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106 Class 1
    1st Place Match - Mike McAteer (Whitfield) 49-0 won by fall over Ronald Stewart (Maplewood-Richmond) 39-4 (Fall 1:30)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Caleb Kelly (Principia) 43-7 won by decision over Tyler Hachman (Lawson) 50-3 (Dec 1-0)
    5th Place Match - Ty Jones (Rock Port) 46-6 won by fall over Max Roark (Seneca) 35-20 (Fall 2:12)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Tyler Hachman (Lawson) 50-3 won by fall over Ty Jones (Rock Port) 46-6 (Fall 3:24)
    Cons. Semi - Caleb Kelly (Principia) 43-7 won by major decision over Max Roark (Seneca) 35-20 (MD 16-2)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Mike McAteer (Whitfield) 49-0 won by fall over Tyler Hachman (Lawson) 50-3 (Fall 2:48)
    Semifinal - Ronald Stewart (Maplewood-Richmond) 39-4 won by decision over Caleb Kelly (Principia) 43-7 (Dec 6-1)
    Cons. Round 3 - Ty Jones (Rock Port) 46-6 won by decision over Cody Graven (Maysville) 40-11 (Dec 5-2)
    Cons. Round 3 - Max Roark (Seneca) 35-20 won by decision over Konner Shewmaker (Versailles) 37-5 (Dec 6-0)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Ty Jones (Rock Port) 46-6 won by fall over Jacob Roberts (Penney) 33-17 (Fall 0:55)
    Cons. Round 2 - Cody Graven (Maysville) 40-11 won by major decision over Dallas Larsen (Warsaw) 47-6 (MD 14-1)
    Cons. Round 2 - Max Roark (Seneca) 35-20 won by fall over Tommy Weeks (Adrian) 34-19 (Fall 2:46)
    Cons. Round 2 - Konner Shewmaker (Versailles) 37-5 won by fall over Jacob Shipley (Butler) 33-14 (Fall 2:32)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Mike McAteer (Whitfield) 49-0 won by fall over Konner Shewmaker (Versailles) 37-5 (Fall 1:16)
    Quarterfinal - Tyler Hachman (Lawson) 50-3 won by fall over Max Roark (Seneca) 35-20 (Fall 0:38)
    Quarterfinal - Ronald Stewart (Maplewood-Richmond) 39-4 won by major decision over Dallas Larsen (Warsaw) 47-6 (MD 15-2)
    Quarterfinal - Caleb Kelly (Principia) 43-7 won by decision over Ty Jones (Rock Port) 46-6 (Dec 3-2)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Jacob Roberts (Penney) 33-17 won by decision over Ethan Skinner (Lafayette County) 22-14 (Dec 8-3)
    Cons. Round 1 - Cody Graven (Maysville) 40-11 won by fall over Brian Thornton (Lutheran St. Charles) 25-19 (Fall 1:26)
    Cons. Round 1 - Tommy Weeks (Adrian) 34-19 won by fall over James Jury (Brookfield) 24-24 (Fall 1:26)
    Cons. Round 1 - Jacob Shipley (Butler) 33-14 won by decision over Clayton Haslag (Fatima) 22-23 (Dec 9-2)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Mike McAteer (Whitfield) 49-0 won by fall over Ethan Skinner (Lafayette County) 22-14 (Fall 0:49)
    Champ. Round 1 - Konner Shewmaker (Versailles) 37-5 won by major decision over Jacob Roberts (Penney) 33-17 (MD 11-2)
    Champ. Round 1 - Tyler Hachman (Lawson) 50-3 won by fall over Brian Thornton (Lutheran St. Charles) 25-19 (Fall 1:17)
    Champ. Round 1 - Max Roark (Seneca) 35-20 won by fall over Cody Graven (Maysville) 40-11 (Fall 4:26)
    Champ. Round 1 - Dallas Larsen (Warsaw) 47-6 won by fall over James Jury (Brookfield) 24-24 (Fall 1:28)
    Champ. Round 1 - Ronald Stewart (Maplewood-Richmond) 39-4 won by fall over Tommy Weeks (Adrian) 34-19 (Fall 1:40)
    Champ. Round 1 - Ty Jones (Rock Port) 46-6 won by tech fall over Clayton Haslag (Fatima) 22-23 (TF-1.5 4:53 (18-3))
    Champ. Round 1 - Caleb Kelly (Principia) 43-7 won by fall over Jacob Shipley (Butler) 33-14 (Fall 3:33)
113 Class 1
    1st Place Match - JR Ditter (Whitfield) 45-4 won by fall over James Todaro (Herculaneum) 42-8 (Fall 4:25)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Dylan Wheeler (Marceline) 56-3 won by fall over Dawson Stephens (Seneca) 28-19 (Fall 2:34)
    5th Place Match - Andrew Newbrough (Centralia) 36-16 won by decision over Kooper Wilson (Versailles) 37-14 (Dec 2-0)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Dawson Stephens (Seneca) 28-19 won by decision over Kooper Wilson (Versailles) 37-14 (Dec 4-2)
    Cons. Semi - Dylan Wheeler (Marceline) 56-3 won by decision over Andrew Newbrough (Centralia) 36-16 (Dec 9-2)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - JR Ditter (Whitfield) 45-4 won by tech fall over Dawson Stephens (Seneca) 28-19 (TF-1.5 4:44 (16-0))
    Semifinal - James Todaro (Herculaneum) 42-8 won by injury default over Dylan Wheeler (Marceline) 56-3 (Inj. 2:32)
    Cons. Round 3 - Kooper Wilson (Versailles) 37-14 won by decision over Cody Kistner (Lathrop) 29-7 (Dec 4-3)
    Cons. Round 3 - Andrew Newbrough (Centralia) 36-16 won by decision over Dalton Wade (Maysville) 38-16 (Dec 4-2)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Kooper Wilson (Versailles) 37-14 won by decision over Robert Gutierrez (Tipton) 36-9 (Dec 4-3)
    Cons. Round 2 - Cody Kistner (Lathrop) 29-7 won by decision over Kade Kennedy (Plattsburg) 29-22 (Dec 10-6)
    Cons. Round 2 - Andrew Newbrough (Centralia) 36-16 won by decision over Chase Wheeler (Carrollton) 34-15 (Dec 5-0)
    Cons. Round 2 - Dalton Wade (Maysville) 38-16 won by major decision over Domanic Robinson (Holden) 17-24 (MD 12-0)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - JR Ditter (Whitfield) 45-4 won by tech fall over Dalton Wade (Maysville) 38-16 (TF-1.5 2:22 (16-0))
    Quarterfinal - Dawson Stephens (Seneca) 28-19 won by fall over Chase Wheeler (Carrollton) 34-15 (Fall 5:33)
    Quarterfinal - James Todaro (Herculaneum) 42-8 won by fall over Cody Kistner (Lathrop) 29-7 (Fall 3:35)
    Quarterfinal - Dylan Wheeler (Marceline) 56-3 won by fall over Kooper Wilson (Versailles) 37-14 (Fall 2:59)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Robert Gutierrez (Tipton) 36-9 won by tech fall over Devin Driskell (West Platte) 28-24 (TF-1.5 4:09 (17-0))
    Cons. Round 1 - Kade Kennedy (Plattsburg) 29-22 won by fall over Chase Lynch (Brentwood) 25-31 (Fall 2:10)
    Cons. Round 1 - Andrew Newbrough (Centralia) 36-16 won by decision over Jacob Partridge (Maryville) 15-33 (Dec 7-1)
