamilton (South Harrison) 40-11 won by decision over Ryder Coons (Mid-Buchanan) 28-21 (Dec 2-0)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Kannen Wilson (Versailles) 21-6 won by major decision over Caleb Lucas (Rock Port) 21-12 (MD 11-1)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Mason Smith (Sherwood) 30-13 won by fall over Zach Conner (Lafayette County) 22-14 (Fall 3:42)

126 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 2 - Clancey Woodward (Mid-Buchanan) 36-11 won by fall over Payton Arnold (Knob Noster) 32-14 (Fall 2:43)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Frank Ruether (Father Tolton Regional Catholic) 19-9 won by decision over Wyatt Rice (Richmond) 28-9 (Dec 7-5)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Mason Rongey (Trenton) 36-14 won by fall over Blake Eads (Sherwood) 23-15 (Fall 2:34)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Canaan Wright (Marceline) 31-8 won by decision over David Maschger (St. Michael the Archangel) 21-23 (Dec 5-0)

132 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 2 - Brayden Pillars (Palmyra) 32-19 won by fall over Keaton Coots (Lathrop) 29-12 (Fall 4:36)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Draken Bennett (Maysville) 40-16 won by major decision over Dalton Doss (Tipton) 45-9 (MD 11-2)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Conner Teat (Richmond) 34-3 won by decision over Braxton Ernst (Lafayette County) 28-14 (Dec 8-6)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Joseph Flieg (Valle Catholic) 39-8 won by fall over Stephon Brown (Lift For Life Academy Charter) 22-13 (Fall 3:37)

138 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 2 - Owen Dowdy (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) 43-3 won by fall over Jaiden DeFries (Lathrop) 25-7 (Fall 2:31)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Gavyn Colbert (Central (New Madrid County)) 27-11 won by fall over Justus Martin (Father Tolton Regional Catholic) 36-6 (Fall 0:30)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Riley Humphrey (North Callaway) 30-5 won in the ultimate tie breaker over Clayton Rotterman (Mid-Buchanan) 27-16 (UTB 4-2)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Justice Vickers (Adrian) 17-13 won in sudden victory - 1 over Joey Hofmeister (Plattsburg) 20-12 (SV-1 2-0)

145 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 2 - Colton Parn (Brookfield) 17-5 won by decision over Larry Norrington (Lift For Life Academy Charter) 26-3 (Dec 5-4)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Quentin Umbaugh (Lathrop) 27-13 won by decision over Elijah Sanders (Richmond) 31-6 (Dec 6-5)
  • Cons. Round 2 - William (Frank) Hazelrigg (Father Tolton Regional Catholic) 36-9 won by fall over Caden McLallen (Plattsburg) 22-24 (Fall 4:18)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Michael McCoy (Adrian) 41-8 won by decision over Blake Whipple (North Callaway) 31-14 (Dec 7-4)

152 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 2 - Brendan Barton (Maysville) 39-13 won by fall over Wyatt Moran (Plattsburg) 38-12 (Fall 1:18)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Drystin Dotson (Lathrop) 39-7 won by decision over Brayden Clement (Diamond) 22-26 (Dec 7-0)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Coleman Griffin (Trenton) 33-5 won by decision over Nathan Hyde (Mid-Buchanan) 35-9 (Dec 5-1)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Ryder Gooch (Marceline) 27-7 won by major decision over Hudson Karr (Warsaw) 24-15 (MD 10-0)

160 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 2 - Kaden Owen (Trenton) 24-9 won by major decision over James King (El Dorado Springs) 35-11 (MD 10-1)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Kyle Flieger (Versailles) 35-11 won by fall over Keegan Holder (Lawson) 21-22 (Fall 0:39)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Jeramiah Smith (Summit Christian Academy) 40-7 won by fall over Aaron Hargis (South Callaway) 6-7 (Fall 1:50)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Kendrell Carter (Brookfield) 24-13 won by fall over Eli Henry (North Callaway) 34-10 (Fall 2:17)

170 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 2 - Isaac Rodriguez (Butler) 29-6 won by decision over Jacob Wilcox (Central (New Madrid County)) 36-7 (Dec 11-4)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Ben Janssen (Lone Jack) 41-3 won by major decision over Coy Sobotka (Maysville) 29-16 (MD 12-1)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Jacob Schrock (Versailles) 34-15 won by injury default over Bo Graves (Tarkio) 10-13 (Inj. 2:27)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Zach Kelly (Mid-Buchanan) 39-6 won by fall over Elijah Benningfield (South Callaway) 33-7 (Fall 2:11)

182 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 2 - Aidan Ivison (Richmond) 30-5 won by decision over Colten Stevens (Rock Port) 41-4 (Dec 6-3)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Jakson Wimberly (St. Michael the Archangel) 36-11 won by fall over Ty Douglas (Diamond) 42-10 (Fall 2:16)
  • Cons. Round 2 - David Brown (West Platte) 37-18 won by medical forfeit over Hunter Nelson (Marceline) 33-5 (M. For.)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Blake Hawes (Lone Jack) 30-11 won by decision over Kamari Bradley (Gateway Science Charter) 32-2 (Dec 7-6)

