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106 Class 3

  • 1st Place Match - Ryzen Isringhausen (Branson) 47-1 won in tie breaker - 1 over Jaxson Shute (Platte County) 39-4 (TB-1 4-2)

113 Class 3

  • 1st Place Match - Austin Brown (Hannibal) 48-3 won by fall over Carter Foglesong (Carl Junction) 45-2 (Fall 3:09)

120 Class 3

  • 1st Place Match - Carter Wallis (Hillsboro) 38-5 won by decision over Ryder Shelton (Kearney) 41-6 (Dec 2-1)

126 Class 3

  • 1st Place Match - Porter Matecki (Whitfield) 26-2 won by decision over Presley Johnson (Farmington) 40-4 (Dec 5-0)

132 Class 3

  • 1st Place Match - Tristen Essig (Hannibal) 49-1 won by decision over Kaden Purler (North Point) 35-3 (Dec 6-3)

138 Class 3

  • 1st Place Match - Jackson Tucker (Hillsboro) 30-3 won by fall over Jaden Lambert (Belton) 44-8 (Fall 5:36)

144 Class 3

  • 1st Place Match - Cody Culp (Hannibal) 33-0 won by major decision over Cooper Moore (Bolivar) 42-4 (MD 11-0)

150 Class 3

  • 1st Place Match - Kayden Kinder (Rolla) 34-3 won by injury default over Logan Rubinstein (Holt) 30-1 (Inj. 3:48)

157 Class 3

  • 1st Place Match - Alex Hutchcraft (Smithville) 46-5 won by major decision over Koen Ramage (Hannibal) 27-5 (MD 10-0)

165 Class 3

  • 1st Place Match - Sam Richardson (Hillsboro) 48-3 won by decision over Darrius Paige (Van Horn) 29-5 (Dec 4-0)

175 Class 3

  • 1st Place Match - Carter Temple (Kearney) 37-4 won in tie breaker - 1 over Brice Henry (Windsor (Imperial)) 47-2 (TB-1 5-3)

190 Class 3

  • 1st Place Match - Logan Montoya (Helias Catholic) 49-0 won by fall over Jakweli Gist (Kearney) 39-5 (Fall 5:04)

215 Class 3

  • 1st Place Match - Jake Fernandez (Platte County) 42-4 won by decision over Samuel Murphy (McDonald County) 47-4 (Dec 1-0)

285 Class 3

  • 1st Place Match - Derek Joiner (Grandview) 35-1 won by decision over Reyce Turner (Capital City) 47-5 (Dec 3-1)

3rd & 5th (16 Man)

106 Class 3

  • 3rd Place Match - Aiden Hahn (Farmington) 43-5 won by decision over Daemen Duemmel (Helias Catholic) 33-10 (Dec 4-1)
  • 5th Place Match - Gable Ohm (Washington) 47-5 won by decision over Zayden Teson (Warrenton) 43-4 (Dec 9-4)

113 Class 3

  • 3rd Place Match - Evan Litzsinger (Hillsboro) 39-10 won by medical forfeit over Manny McCauley (Warrenton) 30-4 (M. For.)
  • 5th Place Match - Tyrre Broom (Winnetonka) 31-12 won by fall over Landon Westfall (Kearney) 31-17 (Fall 4:03)

120 Class 3

  • 3rd Place Match - Caden Hulett (Platte County) 37-12 won in tie breaker - 1 over Brody Kell (North Point) 39-18 (TB-1 7-6)
  • 5th Place Match - Reign Creech (Hannibal) 45-8 won by decision over Sam Melton (Carl Junction) 30-6 (Dec 4-0)

126 Class 3

  • 3rd Place Match - Jordan Penick (Hillsboro) 31-14 won by fall over Jeremiah Kassing (Warrenton) 38-12 (Fall 2:58)
  • 5th Place Match - Zack Tihen (Ft. Zumwalt South) 49-5 won by decision over Korbin Howe (Hannibal) 37-12 (Dec 3-2)

132 Class 3

  • 3rd Place Match - Braden Werdehausen (Jefferson City) 47-6 won by decision over Norman Schneider (Raytown South) 43-7 (Dec 7-2)
  • 5th Place Match - Joshua Kassing (Warrenton) 42-9 won by decision over Cameron Clark (Ft. Zumwalt South) 41-12 (Dec 6-4)

138 Class 3

  • 3rd Place Match - Caleb Carter (Whitfield) 42-8 won by decision over Drake Brinkley (Hannibal) 39-15 (Dec 3-1)
  • 5th Place Match - Drake Peeler (DeSoto) 40-5 won in sudden victory - 1 over MJ Gritts (Marshfield) 51-7 (SV-1 4-2)

144 Class 3

  • 3rd Place Match - Leo Buchheit (North Point) 45-5 won by fall over Austin Hunter (Ft. Zumwalt South) 36-11 (Fall 4:20)
  • 5th Place Match - Brennen Green (Smithville) 45-11 won by decision over Tanner Davidson (Marshfield) 46-10 (Dec 9-4)