    Cons. Round 1 - Domanic Robinson (Holden) 17-24 won by decision over Hunter Hummell (Principia) 12-13 (Dec 4-2)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - JR Ditter (Whitfield) 45-4 won by tech fall over Robert Gutierrez (Tipton) 36-9 (TF-1.5 5:52 (16-1))
    Champ. Round 1 - Dalton Wade (Maysville) 38-16 won by major decision over Devin Driskell (West Platte) 28-24 (MD 11-0)
    Champ. Round 1 - Dawson Stephens (Seneca) 28-19 won by fall over Chase Lynch (Brentwood) 25-31 (Fall 3:17)
    Champ. Round 1 - Chase Wheeler (Carrollton) 34-15 won by fall over Kade Kennedy (Plattsburg) 29-22 (Fall 1:07)
    Champ. Round 1 - Cody Kistner (Lathrop) 29-7 won by fall over Jacob Partridge (Maryville) 15-33 (Fall 3:12)
    Champ. Round 1 - James Todaro (Herculaneum) 42-8 won by decision over Andrew Newbrough (Centralia) 36-16 (Dec 10-6)
    Champ. Round 1 - Dylan Wheeler (Marceline) 56-3 won by fall over Domanic Robinson (Holden) 17-24 (Fall 3:32)
    Champ. Round 1 - Kooper Wilson (Versailles) 37-14 won by fall over Hunter Hummell (Principia) 12-13 (Fall 3:22)
120 Class 1
    1st Place Match - Romelle Person (Maplewood-Richmond) 45-1 won in sudden victory - 1 over Kaleb Popplewell (Maysville) 43-4 (SV-1 8-4)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Cooper Oconnor (Plattsburg) 54-5 won by decision over Dalton Fisher (Marceline) 49-5 (Dec 6-0)
    5th Place Match - Coby Seiz (Holden) 33-10 won by fall over Bryce Andrews (Hancock) 40-7 (Fall 2:43)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Cooper Oconnor (Plattsburg) 54-5 won by decision over Coby Seiz (Holden) 33-10 (Dec 4-2)
    Cons. Semi - Dalton Fisher (Marceline) 49-5 won by decision over Bryce Andrews (Hancock) 40-7 (Dec 10-6)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Romelle Person (Maplewood-Richmond) 45-1 won by decision over Cooper Oconnor (Plattsburg) 54-5 (Dec 4-3)
    Semifinal - Kaleb Popplewell (Maysville) 43-4 won by fall over Bryce Andrews (Hancock) 40-7 (Fall 3:16)
    Cons. Round 3 - Coby Seiz (Holden) 33-10 won by decision over Nathan Long (Versailles) 49-6 (Dec 6-2)
    Cons. Round 3 - Dalton Fisher (Marceline) 49-5 won by fall over Hunter Dalinghaus (Lathrop) 41-12 (Fall 1:53)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Coby Seiz (Holden) 33-10 won by decision over Jake Williams (Mid-Buchanan) 39-18 (Dec 4-0)
    Cons. Round 2 - Nathan Long (Versailles) 49-6 won by fall over Joshua Garner (Cleveland NJROTC) 27-9 (Fall 2:17)
    Cons. Round 2 - Hunter Dalinghaus (Lathrop) 41-12 won by fall over Matthew Jackman (Brookfield) 24-18 (Fall 2:30)
    Cons. Round 2 - Dalton Fisher (Marceline) 49-5 won by decision over Richard Jordan (Whitfield) 24-27 (Dec 9-3)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Romelle Person (Maplewood-Richmond) 45-1 won in sudden victory - 1 over Dalton Fisher (Marceline) 49-5 (SV-1 8-6)
    Quarterfinal - Cooper Oconnor (Plattsburg) 54-5 won by fall over Matthew Jackman (Brookfield) 24-18 (Fall 1:34)
    Quarterfinal - Bryce Andrews (Hancock) 40-7 won by fall over Nathan Long (Versailles) 49-6 (Fall 5:34)
    Quarterfinal - Kaleb Popplewell (Maysville) 43-4 won by decision over Coby Seiz (Holden) 33-10 (Dec 10-3)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Jake Williams (Mid-Buchanan) 39-18 won by forfeit over Marshall Wilson (Warsaw) 33-9 (For.)
    Cons. Round 1 - Joshua Garner (Cleveland NJROTC) 27-9 won by decision over Matt Caputo (Seneca) 17-23 (Dec 5-2)
    Cons. Round 1 - Hunter Dalinghaus (Lathrop) 41-12 won by fall over Wesley Crawford (Polo) 18-15 (Fall 0:48)
    Cons. Round 1 - Richard Jordan (Whitfield) 24-27 won by fall over Braydon Specker (Centralia) 16-16 (Fall 0:10)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Romelle Person (Maplewood-Richmond) 45-1 won by fall over Jake Williams (Mid-Buchanan) 39-18 (Fall 3:03)
    Champ. Round 1 - Dalton Fisher (Marceline) 49-5 won by forfeit over Marshall Wilson (Warsaw) 33-9 (For.)
    Champ. Round 1 - Cooper Oconnor (Plattsburg) 54-5 won by major decision over Joshua Garner (Cleveland NJROTC) 27-9 (MD 16-5)
    Champ. Round 1 - Matthew Jackman (Brookfield) 24-18 won by decision over Matt Caputo (Seneca) 17-23 (Dec 9-3)
    Champ. Round 1 - Nathan Long (Versailles) 49-6 won by tech fall over Wesley Crawford (Polo) 18-15 (TF-1.5 3:44 (17-0))
    Champ. Round 1 - Bryce Andrews (Hancock) 40-7 won by major decision over Hunter Dalinghaus (Lathrop) 41-12 (MD 12-4)
    Champ. Round 1 - Kaleb Popplewell (Maysville) 43-4 won by fall over Braydon Specker (Centralia) 16-16 (Fall 0:39)
    Champ. Round 1 - Coby Seiz (Holden) 33-10 won by major decision over Richard Jordan (Whitfield) 24-27 (MD 12-0)
126 Class 1
    1st Place Match - Brock Mauller (Father Tolton Reg. Catholic) 44-2 won by fall over Trey Smith (Seneca) 14-2 (Fall 2:11)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Alex Hollingsworth (Lexington) 51-7 won by decision over Dakota Jones (Adrian) 43-6 (Dec 7-4)
    5th Place Match - Carter Kinkead (Centralia) 36-14 won by major decision over Rhiley Smith (Central (New Madrid)) 32-11 (MD 11-1)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Alex Hollingsworth (Lexington) 51-7 won by decision over Carter Kinkead (Centralia) 36-14 (Dec 5-1)
    Cons. Semi - Dakota Jones (Adrian) 43-6 won by decision over Rhiley Smith (Central (New Madrid)) 32-11 (Dec 6-0)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Trey Smith (Seneca) 14-2 won by major decision over Carter Kinkead (Centralia) 36-14 (MD 10-2)
    Semifinal - Brock Mauller (Father Tolton Reg. Catholic) 44-2 won by major decision over Dakota Jones (Adrian) 43-6 (MD 19-5)
    Cons. Round 3 - Alex Hollingsworth (Lexington) 51-7 won by decision over Derek Guyer (Plattsburg) 36-10 (Dec 4-0)
    Cons. Round 3 - Rhiley Smith (Central (New Madrid)) 32-11 won by fall over Logan Dietz (Lawson) 30-16 (Fall 1:34)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Alex Hollingsworth (Lexington) 51-7 won by major decision over Cameron Wheeler (Carrollton) 29-17 (MD 10-2)
    Cons. Round 2 - Derek Guyer (Plattsburg) 36-10 won by decision over Dylan Wade (Maysville) 37-19 (Dec 3-1)
    Cons. Round 2 - Logan Dietz (Lawson) 30-16 won by medical forfeit over Nathaniel Alexander (Maryville) 39-8 (M. For.)