195 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 2 - Jayden Maggert (St. Paul Lutheran (Concordia)) 33-8 won by decision over Aaron Schlueter (Tarkio) 32-9 (Dec 9-5)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Lane Scott (West Platte) 42-7 won by decision over Zach Berry (St. Michael the Archangel) 15-10 (Dec 5-4)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Trent Polley (Brookfield) 8-3 won by fall over Henry Ritter (Brentwood) 31-13 (Fall 0:42)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Trey Schreckenberg (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) 33-3 won by fall over Tyler Burgin (Sherwood) 20-17 (Fall 0:33)

220 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 2 - Tyler May (Diamond) 39-10 won by fall over Caleb McCartney (Plattsburg) 16-14 (Fall 1:15)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Fisher Nixdorf (Penney) 41-3 won by fall over Owen Stockbauer (Mid-Buchanan) 26-21 (Fall 1:39)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Jence Griffith (Adrian) 34-4 won by fall over Aidan Davis (Lawson) 14-14 (Fall 0:34)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Trevor Herzing (Fatima) 23-6 won by fall over Aiden Christian (Holden) 28-15 (Fall 1:41)

285 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 2 - William Brown (Adrian) 35-10 won by fall over Dawson Miller (Penney) 31-22 (Fall 3:58)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Montana Hacker (El Dorado Springs) 27-13 won by fall over Trevor Rush (Plattsburg) 15-14 (Fall 4:49)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Gabe Parker (Gallatin) 34-9 won by fall over Oscar Sauceda (University Academy Charter) 20-11 (Fall 2:02)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Jarrett Eivins (South Harrison) 34-10 won by fall over Brock Ballew (Versailles) 20-19 (Fall 3:27)

Quarters (16 Man)

106 Class 1

  • Quarterfinal - Alex Martin (Penney) 38-9 won by major decision over Alek Tune (Fatima) 24-12 (MD 12-2)
  • Quarterfinal - Levi Wilhelm (Knob Noster) 36-3 won by major decision over Clayton Teat (Richmond) 24-4 (MD 9-1)
  • Quarterfinal - Drew Griffin (Marceline) 33-2 won by fall over Breydon Pelt (Diamond) 32-11 (Fall 0:55)
  • Quarterfinal - Spencer Cunningham (Mid-Buchanan) 32-2 won by tech fall over Gage Judd (Versailles) 20-16 (TF-1.5 6:00 (15-0))

113 Class 1

  • Quarterfinal - Cody Strope (Fatima) 41-2 won by decision over Cooper Berry (Maysville) 38-12 (Dec 4-2)
  • Quarterfinal - Daishaun Wilbourn (Maplewood-Richmond Hts.) 32-7 won by medical forfeit over Cayden Morris (Richmond) 26-11 (M. For.)
  • Quarterfinal - Peyton Parn (Brookfield) 39-1 won by fall over Donovan Campbell (Warsaw) 25-12 (Fall 1:52)
  • Quarterfinal - Dallas Grippando (Mid-Buchanan) 25-4 won by fall over Patrick Morrow (California) 32-18 (Fall 0:51)

120 Class 1

  • Quarterfinal - Daylen Greene (Holden) 42-5 won by fall over Zach Conner (Lafayette County) 22-14 (Fall 0:57)
  • Quarterfinal - Brayden Dubes (Centralia) 44-2 won by fall over Kannen Wilson (Versailles) 21-6 (Fall 0:54)
  • Quarterfinal - Lucas Barry (St. Michael the Archangel) 37-10 won by fall over Mason Hamilton (South Harrison) 40-11 (Fall 0:31)
  • Quarterfinal - Josh Payne (Lexington) 42-5 won by fall over Gavin Shoush (Albany) 41-8 (Fall 2:34)

126 Class 1

  • Quarterfinal - Lane Kimbley (North Callaway) 43-2 won by decision over Canaan Wright (Marceline) 31-8 (Dec 8-1)
  • Quarterfinal - Dawson Fansher (North Andrew) 30-0 won by fall over Blake Eads (Sherwood) 23-15 (Fall 0:51)
  • Quarterfinal - Noah Gonzalez (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 44-2 won by fall over Frank Ruether (Father Tolton Regional Catholic) 19-9 (Fall 1:05)
  • Quarterfinal - Gambal Staddie (Brookfield) 35-3 won by major decision over Clancey Woodward (Mid-Buchanan) 36-11 (MD 11-2)

132 Class 1

  • Quarterfinal - Logan Yoder (Holden) 37-6 won by fall over Joseph Flieg (Valle Catholic) 39-8 (Fall 2:48)
  • Quarterfinal - Marco Dalakishvili (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 46-1 won by decision over Conner Teat (Richmond) 34-3 (Dec 11-8)
  • Quarterfinal - Drew Stanfield (St. Michael the Archangel) 46-2 won by tech fall over Draken Bennett (Maysville) 40-16 (TF-1.5 0:00 (18-2))
  • Quarterfinal - Jesse Shannon (Centralia) 16-3 won by fall over Keaton Coots (Lathrop) 29-12 (Fall 4:31)