150 Class 3

  • 3rd Place Match - Rome Tate (Whitfield) 42-13 won by decision over Jeric Gumahin (Ft. Zumwalt South) 48-10 (Dec 6-2)
  • 5th Place Match - Kyeler Aders (Farmington) 43-9 won by fall over Aaron Dillingham (Carl Junction) 36-19 (Fall 0:42)

157 Class 3

  • 3rd Place Match - Casey Olszowka (Washington) 51-1 won by decision over Lucas Parietti (Whitfield) 36-13 (Dec 2-0)
  • 5th Place Match - Dexter Merrell (Carl Junction) 38-11 won by fall over Shane Leary (Platte County) 35-18 (Fall 1:35)

165 Class 3

  • 3rd Place Match - Eli Homan (Helias Catholic) 45-4 won by decision over Jayden McCaster (De Smet Jesuit) 35-10 (Dec 7-3)
  • 5th Place Match - Darrell Smith (Platte County) 22-12 won by fall over Owen Dalpoas (Vianney) 42-10 (Fall 2:08)

175 Class 3

  • 3rd Place Match - Mason McCurry (Bolivar) 41-4 won by major decision over Quinten Attebury (Belton) 40-12 (MD 10-1)
  • 5th Place Match - Tony Stewart (Carl Junction) 47-5 won by decision over Trey Ladymon (Union) 44-9 (Dec 6-5)

190 Class 3

  • 3rd Place Match - Jaren Jackson (De Smet Jesuit) 51-4 won by fall over Nathaniel Beeson (Camdenton) 44-5 (Fall 4:18)
  • 5th Place Match - Lonzo Johnson (Lincoln College Prep) 34-9 won by decision over Malosi Sosef (McDonald County) 22-11 (Dec 7-2)

215 Class 3

  • 3rd Place Match - Jacob Ruff (Warrenton) 49-1 won by decision over CJ Nelson (Van Horn) 37-6 (Dec 4-3)
  • 5th Place Match - Tyrese Thurmon (Washington) 43-15 won by major decision over Landen McNeil (Capital City) 42-11 (MD 10-1)

285 Class 3

  • 3rd Place Match - Jayce Hitt (McDonald County) 44-4 won by decision over Ryan Ross (Hannibal) 43-13 (Dec 1-0)
  • 5th Place Match - Adrian Harrold (Whitfield) 39-12 won by decision over Nathaniel Knaff (Pacific) 32-6 (Dec 4-3)

4th Wrestleback (16 Man)

106 Class 3

  • Cons. Semi - Aiden Hahn (Farmington) 42-5 won by decision over Zayden Teson (Warrenton) 43-3 (Dec 5-1)
  • Cons. Semi - Daemen Duemmel (Helias Catholic) 33-9 won by decision over Gable Ohm (Washington) 46-5 (Dec 11-4)

113 Class 3

  • Cons. Semi - Manny McCauley (Warrenton) 30-4 won by decision over Landon Westfall (Kearney) 31-16 (Dec 3-2)
  • Cons. Semi - Evan Litzsinger (Hillsboro) 38-10 won by fall over Tyrre Broom (Winnetonka) 30-12 (Fall 4:58)

120 Class 3

  • Cons. Semi - Brody Kell (North Point) 39-17 won by decision over Reign Creech (Hannibal) 44-8 (Dec 6-3)
  • Cons. Semi - Caden Hulett (Platte County) 36-12 won by decision over Sam Melton (Carl Junction) 30-5 (Dec 4-3)

126 Class 3

  • Cons. Semi - Jordan Penick (Hillsboro) 30-14 won by fall over Zack Tihen (Ft. Zumwalt South) 48-5 (Fall 3:17)
  • Cons. Semi - Jeremiah Kassing (Warrenton) 38-11 won by decision over Korbin Howe (Hannibal) 37-11 (Dec 4-2)

132 Class 3

  • Cons. Semi - Norman Schneider (Raytown South) 43-6 won by decision over Joshua Kassing (Warrenton) 41-9 (Dec 7-5)
  • Cons. Semi - Braden Werdehausen (Jefferson City) 46-6 won by decision over Cameron Clark (Ft. Zumwalt South) 41-11 (Dec 6-0)

138 Class 3

  • Cons. Semi - Caleb Carter (Whitfield) 41-8 won by major decision over Drake Peeler (DeSoto) 39-5 (MD 10-2)
  • Cons. Semi - Drake Brinkley (Hannibal) 39-14 won by decision over MJ Gritts (Marshfield) 51-6 (Dec 4-3)

144 Class 3

  • Cons. Semi - Austin Hunter (Ft. Zumwalt South) 36-10 won by decision over Brennen Green (Smithville) 44-11 (Dec 3-2)
  • Cons. Semi - Leo Buchheit (North Point) 44-5 won by fall over Tanner Davidson (Marshfield) 46-9 (Fall 2:07)