    Cons. Round 2 - Rhiley Smith (Central (New Madrid)) 32-11 won by decision over London Gaydos (Blair Oaks) 25-13 (Dec 7-5)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Carter Kinkead (Centralia) 36-14 won by decision over Rhiley Smith (Central (New Madrid)) 32-11 (Dec 7-0)
    Quarterfinal - Trey Smith (Seneca) 14-2 won by decision over Nathaniel Alexander (Maryville) 39-8 (Dec 8-2)
    Quarterfinal - Brock Mauller (Father Tolton Reg. Catholic) 44-2 won by fall over Dylan Wade (Maysville) 37-19 (Fall 0:56)
    Quarterfinal - Dakota Jones (Adrian) 43-6 won by fall over Cameron Wheeler (Carrollton) 29-17 (Fall 3:12)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Alex Hollingsworth (Lexington) 51-7 won by fall over Rian Critten (Gallatin) 27-15 (Fall 1:21)
    Cons. Round 1 - Derek Guyer (Plattsburg) 36-10 won by fall over Brandon Siebert (Orchard Farm) 7-15 (Fall 3:44)
    Cons. Round 1 - Logan Dietz (Lawson) 30-16 won by fall over Jesse O`Dell (Herculaneum) 35-13 (Fall 2:38)
    Cons. Round 1 - London Gaydos (Blair Oaks) 25-13 won by fall over Kar`Mel Brewer (Maplewood-Richmond) 29-12 (Fall 2:30)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Rhiley Smith (Central (New Madrid)) 32-11 won by decision over Rian Critten (Gallatin) 27-15 (Dec 9-3)
    Champ. Round 1 - Carter Kinkead (Centralia) 36-14 won by decision over Alex Hollingsworth (Lexington) 51-7 (Dec 10-3)
    Champ. Round 1 - Nathaniel Alexander (Maryville) 39-8 won by fall over Brandon Siebert (Orchard Farm) 7-15 (Fall 1:37)
    Champ. Round 1 - Trey Smith (Seneca) 14-2 won by decision over Derek Guyer (Plattsburg) 36-10 (Dec 2-0)
    Champ. Round 1 - Brock Mauller (Father Tolton Reg. Catholic) 44-2 won by tech fall over Logan Dietz (Lawson) 30-16 (TF-1.5 4:22 (19-3))
    Champ. Round 1 - Dylan Wade (Maysville) 37-19 won in sudden victory - 1 over Jesse O`Dell (Herculaneum) 35-13 (SV-1 6-4)
    Champ. Round 1 - Dakota Jones (Adrian) 43-6 won by fall over London Gaydos (Blair Oaks) 25-13 (Fall 2:35)
    Champ. Round 1 - Cameron Wheeler (Carrollton) 29-17 won by fall over Kar`Mel Brewer (Maplewood-Richmond) 29-12 (Fall 1:06)
132 Class 1
    1st Place Match - Jesse Rhoades (Seneca) 44-5 won by decision over Frankie Falotico (Blair Oaks) 54-2 (Dec 7-2)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Jimmie McFall (Lawson) 44-10 won by decision over Cody Huhn (Fatima) 13-5 (Dec 2-1)
    5th Place Match - Zachary Shannon (Adrian) 43-12 won by fall over Wyatt Bird (Gallatin) 37-12 (Fall 2:39)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Cody Huhn (Fatima) 13-5 won in sudden victory - 1 over Zachary Shannon (Adrian) 43-12 (SV-1 6-4)
    Cons. Semi - Jimmie McFall (Lawson) 44-10 won by fall over Wyatt Bird (Gallatin) 37-12 (Fall 2:47)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Frankie Falotico (Blair Oaks) 54-2 won by tech fall over Cody Huhn (Fatima) 13-5 (TF-1.5 5:39 (15-0))
    Semifinal - Jesse Rhoades (Seneca) 44-5 won by decision over Jimmie McFall (Lawson) 44-10 (Dec 10-3)
    Cons. Round 3 - Zachary Shannon (Adrian) 43-12 won by major decision over Drew Rorebeck (Trenton) 37-10 (MD 11-2)
    Cons. Round 3 - Wyatt Bird (Gallatin) 37-12 won in tie breaker - 1 over Alex Cupp (Marceline) 13-8 (TB-1 2-1)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Drew Rorebeck (Trenton) 37-10 won by decision over Dalton Schlie (Plattsburg) 44-14 (Dec 6-2)
    Cons. Round 2 - Zachary Shannon (Adrian) 43-12 won by fall over Remington Renfro (Diamond) 33-17 (Fall 2:14)
    Cons. Round 2 - Wyatt Bird (Gallatin) 37-12 won by major decision over Gary Silerio (Brentwood) 43-12 (MD 14-2)
    Cons. Round 2 - Alex Cupp (Marceline) 13-8 won by decision over Cayden Bertz (Lexington) 29-14 (Dec 2-0)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Cody Huhn (Fatima) 13-5 won by decision over Alex Cupp (Marceline) 13-8 (Dec 6-1)
    Quarterfinal - Frankie Falotico (Blair Oaks) 54-2 won by tech fall over Wyatt Bird (Gallatin) 37-12 (TF-1.5 5:22 (16-1))
    Quarterfinal - Jimmie McFall (Lawson) 44-10 won by fall over Remington Renfro (Diamond) 33-17 (Fall 2:32)
    Quarterfinal - Jesse Rhoades (Seneca) 44-5 won by fall over Drew Rorebeck (Trenton) 37-10 (Fall 5:47)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Dalton Schlie (Plattsburg) 44-14 won by major decision over Treyvon Williams (Maplewood-Richmond) 29-13 (MD 13-0)
    Cons. Round 1 - Zachary Shannon (Adrian) 43-12 won by forfeit over Derek Griffitts (Lutheran St. Charles) 22-30 (For.)
    Cons. Round 1 - Gary Silerio (Brentwood) 43-12 won by fall over Cayden Dunbar (Maryville) 35-17 (Fall 0:54)
    Cons. Round 1 - Cayden Bertz (Lexington) 29-14 won by decision over Noah Ostler (Principia) 10-28 (Dec 8-1)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Cody Huhn (Fatima) 13-5 won by major decision over Treyvon Williams (Maplewood-Richmond) 29-13 (MD 8-0)
    Champ. Round 1 - Alex Cupp (Marceline) 13-8 won by decision over Dalton Schlie (Plattsburg) 44-14 (Dec 5-3)
    Champ. Round 1 - Frankie Falotico (Blair Oaks) 54-2 won by forfeit over Derek Griffitts (Lutheran St. Charles) 22-30 (For.)