138 Class 1

  • Quarterfinal - Devan Parn (Brookfield) 30-11 won by fall over Joey Hofmeister (Plattsburg) 20-12 (Fall 1:49)
  • Quarterfinal - Collin Arch (Palmyra) 38-0 won by fall over Clayton Rotterman (Mid-Buchanan) 27-16 (Fall 1:10)
  • Quarterfinal - Conner Quinn (Marceline) 28-8 won by major decision over Justus Martin (Father Tolton Regional Catholic) 36-6 (MD 12-2)
  • Quarterfinal - Hunter McAtee (Trenton) 30-3 won by fall over Jaiden DeFries (Lathrop) 25-7 (Fall 3:31)

145 Class 1

  • Quarterfinal - Jace Bixenman (Marceline) 27-11 won in the ultimate tie breaker over Michael McCoy (Adrian) 41-8 (UTB 3-1)
  • Quarterfinal - Kyden Wilkerson (Centralia) 25-2 won by fall over William (Frank) Hazelrigg (Father Tolton Regional Catholic) 36-9 (Fall 5:49)
  • Quarterfinal - Lucas Estes (St. Michael the Archangel) 37-11 won by decision over Elijah Sanders (Richmond) 31-6 (Dec 8-2)
  • Quarterfinal - Kaleb Jestes (Maysville) 45-9 won by decision over Colton Parn (Brookfield) 17-5 (Dec 5-1)

152 Class 1

  • Quarterfinal - Josh Bieser (Valle Catholic) 46-2 won by decision over Ryder Gooch (Marceline) 27-7 (Dec 10-5)
  • Quarterfinal - Andon Allen (Gallatin) 27-11 won by decision over Nathan Hyde (Mid-Buchanan) 35-9 (Dec 3-0)
  • Quarterfinal - Brendin Patrick (Butler) 28-0 won by decision over Drystin Dotson (Lathrop) 39-7 (Dec 3-2)
  • Quarterfinal - Isaiah Myers (Lafayette County) 30-6 won by decision over Brendan Barton (Maysville) 39-13 (Dec 15-9)

160 Class 1

  • Quarterfinal - Cameron Williams (West Platte) 38-9 won by decision over Eli Henry (North Callaway) 34-10 (Dec 3-1)
  • Quarterfinal - Rodell Sperry (Gallatin) 40-3 won by fall over Jeramiah Smith (Summit Christian Academy) 40-7 (Fall 2:49)
  • Quarterfinal - Brayden Shelton (Centralia) 46-0 won by fall over Kyle Flieger (Versailles) 35-11 (Fall 1:06)
  • Quarterfinal - Colton Kirkham (Mid-Buchanan) 35-12 won by major decision over James King (El Dorado Springs) 35-11 (MD 10-2)

170 Class 1

  • Quarterfinal - Jackson Rotterman (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 34-5 won by decision over Elijah Benningfield (South Callaway) 33-7 (Dec 2-1)
  • Quarterfinal - Jaden Abongo (Brookfield) 32-3 won by decision over Jacob Schrock (Versailles) 34-15 (Dec 11-5)
  • Quarterfinal - Mason Barnett (Marceline) 21-2 won by decision over Ben Janssen (Lone Jack) 41-3 (Dec 6-3)
  • Quarterfinal - Christian Whisler (Tipton) 16-4 won by decision over Jacob Wilcox (Central (New Madrid County)) 36-7 (Dec 11-9)

182 Class 1

  • Quarterfinal - Tristan Trumbore (Butler) 26-7 won by major decision over Kamari Bradley (Gateway Science Charter) 32-2 (MD 14-5)
  • Quarterfinal - Denton Biller (Mid-Buchanan) 9-3 won by fall over Hunter Nelson (Marceline) 33-5 (Fall 5:40)
  • Quarterfinal - Logan Bottcher (Gallatin) 29-2 won by decision over Jakson Wimberly (St. Michael the Archangel) 36-11 (Dec 2-1)
  • Quarterfinal - Tanner Leonard (Lawson) 29-1 won by decision over Aidan Ivison (Richmond) 30-5 (Dec 1-0)

195 Class 1

  • Quarterfinal - Trey Payne (Knob Noster) 34-4 won by decision over Trey Schreckenberg (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) 33-3 (Dec 1-0)
  • Quarterfinal - Wade Stanton (Mid-Buchanan) 42-2 won by fall over Trent Polley (Brookfield) 8-3 (Fall 3:14)
  • Quarterfinal - Landon Clement (Diamond) 39-5 won by decision over Lane Scott (West Platte) 42-7 (Dec 6-4)
  • Quarterfinal - Sam Gibson (Trenton) 36-2 won by decision over Aaron Schlueter (Tarkio) 32-9 (Dec 6-4)

220 Class 1

  • Quarterfinal - Caleb Johnson (Trenton) 36-3 won by fall over Aiden Christian (Holden) 28-15 (Fall 2:00)
  • Quarterfinal - Luke Triplett (Palmyra) 37-7 won by fall over Jence Griffith (Adrian) 34-4 (Fall 3:53)
  • Quarterfinal - Tristin Gavette (Versailles) 35-5 won by decision over Fisher Nixdorf (Penney) 41-3 (Dec 10-7)
  • Quarterfinal - Rylan Kuhn (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 38-1 won by decision over Tyler May (Diamond) 39-10 (Dec 1-0)