150 Class 3

  • Cons. Semi - Jeric Gumahin (Ft. Zumwalt South) 48-9 won by fall over Aaron Dillingham (Carl Junction) 36-18 (Fall 2:16)
  • Cons. Semi - Rome Tate (Whitfield) 41-13 won by major decision over Kyeler Aders (Farmington) 42-9 (MD 19-9)

157 Class 3

  • Cons. Semi - Lucas Parietti (Whitfield) 36-12 won by fall over Dexter Merrell (Carl Junction) 37-11 (Fall 0:46)
  • Cons. Semi - Casey Olszowka (Washington) 50-1 won by major decision over Shane Leary (Platte County) 35-17 (MD 10-0)

165 Class 3

  • Cons. Semi - Eli Homan (Helias Catholic) 44-4 won by fall over Darrell Smith (Platte County) 21-12 (Fall 1:49)
  • Cons. Semi - Jayden McCaster (De Smet Jesuit) 35-9 won by decision over Owen Dalpoas (Vianney) 42-9 (Dec 11-5)

175 Class 3

  • Cons. Semi - Quinten Attebury (Belton) 40-11 won by fall over Trey Ladymon (Union) 44-8 (Fall 3:26)
  • Cons. Semi - Mason McCurry (Bolivar) 40-4 won by decision over Tony Stewart (Carl Junction) 46-5 (Dec 5-1)

190 Class 3

  • Cons. Semi - Jaren Jackson (De Smet Jesuit) 50-4 won by fall over Malosi Sosef (McDonald County) 22-10 (Fall 0:32)
  • Cons. Semi - Nathaniel Beeson (Camdenton) 44-4 won by fall over Lonzo Johnson (Lincoln College Prep) 33-9 (Fall 1:40)

215 Class 3

  • Cons. Semi - CJ Nelson (Van Horn) 37-5 won by major decision over Tyrese Thurmon (Washington) 42-15 (MD 9-1)
  • Cons. Semi - Jacob Ruff (Warrenton) 48-1 won by decision over Landen McNeil (Capital City) 42-10 (Dec 8-3)

285 Class 3

  • Cons. Semi - Ryan Ross (Hannibal) 43-12 won by fall over Nathaniel Knaff (Pacific) 32-5 (Fall 0:59)
  • Cons. Semi - Jayce Hitt (McDonald County) 43-4 won by decision over Adrian Harrold (Whitfield) 38-12 (Dec 3-0)

Semis & 3rd WB (16 Man)

106 Class 3

  • Semifinal - Jaxson Shute (Platte County) 39-3 won by decision over Aiden Hahn (Farmington) 42-5 (Dec 3-1)
  • Semifinal - Ryzen Isringhausen (Branson) 46-1 won by decision over Daemen Duemmel (Helias Catholic) 33-9 (Dec 11-4)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Zayden Teson (Warrenton) 43-3 won by decision over James Penick (Hillsboro) 25-7 (Dec 6-3)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Gable Ohm (Washington) 46-5 won by decision over Tristan Ace (Rolla) 33-14 (Dec 5-3)

113 Class 3

  • Semifinal - Carter Foglesong (Carl Junction) 45-1 won by fall over Manny McCauley (Warrenton) 30-4 (Fall 1:51)
  • Semifinal - Austin Brown (Hannibal) 47-3 won by fall over Tyrre Broom (Winnetonka) 30-12 (Fall 0:47)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Landon Westfall (Kearney) 31-16 won by decision over Parker Lock (Helias Catholic) 25-15 (Dec 9-2)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Evan Litzsinger (Hillsboro) 38-10 won by decision over Kanyon Shurtz (Ft. Zumwalt South) 41-11 (Dec 6-1)

120 Class 3

  • Semifinal - Carter Wallis (Hillsboro) 37-5 won by decision over Reign Creech (Hannibal) 44-8 (Dec 6-1)
  • Semifinal - Ryder Shelton (Kearney) 41-5 won by decision over Sam Melton (Carl Junction) 30-5 (Dec 1-0)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Brody Kell (North Point) 39-17 won by major decision over Nick Baker (Ft. Zumwalt South) 42-10 (MD 14-5)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Caden Hulett (Platte County) 36-12 won by decision over Brenton Drummond (DeSoto) 39-9 (Dec 3-0)

126 Class 3

  • Semifinal - Presley Johnson (Farmington) 40-3 won by major decision over Zack Tihen (Ft. Zumwalt South) 48-5 (MD 11-3)
  • Semifinal - Porter Matecki (Whitfield) 25-2 won by fall over Jeremiah Kassing (Warrenton) 38-11 (Fall 5:26)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Jordan Penick (Hillsboro) 30-14 won by fall over Couper Deckard (Washington) 41-7 (Fall 2:47)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Korbin Howe (Hannibal) 37-11 won by decision over Bradley `cy` Holder (Webster Groves) 37-13 (Dec 9-4)