    Champ. Round 1 - Wyatt Bird (Gallatin) 37-12 won by decision over Zachary Shannon (Adrian) 43-12 (Dec 7-4)
    Champ. Round 1 - Jimmie McFall (Lawson) 44-10 won by fall over Cayden Dunbar (Maryville) 35-17 (Fall 1:01)
    Champ. Round 1 - Remington Renfro (Diamond) 33-17 won by tech fall over Gary Silerio (Brentwood) 43-12 (TF-1.5 6:00 (21-3))
    Champ. Round 1 - Drew Rorebeck (Trenton) 37-10 won by fall over Cayden Bertz (Lexington) 29-14 (Fall 3:00)
    Champ. Round 1 - Jesse Rhoades (Seneca) 44-5 won by fall over Noah Ostler (Principia) 10-28 (Fall 1:03)
138 Class 1
    1st Place Match - Will Roark (Seneca) 53-0 won by fall over Caleb Schroeder (Fatima) 35-6 (Fall 1:26)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Jacob Brock (Lathrop) 46-4 won by decision over Colton Williams (Lawson) 43-9 (Dec 7-3)
    5th Place Match - Dylan Shotwell (Whitfield) 34-23 won by decision over Luke West (Hallsville) 37-22 (Dec 5-3)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Colton Williams (Lawson) 43-9 won by decision over Luke West (Hallsville) 37-22 (Dec 4-1)
    Cons. Semi - Jacob Brock (Lathrop) 46-4 won by decision over Dylan Shotwell (Whitfield) 34-23 (Dec 2-1)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Caleb Schroeder (Fatima) 35-6 won by decision over Colton Williams (Lawson) 43-9 (Dec 6-3)
    Semifinal - Will Roark (Seneca) 53-0 won by fall over Jacob Brock (Lathrop) 46-4 (Fall 1:27)
    Cons. Round 3 - Luke West (Hallsville) 37-22 won by decision over Bryce Howerton (Brookfield) 26-17 (Dec 3-2)
    Cons. Round 3 - Dylan Shotwell (Whitfield) 34-23 won by decision over Andrew Martin (Holden) 32-17 (Dec 6-5)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Luke West (Hallsville) 37-22 won by decision over Garrett Manley (Central (New Madrid)) 30-13 (Dec 9-2)
    Cons. Round 2 - Bryce Howerton (Brookfield) 26-17 won by major decision over Solomon Rush (Mid-Buchanan) 26-18 (MD 10-1)
    Cons. Round 2 - Andrew Martin (Holden) 32-17 won by decision over Kaleb Wooden (South Harrison) 20-7 (Dec 10-5)
    Cons. Round 2 - Dylan Shotwell (Whitfield) 34-23 won in tie breaker - 1 over Alex Gaydos (Blair Oaks) 28-7 (TB-1 3-2)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Colton Williams (Lawson) 43-9 won by major decision over Dylan Shotwell (Whitfield) 34-23 (MD 15-6)
    Quarterfinal - Caleb Schroeder (Fatima) 35-6 won by decision over Kaleb Wooden (South Harrison) 20-7 (Dec 7-2)
    Quarterfinal - Will Roark (Seneca) 53-0 won by fall over Bryce Howerton (Brookfield) 26-17 (Fall 2:53)
    Quarterfinal - Jacob Brock (Lathrop) 46-4 won by tech fall over Garrett Manley (Central (New Madrid)) 30-13 (TF-1.5 5:28 (17-2))
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Luke West (Hallsville) 37-22 won by decision over Rylan Chrisman (Marceline) 31-14 (Dec 2-1)
    Cons. Round 1 - Solomon Rush (Mid-Buchanan) 26-18 won by fall over Dillon Liefer (Lutheran St. Charles) 21-23 (Fall 2:55)
    Cons. Round 1 - Andrew Martin (Holden) 32-17 won by major decision over Alex Kamau (Principia) 15-15 (MD 13-3)
    Cons. Round 1 - Alex Gaydos (Blair Oaks) 28-7 won by decision over Tristan Daniel (Maysville) 39-12 (Dec 6-4)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Dylan Shotwell (Whitfield) 34-23 won by decision over Rylan Chrisman (Marceline) 31-14 (Dec 8-7)
    Champ. Round 1 - Colton Williams (Lawson) 43-9 won by fall over Luke West (Hallsville) 37-22 (Fall 1:49)
    Champ. Round 1 - Kaleb Wooden (South Harrison) 20-7 won by fall over Dillon Liefer (Lutheran St. Charles) 21-23 (Fall 1:33)
    Champ. Round 1 - Caleb Schroeder (Fatima) 35-6 won by decision over Solomon Rush (Mid-Buchanan) 26-18 (Dec 7-5)
    Champ. Round 1 - Will Roark (Seneca) 53-0 won by fall over Andrew Martin (Holden) 32-17 (Fall 4:37)
    Champ. Round 1 - Bryce Howerton (Brookfield) 26-17 won by decision over Alex Kamau (Principia) 15-15 (Dec 5-3)
    Champ. Round 1 - Jacob Brock (Lathrop) 46-4 won by decision over Alex Gaydos (Blair Oaks) 28-7 (Dec 7-3)
    Champ. Round 1 - Garrett Manley (Central (New Madrid)) 30-13 won by fall over Tristan Daniel (Maysville) 39-12 (Fall 3:16)
145 Class 1
    1st Place Match - Jaydin Clayton (Father Tolton Reg. Catholic) 53-0 won by fall over Corbin Menke (Lawson) 55-2 (Fall 2:56)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Andrew Edgar (Marceline) 51-7 won by decision over Jacob Gramke (Centralia) 35-12 (Dec 8-2)
    5th Place Match - Dalton Schmidt (Versailles) 45-15 won by decision over Taylor Cook (Seneca) 33-26 (Dec 6-1)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Jacob Gramke (Centralia) 35-12 won by decision over Dalton Schmidt (Versailles) 45-15 (Dec 4-1)
    Cons. Semi - Andrew Edgar (Marceline) 51-7 won by decision over Taylor Cook (Seneca) 33-26 (Dec 8-2)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Corbin Menke (Lawson) 55-2 won by decision over Jacob Gramke (Centralia) 35-12 (Dec 8-3)
    Semifinal - Jaydin Clayton (Father Tolton Reg. Catholic) 53-0 won by fall over Andrew Edgar (Marceline) 51-7 (Fall 3:51)
    Cons. Round 3 - Dalton Schmidt (Versailles) 45-15 won by decision over Mason Doll (South Harrison) 41-10 (Dec 5-3)
    Cons. Round 3 - Taylor Cook (Seneca) 33-26 won by decision over Caleb Michael (Gallatin) 44-13 (Dec 10-7)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Mason Doll (South Harrison) 41-10 won by fall over Jace Bertz (Lexington) 36-20 (Fall 4:49)
    Cons. Round 2 - Dalton Schmidt (Versailles) 45-15 won by decision over Blake Hazell (Holden) 14-11 (Dec 11-6)
    Cons. Round 2 - Caleb Michael (Gallatin) 44-13 won by decision over Jake Leonard (Polo) 33-22 (Dec 5-4)
    Cons. Round 2 - Taylor Cook (Seneca) 33-26 won by decision over Alex Costanza (Lone Jack) 29-18 (Dec 4-2)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Jacob Gramke (Centralia) 35-12 won by decision over Alex Costanza (Lone Jack) 29-18 (Dec 9-2)
    Quarterfinal - Corbin Menke (Lawson) 55-2 won by major decision over Caleb Michael (Gallatin) 44-13 (MD 14-6)
    Quarterfinal - Jaydin Clayton (Father Tolton Reg. Catholic) 53-0 won by fall over Blake Hazell (Holden) 14-11 (Fall 2:41)
    Quarterfinal - Andrew Edgar (Marceline) 51-7 won by fall over Jace Bertz (Lexington) 36-20 (Fall 3:30)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Mason Doll (South Harrison) 41-10 won by decision over Noah Elmore (Whitfield) 28-16 (Dec 7-3)
    Cons. Round 1 - Dalton Schmidt (Versailles) 45-15 won by fall over Lawrence Bourrage (Cleveland NJROTC) 16-15 (Fall 2:25)
    Cons. Round 1 - Jake Leonard (Polo) 33-22 won by fall over Barrett Pierce (Principia) 18-25 (Fall 1:53)
    Cons. Round 1 - Taylor Cook (Seneca) 33-26 won by forfeit over Dashawn Swedlund (Maplewood-Richmond) 30-20 (For.)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Alex Costanza (Lone Jack) 29-18 won by fall over Noah Elmore (Whitfield) 28-16 (Fall 5:26)
    Champ. Round 1 - Jacob Gramke (Centralia) 35-12 won by decision over Mason Doll (South Harrison) 41-10 (Dec 2-1)
    Champ. Round 1 - Corbin Menke (Lawson) 55-2 won by fall over Lawrence Bourrage (Cleveland NJROTC) 16-15 (Fall 2:42)
    Champ. Round 1 - Caleb Michael (Gallatin) 44-13 won in sudden victory - 1 over Dalton Schmidt (Versailles) 45-15 (SV-1 9-7)
    Champ. Round 1 - Jaydin Clayton (Father Tolton Reg. Catholic) 53-0 won by fall over Jake Leonard (Polo) 33-22 (Fall 1:05)
    Champ. Round 1 - Blake Hazell (Holden) 14-11 won by decision over Barrett Pierce (Principia) 18-25 (Dec 7-0)
    Champ. Round 1 - Andrew Edgar (Marceline) 51-7 won by decision over Taylor Cook (Seneca) 33-26 (Dec 8-2)
    Champ. Round 1 - Jace Bertz (Lexington) 36-20 won by fall over Dashawn Swedlund (Maplewood-Richmond) 30-20 (Fall 1:07)
152 Class 1
    1st Place Match - Sky Darrah (Whitfield) 43-4 won by decision over Justin Rhodes (West Platte) 55-2 (Dec 3-1)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Brady Stallo (Marceline) 41-12 won by decision over Jackson Evans (Centralia) 26-17 (Dec 7-0)