285 Class 1

  • Quarterfinal - Austin Colvin (Stanberry) 31-3 won by fall over Brock Ballew (Versailles) 20-19 (Fall 1:01)
  • Quarterfinal - Sampson Stillwell (St. Michael the Archangel) 15-1 won by fall over Gabe Parker (Gallatin) 34-9 (Fall 3:21)
  • Quarterfinal - Seth Hasekamp (Centralia) 46-0 won by fall over Montana Hacker (El Dorado Springs) 27-13 (Fall 5:39)
  • Quarterfinal - Seth Cruz (Mid-Buchanan) 32-7 won by fall over William Brown (Adrian) 35-10 (Fall 2:52)

1st WB (16 Man)

106 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 1 - Mattox Sybert (North Andrew) 28-13 won by fall over Graysen Thieman (Holden) 20-21 (Fall 1:32)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Gabe Provin (Lathrop) 19-18 won by fall over Abel Curdt (Brentwood) 24-17 (Fall 0:24)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Kaden Gegg (Valle Catholic) 37-12 won by medical forfeit over Owen Weatherspoon (Lawson) 15-23 (M. For.)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Bryson Dubes (Centralia) 23-10 won by fall over Tristan Young (North Callaway) 32-14 (Fall 3:50)

113 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 1 - Weston Ward (Centralia) 31-8 won by decision over Mason Grosz (Knob Noster) 22-19 (Dec 1-0)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Gage DeShon (Lathrop) 20-9 won by fall over Carson Moreno (Holden) 36-7 (Fall 2:51)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Dillan Chisam (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 32-10 won by major decision over Cashton Holloway (North Callaway) 31-9 (MD 10-0)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Tennison Nixdorf (Penney) 30-18 won by fall over Solomon Noble (Lift For Life Academy Charter) 23-12 (Fall 3:40)

120 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 1 - Jesse Lane (Brentwood) 32-8 won by fall over Laren Dietz (Lawson) 22-22 (Fall 1:37)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Ryder Coons (Mid-Buchanan) 28-21 won by major decision over Tyler Kloeppel (Fatima) 10-19 (MD 10-0)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Caleb Lucas (Rock Port) 21-12 won by major decision over William Kuehn (Valle Catholic) 27-18 (MD 10-1)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Mason Smith (Sherwood) 30-13 won by fall over John Higgins (North Callaway) 17-24 (Fall 1:15)

126 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 1 - Payton Arnold (Knob Noster) 32-14 won by medical forfeit over Kyler Simon (Lathrop) 23-15 (M. For.)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Wyatt Rice (Richmond) 28-9 won by fall over Kanye Glenn (Lift For Life Academy Charter) 17-14 (Fall 3:15)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Mason Rongey (Trenton) 36-14 won by fall over Jon Halfmann (St. Pius X (Festus)) 19-10 (Fall 3:22)
  • Cons. Round 1 - David Maschger (St. Michael the Archangel) 21-23 won by decision over Samuel Leach (Maplewood-Richmond Hts.) 24-15 (Dec 6-1)

132 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 1 - Brayden Pillars (Palmyra) 32-19 won by fall over Dalton McNeal (Lawson) 15-18 (Fall 2:45)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Dalton Doss (Tipton) 45-9 won by medical forfeit over Andrew Boltd (St. Pius X (Festus)) 8-14 (M. For.)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Braxton Ernst (Lafayette County) 28-14 won by fall over AJ Siegel (North Callaway) 22-19 (Fall 3:33)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Stephon Brown (Lift For Life Academy Charter) 22-13 won by decision over Nick Bagley (Warsaw) 21-8 (Dec 7-5)

138 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 1 - Owen Dowdy (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) 43-3 won by fall over Nathan McDonald (Knob Noster) 31-14 (Fall 2:03)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Gavyn Colbert (Central (New Madrid County)) 27-11 won by decision over Alex Radefeld (Versailles) 20-8 (Dec 7-5)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Riley Humphrey (North Callaway) 30-5 won by fall over Peyson Chandler (West Platte) 31-15 (Fall 1:59)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Justice Vickers (Adrian) 17-13 won by fall over Daryus Shurn (Steam Academy) 25-10 (Fall 2:31)

145 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 1 - Larry Norrington (Lift For Life Academy Charter) 26-3 won by fall over Zander Kountz (Mid-Buchanan) 9-16 (Fall 2:12)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Quentin Umbaugh (Lathrop) 27-13 won by fall over Ayden Munford (South Callaway) 12-15 (Fall 0:51)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Caden McLallen (Plattsburg) 22-24 won by fall over Braxtyn Frankenberg (St. Francis Borgia) 22-11 (Fall 2:40)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Blake Whipple (North Callaway) 31-14 won by fall over Kwynnon Duvall (California) 15-11 (Fall 2:15)