132 Class 3

  • Semifinal - Kaden Purler (North Point) 35-2 won by decision over Joshua Kassing (Warrenton) 41-9 (Dec 7-0)
  • Semifinal - Tristen Essig (Hannibal) 48-1 won by fall over Cameron Clark (Ft. Zumwalt South) 41-11 (Fall 3:17)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Norman Schneider (Raytown South) 43-6 won by decision over Blaine Turpin (Kearney) 26-19 (Dec 8-7)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Braden Werdehausen (Jefferson City) 46-6 won by decision over Javarien Jeffries (William Chrisman) 32-4 (Dec 5-4)

138 Class 3

  • Semifinal - Jackson Tucker (Hillsboro) 29-3 won by decision over Caleb Carter (Whitfield) 41-8 (Dec 9-3)
  • Semifinal - Jaden Lambert (Belton) 44-7 won by major decision over MJ Gritts (Marshfield) 51-6 (MD 11-2)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Drake Peeler (DeSoto) 39-5 won by major decision over Noah Lohrmann (Warrenton) 44-13 (MD 12-1)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Drake Brinkley (Hannibal) 39-14 won by decision over Brenden Berry (Carl Junction) 32-15 (Dec 8-7)

144 Class 3

  • Semifinal - Cooper Moore (Bolivar) 42-3 won by fall over Austin Hunter (Ft. Zumwalt South) 36-10 (Fall 3:14)
  • Semifinal - Cody Culp (Hannibal) 32-0 won by tech fall over Tanner Davidson (Marshfield) 46-9 (TF-1.5 2:23 (15-0))
  • Cons. Round 3 - Brennen Green (Smithville) 44-11 won in tie breaker - 1 over Deegan Mitchell (Jefferson City) 36-6 (TB-1 4-3)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Leo Buchheit (North Point) 44-5 won by major decision over Dominic Eakins (DeSoto) 41-10 (MD 11-2)

150 Class 3

  • Semifinal - Logan Rubinstein (Holt) 30-0 won by fall over Aaron Dillingham (Carl Junction) 36-18 (Fall 2:26)
  • Semifinal - Kayden Kinder (Rolla) 33-3 won by decision over Rome Tate (Whitfield) 41-13 (Dec 6-2)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Jeric Gumahin (Ft. Zumwalt South) 48-9 won by decision over Tristan Waters (Smithville) 34-19 (Dec 7-1)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Kyeler Aders (Farmington) 42-9 won by decision over Tyler Storment (Branson) 24-11 (Dec 6-5)

157 Class 3

  • Semifinal - Koen Ramage (Hannibal) 27-4 won in sudden victory - 1 over Dexter Merrell (Carl Junction) 37-11 (SV-1 8-6)
  • Semifinal - Alex Hutchcraft (Smithville) 45-5 won by decision over Casey Olszowka (Washington) 50-1 (Dec 3-2)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Lucas Parietti (Whitfield) 36-12 won by fall over Blaine Curtis (Helias Catholic) 27-21 (Fall 0:32)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Shane Leary (Platte County) 35-17 won by decision over Koen Erickson (Ft. Zumwalt South) 37-12 (Dec 7-2)

165 Class 3

  • Semifinal - Sam Richardson (Hillsboro) 47-3 won by decision over Eli Homan (Helias Catholic) 44-4 (Dec 5-0)
  • Semifinal - Darrius Paige (Van Horn) 29-4 won by decision over Jayden McCaster (De Smet Jesuit) 35-9 (Dec 3-2)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Darrell Smith (Platte County) 21-12 won by decision over Ethan Turner (Farmington) 38-8 (Dec 6-4)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Owen Dalpoas (Vianney) 42-9 won by decision over Nate Lawhon (Smithville) 31-16 (Dec 8-4)

175 Class 3

  • Semifinal - Brice Henry (Windsor (Imperial)) 47-1 won by decision over Quinten Attebury (Belton) 40-11 (Dec 4-3)
  • Semifinal - Carter Temple (Kearney) 36-4 won by decision over Tony Stewart (Carl Junction) 46-5 (Dec 3-0)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Trey Ladymon (Union) 44-8 won by fall over Cohen Davis (Capital City) 29-10 (Fall 2:20)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Mason McCurry (Bolivar) 40-4 won by fall over Davarious Nunley (Central (Cape Girardeau)) 27-12 (Fall 2:37)

190 Class 3

  • Semifinal - Logan Montoya (Helias Catholic) 48-0 won by fall over Malosi Sosef (McDonald County) 22-10 (Fall 1:09)
  • Semifinal - Jakweli Gist (Kearney) 39-4 won by fall over Nathaniel Beeson (Camdenton) 44-4 (Fall 2:27)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Jaren Jackson (De Smet Jesuit) 50-4 won by major decision over Matthew Wiegand (Capital City) 40-11 (MD 14-2)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Lonzo Johnson (Lincoln College Prep) 33-9 won by decision over Levi Morris (Hillcrest) 28-13 (Dec 5-2)