    5th Place Match - Hunter Tessman (Hallsville) 36-8 won by decision over Reid Steiner (Maysville) 44-13 (Dec 4-3)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Jackson Evans (Centralia) 26-17 won by major decision over Hunter Tessman (Hallsville) 36-8 (MD 11-2)
    Cons. Semi - Brady Stallo (Marceline) 41-12 won by decision over Reid Steiner (Maysville) 44-13 (Dec 4-2)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Sky Darrah (Whitfield) 43-4 won by major decision over Hunter Tessman (Hallsville) 36-8 (MD 13-2)
    Semifinal - Justin Rhodes (West Platte) 55-2 won by fall over Brady Stallo (Marceline) 41-12 (Fall 1:44)
    Cons. Round 3 - Jackson Evans (Centralia) 26-17 won by fall over Mason Hoagland (Knob Noster) 44-17 (Fall 2:01)
    Cons. Round 3 - Reid Steiner (Maysville) 44-13 won by decision over Luke Staton (Carrollton) 38-18 (Dec 9-6)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Mason Hoagland (Knob Noster) 44-17 won by decision over Colton McDaniel (Seneca) 14-12 (Dec 9-4)
    Cons. Round 2 - Jackson Evans (Centralia) 26-17 won by decision over Jarek Brown (Wentworth Military Academy) 39-13 (Dec 9-3)
    Cons. Round 2 - Luke Staton (Carrollton) 38-18 won by decision over Matthew Twaddle (Maryville) 23-13 (Dec 6-3)
    Cons. Round 2 - Reid Steiner (Maysville) 44-13 won by fall over Cole White (Herculaneum) 32-20 (Fall 2:30)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Sky Darrah (Whitfield) 43-4 won by major decision over Reid Steiner (Maysville) 44-13 (MD 9-1)
    Quarterfinal - Hunter Tessman (Hallsville) 36-8 won by fall over Luke Staton (Carrollton) 38-18 (Fall 3:29)
    Quarterfinal - Justin Rhodes (West Platte) 55-2 won by decision over Jackson Evans (Centralia) 26-17 (Dec 8-3)
    Quarterfinal - Brady Stallo (Marceline) 41-12 won by decision over Mason Hoagland (Knob Noster) 44-17 (Dec 9-6)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Colton McDaniel (Seneca) 14-12 won by decision over Hunter Goring (Lafayette County) 35-22 (Dec 9-4)
    Cons. Round 1 - Jarek Brown (Wentworth Military Academy) 39-13 won by fall over Deshaun Johnson (Brentwood) 24-29 (Fall 2:08)
    Cons. Round 1 - Matthew Twaddle (Maryville) 23-13 won by decision over Dylan Sheets (Principia) 32-16 (Dec 11-8)
    Cons. Round 1 - Cole White (Herculaneum) 32-20 won by decision over John Beem (Plattsburg) 11-16 (Dec 3-2)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Sky Darrah (Whitfield) 43-4 won by decision over Colton McDaniel (Seneca) 14-12 (Dec 5-2)
    Champ. Round 1 - Reid Steiner (Maysville) 44-13 won by decision over Hunter Goring (Lafayette County) 35-22 (Dec 4-0)
    Champ. Round 1 - Hunter Tessman (Hallsville) 36-8 won by fall over Deshaun Johnson (Brentwood) 24-29 (Fall 2:23)
    Champ. Round 1 - Luke Staton (Carrollton) 38-18 won by decision over Jarek Brown (Wentworth Military Academy) 39-13 (Dec 8-3)
    Champ. Round 1 - Justin Rhodes (West Platte) 55-2 won by major decision over Matthew Twaddle (Maryville) 23-13 (MD 10-0)
    Champ. Round 1 - Jackson Evans (Centralia) 26-17 won by fall over Dylan Sheets (Principia) 32-16 (Fall 2:47)
    Champ. Round 1 - Brady Stallo (Marceline) 41-12 won by tech fall over John Beem (Plattsburg) 11-16 (TF-1.5 6:00 (19-3))
    Champ. Round 1 - Mason Hoagland (Knob Noster) 44-17 won by major decision over Cole White (Herculaneum) 32-20 (MD 12-0)
160 Class 1
    1st Place Match - John Anderson (Mid-Buchanan) 51-1 won by decision over Mason Mounce (Trenton) 43-3 (Dec 5-4)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Kurtis Hahn (Whitfield) 49-6 won by decision over Adam Guinn (Versailles) 42-14 (Dec 9-3)
    5th Place Match - Josh Frank (Carrollton) 36-13 won by major decision over Dawson Beane (Lathrop) 38-15 (MD 8-0)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Kurtis Hahn (Whitfield) 49-6 won by decision over Josh Frank (Carrollton) 36-13 (Dec 3-0)
    Cons. Semi - Adam Guinn (Versailles) 42-14 won by decision over Dawson Beane (Lathrop) 38-15 (Dec 11-10)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Mason Mounce (Trenton) 43-3 won by decision over Kurtis Hahn (Whitfield) 49-6 (Dec 4-3)
    Semifinal - John Anderson (Mid-Buchanan) 51-1 won by decision over Adam Guinn (Versailles) 42-14 (Dec 8-3)
    Cons. Round 3 - Josh Frank (Carrollton) 36-13 won by fall over Kyle Williams (Diamond) 35-18 (Fall 0:21)
    Cons. Round 3 - Dawson Beane (Lathrop) 38-15 won by decision over Austin Nye (Lawson) 23-12 (Dec 4-2)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Josh Frank (Carrollton) 36-13 won by fall over Lance Hymer (Seneca) 33-23 (Fall 3:57)
    Cons. Round 2 - Kyle Williams (Diamond) 35-18 won by fall over Cole Nowell (Central (New Madrid)) 30-15 (Fall 1:29)
    Cons. Round 2 - Austin Nye (Lawson) 23-12 won by fall over Trevor Zimmerman (Maryville) 30-21 (Fall 2:20)
    Cons. Round 2 - Dawson Beane (Lathrop) 38-15 won by decision over Carson Alford (Principia) 24-16 (Dec 7-2)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Kurtis Hahn (Whitfield) 49-6 won by decision over Dawson Beane (Lathrop) 38-15 (Dec 9-3)
    Quarterfinal - Mason Mounce (Trenton) 43-3 won by fall over Austin Nye (Lawson) 23-12 (Fall 3:35)
    Quarterfinal - Adam Guinn (Versailles) 42-14 won by fall over Cole Nowell (Central (New Madrid)) 30-15 (Fall 1:20)
    Quarterfinal - John Anderson (Mid-Buchanan) 51-1 won by decision over Josh Frank (Carrollton) 36-13 (Dec 6-2)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Lance Hymer (Seneca) 33-23 won by fall over John Shanks (Stanberry) 28-17 (Fall 3:40)
    Cons. Round 1 - Kyle Williams (Diamond) 35-18 won by major decision over Zack Siebert (Maplewood-Richmond) 35-12 (MD 16-7)
    Cons. Round 1 - Trevor Zimmerman (Maryville) 30-21 won by fall over Trey Raysick (Lone Jack) 16-22 (Fall 0:59)
    Cons. Round 1 - Carson Alford (Principia) 24-16 won by decision over Aaron Adams (Knob Noster) 15-18 (Dec 10-3)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Kurtis Hahn (Whitfield) 49-6 won by fall over John Shanks (Stanberry) 28-17 (Fall 1:30)
    Champ. Round 1 - Dawson Beane (Lathrop) 38-15 won by fall over Lance Hymer (Seneca) 33-23 (Fall 3:51)
    Champ. Round 1 - Mason Mounce (Trenton) 43-3 won by fall over Zack Siebert (Maplewood-Richmond) 35-12 (Fall 2:53)
    Champ. Round 1 - Austin Nye (Lawson) 23-12 won by major decision over Kyle Williams (Diamond) 35-18 (MD 12-0)
    Champ. Round 1 - Adam Guinn (Versailles) 42-14 won by fall over Trey Raysick (Lone Jack) 16-22 (Fall 3:38)
    Champ. Round 1 - Cole Nowell (Central (New Madrid)) 30-15 won by decision over Trevor Zimmerman (Maryville) 30-21 (Dec 7-1)
    Champ. Round 1 - John Anderson (Mid-Buchanan) 51-1 won by fall over Aaron Adams (Knob Noster) 15-18 (Fall 3:15)
    Champ. Round 1 - Josh Frank (Carrollton) 36-13 won by fall over Carson Alford (Principia) 24-16 (Fall 2:54)
170 Class 1
    1st Place Match - Austin Ward (South Harrison) 54-0 won by decision over Thomas Mack (Trenton) 40-9 (Dec 6-0)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Cody Hartman (Plattsburg) 44-11 won by decision over Forrest Hall (Seneca) 41-17 (Dec 6-3)
    5th Place Match - Mason Rosier (Stanberry) 34-10 won by decision over Terrez Taylor (Central (New Madrid)) 38-12 (Dec 2-1)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Cody Hartman (Plattsburg) 44-11 won by decision over Terrez Taylor (Central (New Madrid)) 38-12 (Dec 2-1)
    Cons. Semi - Forrest Hall (Seneca) 41-17 won by fall over Mason Rosier (Stanberry) 34-10 (Fall 3:38)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Austin Ward (South Harrison) 54-0 won by major decision over Cody Hartman (Plattsburg) 44-11 (MD 10-1)
    Semifinal - Thomas Mack (Trenton) 40-9 won by decision over Mason Rosier (Stanberry) 34-10 (Dec 5-2)
    Cons. Round 3 - Terrez Taylor (Central (New Madrid)) 38-12 won by decision over Willie Schotte (Versailles) 45-7 (Dec 9-3)
    Cons. Round 3 - Forrest Hall (Seneca) 41-17 won by decision over Brett Campbell (Summit Christian Academy) 36-8 (Dec 5-3)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Terrez Taylor (Central (New Madrid)) 38-12 won by medical forfeit over Preston Smidt (Lawson) 45-8 (M. For.)