152 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 1 - Wyatt Moran (Plattsburg) 38-12 won by fall over Tye Edgar (Versailles) 16-15 (Fall 1:42)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Brayden Clement (Diamond) 22-26 won by fall over Christian Williams (Central (New Madrid County)) 17-19 (Fall 2:42)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Coleman Griffin (Trenton) 33-5 won by fall over Carson Safranski (North Callaway) 31-17 (Fall 0:37)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Hudson Karr (Warsaw) 24-15 won by decision over Estiven Levin (St. Francis Borgia) 26-18 (Dec 9-4)

160 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 1 - Kaden Owen (Trenton) 24-9 won by fall over Michael Martin (Knob Noster) 27-17 (Fall 2:23)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Keegan Holder (Lawson) 21-22 won by fall over Joseph Volmert (St. Francis Borgia) 12-24 (Fall 2:50)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Aaron Hargis (South Callaway) 6-7 won by fall over Kyle Burke (Albany) 25-23 (Fall 2:04)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Kendrell Carter (Brookfield) 24-13 won by fall over Luke Schroeder (Fatima) 23-11 (Fall 0:49)

170 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 1 - Isaac Rodriguez (Butler) 29-6 won by decision over Andrew Stone (Polo) 36-16 (Dec 5-1)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Coy Sobotka (Maysville) 29-16 won by fall over Mathias Lobb (North Callaway) 28-17 (Fall 2:05)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Bo Graves (Tarkio) 10-13 won by decision over Chase Willis (Fatima) 11-19 (Dec 4-0)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Zach Kelly (Mid-Buchanan) 39-6 won by fall over Jagger Gray (Gallatin) 29-14 (Fall 1:50)

182 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 1 - Colten Stevens (Rock Port) 41-4 won by decision over Kasten VanMeter (South Harrison) 34-20 (Dec 6-2)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Ty Douglas (Diamond) 42-10 won by decision over Ethan Jackson (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) 26-13 (Dec 8-2)
  • Cons. Round 1 - David Brown (West Platte) 37-18 won by fall over Connor Henderson (Central (New Madrid County)) 23-6 (Fall 2:02)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Blake Hawes (Lone Jack) 30-11 won by decision over Anthony Braasch (Maplewood-Richmond Hts.) 32-8 (Dec 7-6)

195 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 1 - Jayden Maggert (St. Paul Lutheran (Concordia)) 33-8 won by fall over Xander Mavel (Lawson) 29-16 (Fall 2:53)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Zach Berry (St. Michael the Archangel) 15-10 won by fall over Ty Blakey (Central (New Madrid County)) 30-14 (Fall 1:18)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Henry Ritter (Brentwood) 31-13 won by decision over Draygan Schweizer (Gallatin) 17-24 (Dec 9-2)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Tyler Burgin (Sherwood) 20-17 won by decision over Jacob Calbreath (Valle Catholic) 30-7 (Dec 11-6)

220 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 1 - Caleb McCartney (Plattsburg) 16-14 won by decision over Jamian Golden (Central (New Madrid County)) 30-6 (Dec 4-3)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Owen Stockbauer (Mid-Buchanan) 26-21 won by fall over Hyun Gu Lee (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) 7-14 (Fall 0:56)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Aidan Davis (Lawson) 14-14 won by fall over Noah Elbert (Valle Catholic) 35-12 (Fall 3:47)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Trevor Herzing (Fatima) 23-6 won by fall over Caden Munson (Lafayette County) 32-10 (Fall 4:30)

285 Class 1

  • Cons. Round 1 - Dawson Miller (Penney) 31-22 won by fall over Demarco Moore (Lift For Life Academy Charter) 13-4 (Fall 2:13)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Trevor Rush (Plattsburg) 15-14 won in sudden victory - 1 over Jason Jones (Central (New Madrid County)) 16-22 (SV-1 4-2)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Oscar Sauceda (University Academy Charter) 20-11 won by fall over Chance Killian (North Callaway) 17-21 (Fall 3:47)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Jarrett Eivins (South Harrison) 34-10 won by fall over Hunter Smith (St. Francis Borgia) 21-13 (Fall 1:20)

Round 1 (16 Man)

106 Class 1

  • Champ. Round 1 - Alek Tune (Fatima) 24-12 won by fall over Graysen Thieman (Holden) 20-21 (Fall 1:15)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Alex Martin (Penney) 38-9 won by fall over Mattox Sybert (North Andrew) 28-13 (Fall 0:32)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Levi Wilhelm (Knob Noster) 36-3 won by fall over Abel Curdt (Brentwood) 24-17 (Fall 1:16)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Clayton Teat (Richmond) 24-4 won by fall over Gabe Provin (Lathrop) 19-18 (Fall 1:15)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Drew Griffin (Marceline) 33-2 won by medical forfeit over Owen Weatherspoon (Lawson) 15-23 (M. For.)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Breydon Pelt (Diamond) 32-11 won by decision over Kaden Gegg (Valle Catholic) 37-12 (Dec 13-9)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Spencer Cunningham (Mid-Buchanan) 32-2 won by fall over Bryson Dubes (Centralia) 23-10 (Fall 0:56)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Gage Judd (Versailles) 20-16 won by fall over Tristan Young (North Callaway) 32-14 (Fall 3:57)