215 Class 3

  • Semifinal - Samuel Murphy (McDonald County) 47-3 won in the ultimate tie breaker over CJ Nelson (Van Horn) 37-5 (UTB 2-1)
  • Semifinal - Jake Fernandez (Platte County) 41-4 won by decision over Jacob Ruff (Warrenton) 48-1 (Dec 6-2)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Tyrese Thurmon (Washington) 42-15 won by fall over Alex Holloway (Jefferson City) 29-24 (Fall 2:32)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Landen McNeil (Capital City) 42-10 won by decision over Rowdy Vaugh (Farmington) 36-9 (Dec 5-2)

285 Class 3

  • Semifinal - Reyce Turner (Capital City) 47-4 won by decision over Ryan Ross (Hannibal) 43-12 (Dec 3-1)
  • Semifinal - Derek Joiner (Grandview) 34-1 won by decision over Adrian Harrold (Whitfield) 38-12 (Dec 6-3)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Nathaniel Knaff (Pacific) 32-5 won by fall over Junior Rudd (Ft. Zumwalt South) 44-10 (Fall 3:56)
  • Cons. Round 3 - Jayce Hitt (McDonald County) 43-4 won by decision over Griffin Morris (Hillsboro) 37-7 (Dec 3-0)

2nd Wrestleback (16 Man)

106 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 2 - James Penick (Hillsboro) 25-6 won in sudden victory - 1 over Mlondani Emoyi (Van Horn) 27-15 (SV-1 15-13)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Zayden Teson (Warrenton) 42-2 won by decision over Brody Apenbrinck (North Point) 32-18 (Dec 4-0)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Gable Ohm (Washington) 45-4 won by decision over Adam Bogart (McDonald County) 27-23 (Dec 6-0)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Tristan Ace (Rolla) 33-13 won by decision over Phoenix Shelton (Kearney) 32-13 (Dec 4-2)

113 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 2 - Landon Westfall (Kearney) 30-15 won by fall over Makoa Castillo (Jefferson City) 33-14 (Fall 3:45)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Parker Lock (Helias Catholic) 25-14 won by decision over Eberson Perez (McDonald County) 21-19 (Dec 5-3)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Kanyon Shurtz (Ft. Zumwalt South) 41-10 won by fall over Austin Feely (Capital City) 17-11 (Fall 4:58)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Evan Litzsinger (Hillsboro) 36-10 won by major decision over Eugene Wu (Parkway West) 38-7 (MD 13-1)

120 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 2 - Nick Baker (Ft. Zumwalt South) 42-9 won by fall over Jackson Bassett (Whitfield) 19-13 (Fall 1:00)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Brody Kell (North Point) 37-17 won by decision over Robinson Yoshino (McDonald County) 27-23 (Dec 6-0)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Caden Hulett (Platte County) 34-12 won by decision over Brayden Belding (Windsor (Imperial)) 39-9 (Dec 5-1)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Brenton Drummond (DeSoto) 39-8 won by major decision over Caden Browning (Pacific) 32-13 (MD 18-7)

126 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 2 - Couper Deckard (Washington) 41-6 won by major decision over Nehemiah Ford (Festus) 21-13 (MD 9-1)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Jordan Penick (Hillsboro) 28-14 won by fall over Max Matthews (Carl Junction) 30-15 (Fall 0:29)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Bradley `cy` Holder (Webster Groves) 37-12 won by fall over Mac Mohnen (Marshfield) 36-22 (Fall 2:57)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Korbin Howe (Hannibal) 36-10 won by decision over Timothy Link (Pacific) 30-9 (Dec 4-3)

132 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 2 - Blaine Turpin (Kearney) 26-18 won by decision over Minko Brown (Rockwood Summit) 28-9 (Dec 5-4)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Norman Schneider (Raytown South) 41-6 won by decision over Zach Dennis (Farmington) 37-13 (Dec 4-0)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Braden Werdehausen (Jefferson City) 44-6 won by decision over Grant Fadler (Platte County) 27-23 (Dec 4-0)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Javarien Jeffries (William Chrisman) 32-3 won by fall over Luke Patterson (Windsor (Imperial)) 43-10 (Fall 5:00)

138 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 2 - Noah Lohrmann (Warrenton) 44-12 won by decision over Ryan Poropat (Ft. Zumwalt South) 35-16 (Dec 12-5)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Drake Peeler (DeSoto) 38-4 won by fall over Jace Amsden (Farmington) 23-24 (Fall 1:26)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Drake Brinkley (Hannibal) 37-14 won by major decision over Jack Mrozowicz (Rolla) 32-21 (MD 11-3)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Brenden Berry (Carl Junction) 32-14 won by decision over Maddux NeSmith (Bolivar) 31-11 (Dec 8-6)