    Cons. Round 2 - Willie Schotte (Versailles) 45-7 won by fall over Kenneth Shaughnessy (Springfield Catholic) 11-7 (Fall 3:08)
    Cons. Round 2 - Brett Campbell (Summit Christian Academy) 36-8 won by fall over Cole Chisler (Holden) 29-19 (Fall 3:28)
    Cons. Round 2 - Forrest Hall (Seneca) 41-17 won by decision over Richard Menconi (Brookfield) 32-20 (Dec 10-8)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Cody Hartman (Plattsburg) 44-11 won by major decision over Richard Menconi (Brookfield) 32-20 (MD 11-0)
    Quarterfinal - Austin Ward (South Harrison) 54-0 won by fall over Brett Campbell (Summit Christian Academy) 36-8 (Fall 3:05)
    Quarterfinal - Mason Rosier (Stanberry) 34-10 won by fall over Willie Schotte (Versailles) 45-7 (Fall 2:18)
    Quarterfinal - Thomas Mack (Trenton) 40-9 won by decision over Preston Smidt (Lawson) 45-8 (Dec 8-3)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Terrez Taylor (Central (New Madrid)) 38-12 won by major decision over Andrew Robb (Hallsville) 31-17 (MD 13-3)
    Cons. Round 1 - Kenneth Shaughnessy (Springfield Catholic) 11-7 won by fall over James Gayeyou (Lutheran North) 17-13 (Fall 1:55)
    Cons. Round 1 - Cole Chisler (Holden) 29-19 won by decision over Kyle Pudlowski (Brentwood) 39-7 (Dec 6-5)
    Cons. Round 1 - Forrest Hall (Seneca) 41-17 won by decision over Greg Lovegren (Principia) 18-9 (Dec 1-0)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Richard Menconi (Brookfield) 32-20 won by decision over Terrez Taylor (Central (New Madrid)) 38-12 (Dec 10-7)
    Champ. Round 1 - Cody Hartman (Plattsburg) 44-11 won by decision over Andrew Robb (Hallsville) 31-17 (Dec 5-1)
    Champ. Round 1 - Austin Ward (South Harrison) 54-0 won by fall over James Gayeyou (Lutheran North) 17-13 (Fall 0:49)
    Champ. Round 1 - Brett Campbell (Summit Christian Academy) 36-8 won by decision over Kenneth Shaughnessy (Springfield Catholic) 11-7 (Dec 10-5)
    Champ. Round 1 - Willie Schotte (Versailles) 45-7 won by fall over Cole Chisler (Holden) 29-19 (Fall 3:04)
    Champ. Round 1 - Mason Rosier (Stanberry) 34-10 won by fall over Kyle Pudlowski (Brentwood) 39-7 (Fall 1:29)
    Champ. Round 1 - Preston Smidt (Lawson) 45-8 won by decision over Forrest Hall (Seneca) 41-17 (Dec 7-4)
    Champ. Round 1 - Thomas Mack (Trenton) 40-9 won by decision over Greg Lovegren (Principia) 18-9 (Dec 5-2)
182 Class 1
    1st Place Match - Will Tindal (Father Tolton Reg. Catholic) 41-0 won by decision over Adrean Fisher (Lawson) 50-5 (Dec 11-7)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Taylor Boyce (Whitfield) 17-5 won by decision over Gunnar Martin (Polo) 47-11 (Dec 3-1)
    5th Place Match - Mason Hunt (Holden) 39-13 won by decision over Dylan Ballew (Versailles) 46-10 (Dec 4-3)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Taylor Boyce (Whitfield) 17-5 won by decision over Mason Hunt (Holden) 39-13 (Dec 6-3)
    Cons. Semi - Gunnar Martin (Polo) 47-11 won by decision over Dylan Ballew (Versailles) 46-10 (Dec 5-3)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Will Tindal (Father Tolton Reg. Catholic) 41-0 won by major decision over Taylor Boyce (Whitfield) 17-5 (MD 20-8)
    Semifinal - Adrean Fisher (Lawson) 50-5 won by decision over Dylan Ballew (Versailles) 46-10 (Dec 3-2)
    Cons. Round 3 - Mason Hunt (Holden) 39-13 won by decision over Warren Sheppard (Lexington) 38-17 (Dec 3-0)
    Cons. Round 3 - Gunnar Martin (Polo) 47-11 won by fall over Duncan Payne (Albany) 46-10 (Fall 4:24)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Warren Sheppard (Lexington) 38-17 won by decision over Tanner Lueckenhoff (Blair Oaks) 32-23 (Dec 7-2)
    Cons. Round 2 - Mason Hunt (Holden) 39-13 won by decision over Colton Renfro (Diamond) 22-17 (Dec 8-1)
    Cons. Round 2 - Duncan Payne (Albany) 46-10 won by decision over Trey Shields (Trenton) 31-19 (Dec 5-2)
    Cons. Round 2 - Gunnar Martin (Polo) 47-11 won by decision over Trystan Sunby (Gallatin) 32-4 (Dec 5-4)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Taylor Boyce (Whitfield) 17-5 won by decision over Gunnar Martin (Polo) 47-11 (Dec 8-5)
    Quarterfinal - Will Tindal (Father Tolton Reg. Catholic) 41-0 won by fall over Duncan Payne (Albany) 46-10 (Fall 1:33)
    Quarterfinal - Adrean Fisher (Lawson) 50-5 won by fall over Colton Renfro (Diamond) 22-17 (Fall 5:06)
    Quarterfinal - Dylan Ballew (Versailles) 46-10 won by fall over Warren Sheppard (Lexington) 38-17 (Fall 3:48)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Tanner Lueckenhoff (Blair Oaks) 32-23 won by fall over Blake McClain (Plattsburg) 28-31 (Fall 1:56)
    Cons. Round 1 - Mason Hunt (Holden) 39-13 won by fall over Joseph Dreyer (Brentwood) 17-26 (Fall 1:29)
    Cons. Round 1 - Trey Shields (Trenton) 31-19 won by fall over Sean Hannan (Principia) 28-16 (Fall 3:24)
    Cons. Round 1 - Trystan Sunby (Gallatin) 32-4 won by fall over Brian Mickle (Central (New Madrid)) 19-16 (Fall 0:19)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Taylor Boyce (Whitfield) 17-5 won by major decision over Tanner Lueckenhoff (Blair Oaks) 32-23 (MD 13-4)
    Champ. Round 1 - Gunnar Martin (Polo) 47-11 won by fall over Blake McClain (Plattsburg) 28-31 (Fall 5:28)
    Champ. Round 1 - Will Tindal (Father Tolton Reg. Catholic) 41-0 won by fall over Joseph Dreyer (Brentwood) 17-26 (Fall 0:33)
    Champ. Round 1 - Duncan Payne (Albany) 46-10 won by decision over Mason Hunt (Holden) 39-13 (Dec 7-5)
    Champ. Round 1 - Adrean Fisher (Lawson) 50-5 won by fall over Trey Shields (Trenton) 31-19 (Fall 5:55)