113 Class 1

  • Champ. Round 1 - Cody Strope (Fatima) 41-2 won by fall over Mason Grosz (Knob Noster) 22-19 (Fall 1:07)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Cooper Berry (Maysville) 38-12 won by fall over Weston Ward (Centralia) 31-8 (Fall 2:52)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Daishaun Wilbourn (Maplewood-Richmond Hts.) 32-7 won by fall over Carson Moreno (Holden) 36-7 (Fall 3:24)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Cayden Morris (Richmond) 26-11 won in sudden victory - 1 over Gage DeShon (Lathrop) 20-9 (SV-1 8-6)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Peyton Parn (Brookfield) 39-1 won by injury default over Dillan Chisam (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 32-10 (Inj. 0:01)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Donovan Campbell (Warsaw) 25-12 won by fall over Cashton Holloway (North Callaway) 31-9 (Fall 2:42)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Dallas Grippando (Mid-Buchanan) 25-4 won by fall over Tennison Nixdorf (Penney) 30-18 (Fall 3:16)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Patrick Morrow (California) 32-18 won by fall over Solomon Noble (Lift For Life Academy Charter) 23-12 (Fall 5:29)

120 Class 1

  • Champ. Round 1 - Zach Conner (Lafayette County) 22-14 won by fall over Jesse Lane (Brentwood) 32-8 (Fall 3:32)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Daylen Greene (Holden) 42-5 won by fall over Laren Dietz (Lawson) 22-22 (Fall 2:41)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Brayden Dubes (Centralia) 44-2 won by fall over Tyler Kloeppel (Fatima) 10-19 (Fall 0:40)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Kannen Wilson (Versailles) 21-6 won by decision over Ryder Coons (Mid-Buchanan) 28-21 (Dec 10-4)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Lucas Barry (St. Michael the Archangel) 37-10 won by fall over Caleb Lucas (Rock Port) 21-12 (Fall 0:20)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Mason Hamilton (South Harrison) 40-11 won by fall over William Kuehn (Valle Catholic) 27-18 (Fall 4:42)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Gavin Shoush (Albany) 41-8 won by fall over Mason Smith (Sherwood) 30-13 (Fall 0:53)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Josh Payne (Lexington) 42-5 won by fall over John Higgins (North Callaway) 17-24 (Fall 0:51)

126 Class 1

  • Champ. Round 1 - Lane Kimbley (North Callaway) 43-2 won by medical forfeit over Kyler Simon (Lathrop) 23-15 (M. For.)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Canaan Wright (Marceline) 31-8 won by fall over Payton Arnold (Knob Noster) 32-14 (Fall 2:14)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Dawson Fansher (North Andrew) 30-0 won by fall over Kanye Glenn (Lift For Life Academy Charter) 17-14 (Fall 0:48)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Blake Eads (Sherwood) 23-15 won by decision over Wyatt Rice (Richmond) 28-9 (Dec 10-7)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Frank Ruether (Father Tolton Regional Catholic) 19-9 won by decision over Mason Rongey (Trenton) 36-14 (Dec 5-2)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Noah Gonzalez (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 44-2 won by fall over Jon Halfmann (St. Pius X (Festus)) 19-10 (Fall 1:02)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Gambal Staddie (Brookfield) 35-3 won by decision over David Maschger (St. Michael the Archangel) 21-23 (Dec 9-2)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Clancey Woodward (Mid-Buchanan) 36-11 won by fall over Samuel Leach (Maplewood-Richmond Hts.) 24-15 (Fall 0:39)

132 Class 1

  • Champ. Round 1 - Joseph Flieg (Valle Catholic) 39-8 won by fall over Dalton McNeal (Lawson) 15-18 (Fall 3:12)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Logan Yoder (Holden) 37-6 won by decision over Brayden Pillars (Palmyra) 32-19 (Dec 9-7)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Marco Dalakishvili (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 46-1 won by injury default over Andrew Boltd (St. Pius X (Festus)) 8-14 (Inj. 0:00)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Conner Teat (Richmond) 34-3 won by fall over Dalton Doss (Tipton) 45-9 (Fall 1:23)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Drew Stanfield (St. Michael the Archangel) 46-2 won by fall over Braxton Ernst (Lafayette County) 28-14 (Fall 1:18)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Draken Bennett (Maysville) 40-16 won by fall over AJ Siegel (North Callaway) 22-19 (Fall 4:37)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jesse Shannon (Centralia) 16-3 won by fall over Nick Bagley (Warsaw) 21-8 (Fall 1:00)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Keaton Coots (Lathrop) 29-12 won by fall over Stephon Brown (Lift For Life Academy Charter) 22-13 (Fall 3:23)