144 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 2 - Brennen Green (Smithville) 43-10 won by decision over Jack Johnson (Platte County) 27-14 (Dec 10-4)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Deegan Mitchell (Jefferson City) 36-5 won by fall over Kale Davis (Kearney) 28-15 (Fall 2:10)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Leo Buchheit (North Point) 42-5 won by decision over Levi Casey (Capital City) 21-12 (Dec 7-0)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Dominic Eakins (DeSoto) 41-9 won by decision over Wyatt Hendrix (Hillsboro) 33-16 (Dec 6-4)

150 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 2 - Tristan Waters (Smithville) 34-18 won by major decision over Evan MacCuish (Platte County) 32-15 (MD 14-5)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Jeric Gumahin (Ft. Zumwalt South) 46-9 won by major decision over DeMarkus Lyddon-Allen (Capital City) 34-18 (MD 14-0)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Tyler Storment (Branson) 24-10 won by fall over George Rodgers (Sikeston) 26-11 (Fall 0:31)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Kyeler Aders (Farmington) 41-8 won by fall over Mikel Carver (Jefferson City) 38-16 (Fall 2:12)

157 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 2 - Blaine Curtis (Helias Catholic) 27-20 won by fall over Shaun Roberts (Ladue Horton Watkins) 23-11 (Fall 4:34)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Lucas Parietti (Whitfield) 34-12 won by fall over Anthony Seneker (Jefferson City) 32-15 (Fall 3:34)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Shane Leary (Platte County) 34-16 won by decision over Jax Lancaster (Sikeston) 33-13 (Dec 7-1)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Koen Erickson (Ft. Zumwalt South) 37-11 won by major decision over Sy Rosipal (Branson) 24-22 (MD 10-2)

165 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 2 - Darrell Smith (Platte County) 20-11 won by major decision over Marcus Lopez-Durman (Carl Junction) 34-8 (MD 10-2)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Ethan Turner (Farmington) 38-7 won by fall over Evan Weingart (Parkway Central) 43-12 (Fall 2:26)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Nate Lawhon (Smithville) 31-15 won by major decision over Levi Fuller (Marshfield) 37-10 (MD 10-2)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Owen Dalpoas (Vianney) 41-8 won by decision over John Holt (Camdenton) 44-4 (Dec 9-3)

175 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 2 - Cohen Davis (Capital City) 29-9 won by fall over Brody Williams (North Point) 24-15 (Fall 0:29)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Trey Ladymon (Union) 43-7 won by fall over Dylan Johnson (Festus) 38-13 (Fall 3:56)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Davarious Nunley (Central (Cape Girardeau)) 27-11 won by decision over Cole Johnson (Platte County) 13-13 (Dec 12-5)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Mason McCurry (Bolivar) 38-4 won by major decision over Tyce Jones (Marshfield) 39-17 (MD 11-0)

190 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 2 - Matthew Wiegand (Capital City) 40-10 won by fall over Colin Carter (Windsor (Imperial)) 42-13 (Fall 1:56)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Jaren Jackson (De Smet Jesuit) 48-4 won by fall over Maurice Beers (Parkway West) 34-14 (Fall 2:07)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Levi Morris (Hillcrest) 28-12 won by major decision over Nolan Hendrix (Washington) 30-23 (MD 9-0)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Lonzo Johnson (Lincoln College Prep) 32-8 won by decision over Hunter Rhodes (Hillsboro) 15-8 (Dec 8-3)

215 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 2 - Tyrese Thurmon (Washington) 41-14 won by decision over Mason Cummins (Parkway West) 38-13 (Dec 5-2)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Alex Holloway (Jefferson City) 29-23 won by fall over Mason Clark (Ft. Zumwalt South) 34-12 (Fall 1:57)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Landen McNeil (Capital City) 41-9 won by decision over JD Romero (Kearney) 29-14 (Dec 10-9)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Rowdy Vaugh (Farmington) 36-8 won by fall over Ethan Flemming (De Smet Jesuit) 21-13 (Fall 4:59)

285 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 2 - Nathaniel Knaff (Pacific) 31-4 won by decision over Luke Jenkins (Jefferson City) 29-18 (Dec 3-1)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Junior Rudd (Ft. Zumwalt South) 44-9 won by fall over Killian Cordia (Union) 36-14 (Fall 0:53)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Jayce Hitt (McDonald County) 41-4 won by fall over Tyler Jarrett (Kearney) 17-10 (Fall 2:30)
  • Cons. Round 2 - Griffin Morris (Hillsboro) 37-6 won by tech fall over Patrick Brown (Webster Groves) 28-10 (TF-1.5 4:56 (16-1))

Quarters (16 Man)

106 Class 3

  • Quarterfinal - Aiden Hahn (Farmington) 41-4 won by major decision over Tristan Ace (Rolla) 33-13 (MD 11-1)
  • Quarterfinal - Jaxson Shute (Platte County) 38-3 won by fall over Gable Ohm (Washington) 45-4 (Fall 4:43)
  • Quarterfinal - Daemen Duemmel (Helias Catholic) 32-8 won by decision over Zayden Teson (Warrenton) 42-2 (Dec 3-1)
  • Quarterfinal - Ryzen Isringhausen (Branson) 45-1 won by decision over James Penick (Hillsboro) 25-6 (Dec 5-0)