    Champ. Round 1 - Colton Renfro (Diamond) 22-17 won by fall over Sean Hannan (Principia) 28-16 (Fall 2:58)
    Champ. Round 1 - Warren Sheppard (Lexington) 38-17 won by decision over Trystan Sunby (Gallatin) 32-4 (Dec 9-2)
    Champ. Round 1 - Dylan Ballew (Versailles) 46-10 won by fall over Brian Mickle (Central (New Madrid)) 19-16 (Fall 1:07)
195 Class 1
    1st Place Match - Jesse Bundy (Gallatin) 49-3 won by decision over Kasey McFall (South Harrison) 44-4 (Dec 2-1)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Ethan Leighton (Centralia) 38-2 won by decision over Max Darrah (Whitfield) 43-12 (Dec 1-0)
    5th Place Match - Keagan Eiserer (Carrollton) 36-18 won by fall over Keithan Litton (Penney) 40-10 (Fall 4:35)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Max Darrah (Whitfield) 43-12 won by decision over Keithan Litton (Penney) 40-10 (Dec 5-2)
    Cons. Semi - Ethan Leighton (Centralia) 38-2 won by tech fall over Keagan Eiserer (Carrollton) 36-18 (TF-1.5 4:24 (17-1))
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Kasey McFall (South Harrison) 44-4 won by fall over Keithan Litton (Penney) 40-10 (Fall 1:22)
    Semifinal - Jesse Bundy (Gallatin) 49-3 won by decision over Keagan Eiserer (Carrollton) 36-18 (Dec 4-0)
    Cons. Round 3 - Max Darrah (Whitfield) 43-12 won by decision over Ryan Bruce (Tipton) 41-7 (Dec 4-3)
    Cons. Round 3 - Ethan Leighton (Centralia) 38-2 won by decision over Dylan West (Seneca) 31-10 (Dec 6-2)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Max Darrah (Whitfield) 43-12 won by decision over Kyle Goodsell (Warsaw) 35-10 (Dec 9-3)
    Cons. Round 2 - Ryan Bruce (Tipton) 41-7 won by fall over Darrion Glover (Lift For Life Academy) 23-5 (Fall 2:04)
    Cons. Round 2 - Ethan Leighton (Centralia) 38-2 won by decision over Matthew Schneader (Lexington) 44-16 (Dec 7-3)
    Cons. Round 2 - Dylan West (Seneca) 31-10 won by fall over Bradley Williams (Lutheran St. Charles) 38-7 (Fall 2:15)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Keithan Litton (Penney) 40-10 won by decision over Bradley Williams (Lutheran St. Charles) 38-7 (Dec 6-5)
    Quarterfinal - Kasey McFall (South Harrison) 44-4 won by tech fall over Matthew Schneader (Lexington) 44-16 (TF-1.5 4:38 (16-1))
    Quarterfinal - Keagan Eiserer (Carrollton) 36-18 won by fall over Darrion Glover (Lift For Life Academy) 23-5 (Fall 4:32)
    Quarterfinal - Jesse Bundy (Gallatin) 49-3 won by decision over Max Darrah (Whitfield) 43-12 (Dec 4-2)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Kyle Goodsell (Warsaw) 35-10 won by fall over Dalton Larison (West Platte) 22-26 (Fall 2:06)
    Cons. Round 1 - Ryan Bruce (Tipton) 41-7 won by fall over Cody Babb (Central (New Madrid)) 24-21 (Fall 0:45)
    Cons. Round 1 - Ethan Leighton (Centralia) 38-2 won by fall over Trenton Hoeflicker (Lafayette County) 24-17 (Fall 4:38)
    Cons. Round 1 - Dylan West (Seneca) 31-10 won by fall over Grant Berg (Lathrop) 33-12 (Fall 1:32)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Bradley Williams (Lutheran St. Charles) 38-7 won by fall over Dalton Larison (West Platte) 22-26 (Fall 0:51)
    Champ. Round 1 - Keithan Litton (Penney) 40-10 won by fall over Kyle Goodsell (Warsaw) 35-10 (Fall 3:12)
    Champ. Round 1 - Matthew Schneader (Lexington) 44-16 won by fall over Cody Babb (Central (New Madrid)) 24-21 (Fall 2:27)
    Champ. Round 1 - Kasey McFall (South Harrison) 44-4 won by decision over Ryan Bruce (Tipton) 41-7 (Dec 5-3)
    Champ. Round 1 - Keagan Eiserer (Carrollton) 36-18 won by fall over Ethan Leighton (Centralia) 38-2 (Fall 0:57)
    Champ. Round 1 - Darrion Glover (Lift For Life Academy) 23-5 won by fall over Trenton Hoeflicker (Lafayette County) 24-17 (Fall 5:35)
    Champ. Round 1 - Jesse Bundy (Gallatin) 49-3 won by decision over Dylan West (Seneca) 31-10 (Dec 3-2)
    Champ. Round 1 - Max Darrah (Whitfield) 43-12 won by decision over Grant Berg (Lathrop) 33-12 (Dec 9-3)
220 Class 1
    1st Place Match - Michael Stanley (Gallatin) 43-6 won by decision over Wiley Martin (Polo) 50-3 (Dec 5-0)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Samuel Hasekamp (Centralia) 48-6 won by fall over Josh Riggs (Maysville) 35-7 (Fall 2:32)
    5th Place Match - Reed McBroom (Brookfield) 39-10 won by decision over Nico Brown (Herculaneum) 42-6 (Dec 3-0)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Josh Riggs (Maysville) 35-7 won by fall over Nico Brown (Herculaneum) 42-6 (Fall 4:19)
    Cons. Semi - Samuel Hasekamp (Centralia) 48-6 won in sudden victory - 1 over Reed McBroom (Brookfield) 39-10 (SV-1 5-3)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Michael Stanley (Gallatin) 43-6 won by fall over Josh Riggs (Maysville) 35-7 (Fall 3:13)
    Semifinal - Wiley Martin (Polo) 50-3 won in sudden victory - 1 over Samuel Hasekamp (Centralia) 48-6 (SV-1 3-1)
    Cons. Round 3 - Nico Brown (Herculaneum) 42-6 won by decision over Gabe Martin (Seneca) 23-15 (Dec 3-1)
    Cons. Round 3 - Reed McBroom (Brookfield) 39-10 won by decision over Quintez Binder (Cleveland NJROTC) 19-5 (Dec 4-0)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Gabe Martin (Seneca) 23-15 won by fall over Alex Patton (Brentwood) 36-8 (Fall 3:00)
    Cons. Round 2 - Nico Brown (Herculaneum) 42-6 won by decision over Charles Walsh (Tipton) 41-4 (Dec 8-4)
    Cons. Round 2 - Reed McBroom (Brookfield) 39-10 won by fall over Kaleb Leimkuehler (Sherwood) 29-15 (Fall 1:39)
    Cons. Round 2 - Quintez Binder (Cleveland NJROTC) 19-5 won by decision over Rex Sheeley (Versailles) 35-19 (Dec 3-2)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Michael Stanley (Gallatin) 43-6 won by fall over Quintez Binder (Cleveland NJROTC) 19-5 (Fall 3:34)