138 Class 1

  • Champ. Round 1 - Devan Parn (Brookfield) 30-11 won by major decision over Owen Dowdy (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) 43-3 (MD 9-0)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Joey Hofmeister (Plattsburg) 20-12 won by fall over Nathan McDonald (Knob Noster) 31-14 (Fall 5:56)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Collin Arch (Palmyra) 38-0 won by fall over Gavyn Colbert (Central (New Madrid County)) 27-11 (Fall 1:49)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Clayton Rotterman (Mid-Buchanan) 27-16 won by decision over Alex Radefeld (Versailles) 20-8 (Dec 7-6)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Justus Martin (Father Tolton Regional Catholic) 36-6 won by fall over Peyson Chandler (West Platte) 31-15 (Fall 3:54)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Conner Quinn (Marceline) 28-8 won by major decision over Riley Humphrey (North Callaway) 30-5 (MD 8-0)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jaiden DeFries (Lathrop) 25-7 won by fall over Justice Vickers (Adrian) 17-13 (Fall 0:34)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Hunter McAtee (Trenton) 30-3 won by major decision over Daryus Shurn (Steam Academy) 25-10 (MD 12-3)

145 Class 1

  • Champ. Round 1 - Jace Bixenman (Marceline) 27-11 won by decision over Larry Norrington (Lift For Life Academy Charter) 26-3 (Dec 10-9)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Michael McCoy (Adrian) 41-8 won by decision over Zander Kountz (Mid-Buchanan) 9-16 (Dec 3-1)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Kyden Wilkerson (Centralia) 25-2 won by fall over Ayden Munford (South Callaway) 12-15 (Fall 1:43)
  • Champ. Round 1 - William (Frank) Hazelrigg (Father Tolton Regional Catholic) 36-9 won by fall over Quentin Umbaugh (Lathrop) 27-13 (Fall 4:42)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Lucas Estes (St. Michael the Archangel) 37-11 won by fall over Caden McLallen (Plattsburg) 22-24 (Fall 0:56)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Elijah Sanders (Richmond) 31-6 won by fall over Braxtyn Frankenberg (St. Francis Borgia) 22-11 (Fall 0:42)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Kaleb Jestes (Maysville) 45-9 won by fall over Kwynnon Duvall (California) 15-11 (Fall 1:39)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Colton Parn (Brookfield) 17-5 won by major decision over Blake Whipple (North Callaway) 31-14 (MD 12-3)

152 Class 1

  • Champ. Round 1 - Josh Bieser (Valle Catholic) 46-2 won by fall over Wyatt Moran (Plattsburg) 38-12 (Fall 1:25)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Ryder Gooch (Marceline) 27-7 won by fall over Tye Edgar (Versailles) 16-15 (Fall 3:02)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Nathan Hyde (Mid-Buchanan) 35-9 won by fall over Christian Williams (Central (New Madrid County)) 17-19 (Fall 3:14)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Andon Allen (Gallatin) 27-11 won by fall over Brayden Clement (Diamond) 22-26 (Fall 2:41)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Brendin Patrick (Butler) 28-0 won by fall over Coleman Griffin (Trenton) 33-5 (Fall 2:15)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Drystin Dotson (Lathrop) 39-7 won by fall over Carson Safranski (North Callaway) 31-17 (Fall 1:15)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Isaiah Myers (Lafayette County) 30-6 won by fall over Hudson Karr (Warsaw) 24-15 (Fall 2:24)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Brendan Barton (Maysville) 39-13 won by fall over Estiven Levin (St. Francis Borgia) 26-18 (Fall 3:14)

160 Class 1

  • Champ. Round 1 - Eli Henry (North Callaway) 34-10 won by tech fall over Michael Martin (Knob Noster) 27-17 (TF-1.5 5:01 (18-3))
  • Champ. Round 1 - Cameron Williams (West Platte) 38-9 won by decision over Kaden Owen (Trenton) 24-9 (Dec 3-2)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jeramiah Smith (Summit Christian Academy) 40-7 won by fall over Joseph Volmert (St. Francis Borgia) 12-24 (Fall 2:35)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Rodell Sperry (Gallatin) 40-3 won by fall over Keegan Holder (Lawson) 21-22 (Fall 1:11)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Brayden Shelton (Centralia) 46-0 won by fall over Kyle Burke (Albany) 25-23 (Fall 1:03)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Kyle Flieger (Versailles) 35-11 won by fall over Aaron Hargis (South Callaway) 6-7 (Fall 0:53)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Colton Kirkham (Mid-Buchanan) 35-12 won by decision over Kendrell Carter (Brookfield) 24-13 (Dec 3-2)
  • Champ. Round 1 - James King (El Dorado Springs) 35-11 won by decision over Luke Schroeder (Fatima) 23-11 (Dec 7-6)

170 Class 1

  • Champ. Round 1 - Elijah Benningfield (South Callaway) 33-7 won by decision over Andrew Stone (Polo) 36-16 (Dec 5-1)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jackson Rotterman (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 34-5 won in tie breaker - 1 over Isaac Rodriguez (Butler) 29-6 (TB-1 2-1)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jaden Abongo (Brookfield) 32-3 won by fall over Mathias Lobb (North Callaway) 28-17 (Fall 0:43)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jacob Schrock (Versailles) 34-15 won by decision over Coy Sobotka (Maysville) 29-16 (Dec 7-0)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Ben Janssen (Lone Jack) 41-3 won by fall over Bo Graves (Tarkio) 10-13 (Fall 1:02)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Mason Barnett (Marceline) 21-2 won by fall over Chase Willis (Fatima) 11-19 (Fall 1:42)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Christian Whisler (Tipton) 16-4 won by fall over Zach Kelly (Mid-Buchanan) 39-6 (Fall 5:52)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jacob Wilcox (Central (New Madrid County)) 36-7 won by decision over Jagger Gray (Gallatin) 29-14 (Dec 5-3)