113 Class 3

  • Quarterfinal - Manny McCauley (Warrenton) 29-3 won by decision over Evan Litzsinger (Hillsboro) 36-10 (Dec 5-1)
  • Quarterfinal - Carter Foglesong (Carl Junction) 44-1 won by fall over Kanyon Shurtz (Ft. Zumwalt South) 41-10 (Fall 2:14)
  • Quarterfinal - Austin Brown (Hannibal) 46-3 won by fall over Eberson Perez (McDonald County) 21-19 (Fall 1:36)
  • Quarterfinal - Tyrre Broom (Winnetonka) 30-10 won by decision over Makoa Castillo (Jefferson City) 33-14 (Dec 5-3)

120 Class 3

  • Quarterfinal - Carter Wallis (Hillsboro) 36-5 won by fall over Caden Browning (Pacific) 32-13 (Fall 2:19)
  • Quarterfinal - Reign Creech (Hannibal) 44-6 won by fall over Caden Hulett (Platte County) 34-12 (Fall 6:33)
  • Quarterfinal - Sam Melton (Carl Junction) 30-3 won by decision over Brody Kell (North Point) 37-17 (Dec 6-4)
  • Quarterfinal - Ryder Shelton (Kearney) 40-5 won by fall over Jackson Bassett (Whitfield) 19-13 (Fall 0:20)

126 Class 3

  • Quarterfinal - Presley Johnson (Farmington) 39-3 won by decision over Korbin Howe (Hannibal) 36-10 (Dec 8-3)
  • Quarterfinal - Zack Tihen (Ft. Zumwalt South) 48-3 won by fall over Bradley `cy` Holder (Webster Groves) 37-12 (Fall 0:48)
  • Quarterfinal - Porter Matecki (Whitfield) 24-2 won by tech fall over Jordan Penick (Hillsboro) 28-14 (TF-1.5 4:12 (18-3))
  • Quarterfinal - Jeremiah Kassing (Warrenton) 37-10 won by major decision over Nehemiah Ford (Festus) 21-13 (MD 15-2)

132 Class 3

  • Quarterfinal - Joshua Kassing (Warrenton) 41-7 won by decision over Luke Patterson (Windsor (Imperial)) 43-10 (Dec 6-3)
  • Quarterfinal - Kaden Purler (North Point) 34-2 won by decision over Braden Werdehausen (Jefferson City) 44-6 (Dec 3-0)
  • Quarterfinal - Tristen Essig (Hannibal) 47-1 won by fall over Zach Dennis (Farmington) 37-13 (Fall 1:38)
  • Quarterfinal - Cameron Clark (Ft. Zumwalt South) 41-9 won by decision over Minko Brown (Rockwood Summit) 28-9 (Dec 4-2)

138 Class 3

  • Quarterfinal - Jackson Tucker (Hillsboro) 28-3 won by fall over Brenden Berry (Carl Junction) 32-14 (Fall 1:39)
  • Quarterfinal - Caleb Carter (Whitfield) 40-7 won by fall over Jack Mrozowicz (Rolla) 32-21 (Fall 0:46)
  • Quarterfinal - MJ Gritts (Marshfield) 51-4 won by decision over Drake Peeler (DeSoto) 38-4 (Dec 5-3)
  • Quarterfinal - Jaden Lambert (Belton) 43-7 won by decision over Noah Lohrmann (Warrenton) 44-12 (Dec 8-4)

144 Class 3

  • Quarterfinal - Austin Hunter (Ft. Zumwalt South) 35-9 won by decision over Dominic Eakins (DeSoto) 41-9 (Dec 7-5)
  • Quarterfinal - Cooper Moore (Bolivar) 41-3 won by decision over Leo Buchheit (North Point) 42-5 (Dec 7-3)
  • Quarterfinal - Cody Culp (Hannibal) 31-0 won by tech fall over Deegan Mitchell (Jefferson City) 36-5 (TF-1.5 4:03 (16-1))
  • Quarterfinal - Tanner Davidson (Marshfield) 46-7 won by decision over Brennen Green (Smithville) 43-10 (Dec 8-5)

150 Class 3

  • Quarterfinal - Aaron Dillingham (Carl Junction) 36-16 won by fall over Kyeler Aders (Farmington) 41-8 (Fall 2:34)
  • Quarterfinal - Logan Rubinstein (Holt) 29-0 won by decision over Tyler Storment (Branson) 24-10 (Dec 9-2)
  • Quarterfinal - Kayden Kinder (Rolla) 32-3 won by decision over Jeric Gumahin (Ft. Zumwalt South) 46-9 (Dec 5-4)
  • Quarterfinal - Rome Tate (Whitfield) 40-12 won by decision over Tristan Waters (Smithville) 34-18 (Dec 7-1)