    Quarterfinal - Josh Riggs (Maysville) 35-7 won by fall over Kaleb Leimkuehler (Sherwood) 29-15 (Fall 1:51)
    Quarterfinal - Samuel Hasekamp (Centralia) 48-6 won by fall over Nico Brown (Herculaneum) 42-6 (Fall 5:53)
    Quarterfinal - Wiley Martin (Polo) 50-3 won by decision over Alex Patton (Brentwood) 36-8 (Dec 9-2)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Gabe Martin (Seneca) 23-15 won by decision over Bradley Gibson (Plattsburg) 12-12 (Dec 11-5)
    Cons. Round 1 - Charles Walsh (Tipton) 41-4 won by fall over Zach Frankel (Whitfield) 15-23 (Fall 2:27)
    Cons. Round 1 - Reed McBroom (Brookfield) 39-10 won by fall over Tyler Jolly (Lafayette County) 27-20 (Fall 0:51)
    Cons. Round 1 - Rex Sheeley (Versailles) 35-19 won by fall over Austin Tripp (Lawson) 27-12 (Fall 4:33)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Quintez Binder (Cleveland NJROTC) 19-5 won by fall over Bradley Gibson (Plattsburg) 12-12 (Fall 1:55)
    Champ. Round 1 - Michael Stanley (Gallatin) 43-6 won by fall over Gabe Martin (Seneca) 23-15 (Fall 5:16)
    Champ. Round 1 - Kaleb Leimkuehler (Sherwood) 29-15 won by fall over Zach Frankel (Whitfield) 15-23 (Fall 1:12)
    Champ. Round 1 - Josh Riggs (Maysville) 35-7 won by fall over Charles Walsh (Tipton) 41-4 (Fall 2:45)
    Champ. Round 1 - Samuel Hasekamp (Centralia) 48-6 won by decision over Reed McBroom (Brookfield) 39-10 (Dec 6-3)
    Champ. Round 1 - Nico Brown (Herculaneum) 42-6 won by fall over Tyler Jolly (Lafayette County) 27-20 (Fall 5:02)
    Champ. Round 1 - Wiley Martin (Polo) 50-3 won by fall over Rex Sheeley (Versailles) 35-19 (Fall 2:16)
    Champ. Round 1 - Alex Patton (Brentwood) 36-8 won by fall over Austin Tripp (Lawson) 27-12 (Fall 5:28)
285 Class 1
    1st Place Match - Trevor White (Brookfield) 38-1 won in the ultimate tie breaker over Brendan Weybrew (Maryville) 39-7 (UTB 3-2)
  3rd & 5th (16 Man)
    3rd Place Match - Coleman Lawson (Mid-Buchanan) 38-1 won by fall over Robert Hawkins (Whitfield) 20-9 (Fall 2:08)
    5th Place Match - Keenan Carnes (Cleveland NJROTC) 29-2 won by medical forfeit over Chance Cumpton (Blair Oaks) 21-9 (M. For.)
  4th Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Semi - Robert Hawkins (Whitfield) 20-9 won by fall over Chance Cumpton (Blair Oaks) 21-9 (Fall 3:37)
    Cons. Semi - Coleman Lawson (Mid-Buchanan) 38-1 won by fall over Keenan Carnes (Cleveland NJROTC) 29-2 (Fall 3:13)
  Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)
    Semifinal - Brendan Weybrew (Maryville) 39-7 won by fall over Chance Cumpton (Blair Oaks) 21-9 (Fall 5:13)
    Semifinal - Trevor White (Brookfield) 38-1 won by decision over Coleman Lawson (Mid-Buchanan) 38-1 (Dec 7-4)
    Cons. Round 3 - Robert Hawkins (Whitfield) 20-9 won by decision over Robert Brown (Lutheran North) 27-5 (Dec 2-1)
    Cons. Round 3 - Keenan Carnes (Cleveland NJROTC) 29-2 won in tie breaker - 1 over Joseph Goetz (Lafayette County) 24-9 (TB-1 3-2)
  2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 2 - Robert Hawkins (Whitfield) 20-9 won by fall over Drake Higgins (Lathrop) 36-17 (Fall 4:27)
    Cons. Round 2 - Robert Brown (Lutheran North) 27-5 won by fall over Garrett Trosper (Penney) 39-15 (Fall 3:20)
    Cons. Round 2 - Joseph Goetz (Lafayette County) 24-9 won in tie breaker - 1 over Nic Granger (Seneca) 23-17 (TB-1 2-1)
    Cons. Round 2 - Keenan Carnes (Cleveland NJROTC) 29-2 won in the ultimate tie breaker over Craig Dewitt (Warsaw) 34-10 (UTB 3-2)
  Quarters (16 Man)
    Quarterfinal - Brendan Weybrew (Maryville) 39-7 won by fall over Keenan Carnes (Cleveland NJROTC) 29-2 (Fall 3:49)
    Quarterfinal - Chance Cumpton (Blair Oaks) 21-9 won in sudden victory - 1 over Joseph Goetz (Lafayette County) 24-9 (SV-1 3-1)
    Quarterfinal - Coleman Lawson (Mid-Buchanan) 38-1 won by fall over Robert Brown (Lutheran North) 27-5 (Fall 2:19)
    Quarterfinal - Trevor White (Brookfield) 38-1 won by fall over Robert Hawkins (Whitfield) 20-9 (Fall 1:39)
  1st WB (16 Man)
    Cons. Round 1 - Drake Higgins (Lathrop) 36-17 won by fall over Alex Nelson (Hallsville) 26-17 (Fall 2:51)
    Cons. Round 1 - Garrett Trosper (Penney) 39-15 won by fall over Stephen Clark (Central (New Madrid)) 19-16 (Fall 3:39)
    Cons. Round 1 - Nic Granger (Seneca) 23-17 won by decision over Elroy Anderson (Stanberry) 29-17 (Dec 6-1)
    Cons. Round 1 - Craig Dewitt (Warsaw) 34-10 won by fall over Cody Abbott (Lone Jack) 24-12 (Fall 2:49)
  Round 1 (16 Man)
    Champ. Round 1 - Keenan Carnes (Cleveland NJROTC) 29-2 won by fall over Alex Nelson (Hallsville) 26-17 (Fall 2:17)
    Champ. Round 1 - Brendan Weybrew (Maryville) 39-7 won by fall over Drake Higgins (Lathrop) 36-17 (Fall 1:16)
    Champ. Round 1 - Chance Cumpton (Blair Oaks) 21-9 won by decision over Stephen Clark (Central (New Madrid)) 19-16 (Dec 3-1)
    Champ. Round 1 - Joseph Goetz (Lafayette County) 24-9 won by fall over Garrett Trosper (Penney) 39-15 (Fall 5:09)
    Champ. Round 1 - Coleman Lawson (Mid-Buchanan) 38-1 won by fall over Elroy Anderson (Stanberry) 29-17 (Fall 1:14)
    Champ. Round 1 - Robert Brown (Lutheran North) 27-5 won by decision over Nic Granger (Seneca) 23-17 (Dec 3-1)
    Champ. Round 1 - Trevor White (Brookfield) 38-1 won by fall over Cody Abbott (Lone Jack) 24-12 (Fall 0:42)
    Champ. Round 1 - Robert Hawkins (Whitfield) 20-9 won in sudden victory - 1 over Craig Dewitt (Warsaw) 34-10 (SV-1 3-1)

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