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  • Champ. Round 1 - Kamari Bradley (Gateway Science Charter) 32-2 won by decision over Kasten VanMeter (South Harrison) 34-20 (Dec 8-4)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Tristan Trumbore (Butler) 26-7 won by major decision over Colten Stevens (Rock Port) 41-4 (MD 13-2)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Hunter Nelson (Marceline) 33-5 won by tech fall over Ethan Jackson (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) 26-13 (TF-1.5 4:31 (16-1))
  • Champ. Round 1 - Denton Biller (Mid-Buchanan) 9-3 won by fall over Ty Douglas (Diamond) 42-10 (Fall 1:33)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jakson Wimberly (St. Michael the Archangel) 36-11 won by fall over David Brown (West Platte) 37-18 (Fall 3:13)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Logan Bottcher (Gallatin) 29-2 won by tech fall over Connor Henderson (Central (New Madrid County)) 23-6 (TF-1.5 5:49 (20-4))
  • Champ. Round 1 - Tanner Leonard (Lawson) 29-1 won by fall over Blake Hawes (Lone Jack) 30-11 (Fall 3:10)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Aidan Ivison (Richmond) 30-5 won by fall over Anthony Braasch (Maplewood-Richmond Hts.) 32-8 (Fall 1:54)

195 Class 1

  • Champ. Round 1 - Trey Schreckenberg (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) 33-3 won by fall over Xander Mavel (Lawson) 29-16 (Fall 0:29)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Trey Payne (Knob Noster) 34-4 won by decision over Jayden Maggert (St. Paul Lutheran (Concordia)) 33-8 (Dec 1-0)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Wade Stanton (Mid-Buchanan) 42-2 won by fall over Ty Blakey (Central (New Madrid County)) 30-14 (Fall 0:39)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Trent Polley (Brookfield) 8-3 won by decision over Zach Berry (St. Michael the Archangel) 15-10 (Dec 8-1)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Landon Clement (Diamond) 39-5 won by fall over Draygan Schweizer (Gallatin) 17-24 (Fall 0:57)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Lane Scott (West Platte) 42-7 won by fall over Henry Ritter (Brentwood) 31-13 (Fall 3:06)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Sam Gibson (Trenton) 36-2 won by decision over Tyler Burgin (Sherwood) 20-17 (Dec 5-1)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Aaron Schlueter (Tarkio) 32-9 won by fall over Jacob Calbreath (Valle Catholic) 30-7 (Fall 0:38)

220 Class 1

  • Champ. Round 1 - Aiden Christian (Holden) 28-15 won by decision over Jamian Golden (Central (New Madrid County)) 30-6 (Dec 3-1)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Caleb Johnson (Trenton) 36-3 won by fall over Caleb McCartney (Plattsburg) 16-14 (Fall 1:23)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jence Griffith (Adrian) 34-4 won by fall over Hyun Gu Lee (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) 7-14 (Fall 0:44)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Luke Triplett (Palmyra) 37-7 won by fall over Owen Stockbauer (Mid-Buchanan) 26-21 (Fall 2:25)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Fisher Nixdorf (Penney) 41-3 won by fall over Aidan Davis (Lawson) 14-14 (Fall 0:50)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Tristin Gavette (Versailles) 35-5 won by decision over Noah Elbert (Valle Catholic) 35-12 (Dec 3-1)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Rylan Kuhn (St. Pius X (Kansas City)) 38-1 won by decision over Caden Munson (Lafayette County) 32-10 (Dec 1-0)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Tyler May (Diamond) 39-10 won by decision over Trevor Herzing (Fatima) 23-6 (Dec 8-6)

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  • Champ. Round 1 - Brock Ballew (Versailles) 20-19 won by fall over Demarco Moore (Lift For Life Academy Charter) 13-4 (Fall 4:45)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Austin Colvin (Stanberry) 31-3 won by fall over Dawson Miller (Penney) 31-22 (Fall 0:45)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Sampson Stillwell (St. Michael the Archangel) 15-1 won by fall over Jason Jones (Central (New Madrid County)) 16-22 (Fall 0:25)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Gabe Parker (Gallatin) 34-9 won by fall over Trevor Rush (Plattsburg) 15-14 (Fall 5:01)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Seth Hasekamp (Centralia) 46-0 won by fall over Oscar Sauceda (University Academy Charter) 20-11 (Fall 1:28)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Montana Hacker (El Dorado Springs) 27-13 won by fall over Chance Killian (North Callaway) 17-21 (Fall 4:28)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Seth Cruz (Mid-Buchanan) 32-7 won by decision over Jarrett Eivins (South Harrison) 34-10 (Dec 8-2)
  • Champ. Round 1 - William Brown (Adrian) 35-10 won by fall over Hunter Smith (St. Francis Borgia) 21-13 (Fall 4:09)

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