157 Class 3

  • Quarterfinal - Dexter Merrell (Carl Junction) 37-9 won by fall over Koen Erickson (Ft. Zumwalt South) 37-11 (Fall 1:55)
  • Quarterfinal - Koen Ramage (Hannibal) 26-4 won by decision over Shane Leary (Platte County) 34-16 (Dec 3-1)
  • Quarterfinal - Casey Olszowka (Washington) 49-0 won by decision over Lucas Parietti (Whitfield) 34-12 (Dec 7-2)
  • Quarterfinal - Alex Hutchcraft (Smithville) 44-5 won by fall over Shaun Roberts (Ladue Horton Watkins) 23-11 (Fall 2:30)

165 Class 3

  • Quarterfinal - Sam Richardson (Hillsboro) 46-3 won by fall over John Holt (Camdenton) 44-4 (Fall 1:25)
  • Quarterfinal - Eli Homan (Helias Catholic) 43-3 won by fall over Levi Fuller (Marshfield) 37-10 (Fall 3:07)
  • Quarterfinal - Jayden McCaster (De Smet Jesuit) 34-8 won by decision over Ethan Turner (Farmington) 38-7 (Dec 5-2)
  • Quarterfinal - Darrius Paige (Van Horn) 28-4 won by decision over Marcus Lopez-Durman (Carl Junction) 34-8 (Dec 11-4)

175 Class 3

  • Quarterfinal - Brice Henry (Windsor (Imperial)) 46-1 won by decision over Mason McCurry (Bolivar) 38-4 (Dec 3-1)
  • Quarterfinal - Quinten Attebury (Belton) 39-10 won by decision over Davarious Nunley (Central (Cape Girardeau)) 27-11 (Dec 9-3)
  • Quarterfinal - Tony Stewart (Carl Junction) 46-3 won by fall over Dylan Johnson (Festus) 38-13 (Fall 1:47)
  • Quarterfinal - Carter Temple (Kearney) 35-4 won by fall over Brody Williams (North Point) 24-15 (Fall 5:03)

190 Class 3

  • Quarterfinal - Malosi Sosef (McDonald County) 22-8 won by fall over Lonzo Johnson (Lincoln College Prep) 32-8 (Fall 4:28)
  • Quarterfinal - Logan Montoya (Helias Catholic) 47-0 won by fall over Levi Morris (Hillcrest) 28-12 (Fall 0:49)
  • Quarterfinal - Jakweli Gist (Kearney) 38-4 won by decision over Jaren Jackson (De Smet Jesuit) 48-4 (Dec 4-2)
  • Quarterfinal - Nathaniel Beeson (Camdenton) 43-3 won by decision over Matthew Wiegand (Capital City) 40-10 (Dec 8-5)

215 Class 3

  • Quarterfinal - CJ Nelson (Van Horn) 36-4 won by fall over Rowdy Vaugh (Farmington) 36-8 (Fall 1:58)
  • Quarterfinal - Samuel Murphy (McDonald County) 46-3 won by fall over Landen McNeil (Capital City) 41-9 (Fall 4:27)
  • Quarterfinal - Jacob Ruff (Warrenton) 47-0 won by fall over Alex Holloway (Jefferson City) 29-23 (Fall 1:07)
  • Quarterfinal - Jake Fernandez (Platte County) 40-4 won by fall over Tyrese Thurmon (Washington) 41-14 (Fall 0:17)

285 Class 3

  • Quarterfinal - Ryan Ross (Hannibal) 42-11 won by fall over Griffin Morris (Hillsboro) 37-6 (Fall 5:52)
  • Quarterfinal - Reyce Turner (Capital City) 46-4 won by decision over Jayce Hitt (McDonald County) 41-4 (Dec 9-2)
  • Quarterfinal - Adrian Harrold (Whitfield) 38-10 won by decision over Killian Cordia (Union) 36-14 (Dec 7-3)
  • Quarterfinal - Derek Joiner (Grandview) 33-1 won by decision over Luke Jenkins (Jefferson City) 29-18 (Dec 9-5)

1st WB (16 Man)

106 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 1 - Mlondani Emoyi (Van Horn) 27-15 won by forfeit over Bryce Smith (Chaminade College Preparatory) 16-10 (For.)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Brody Apenbrinck (North Point) 32-18 won by fall over Lane Cobb (Windsor (Imperial)) 18-18 (Fall 1:49)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Adam Bogart (McDonald County) 27-23 won by fall over Daniel Feldmeier (Vianney) 19-29 (Fall 2:14)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Phoenix Shelton (Kearney) 32-13 won by fall over Chase Youngwirth (Hannibal) 11-14 (Fall 3:36)

113 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 1 - Landon Westfall (Kearney) 30-15 won by fall over Caleb Parker (Rolla) 22-23 (Fall 2:00)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Parker Lock (Helias Catholic) 25-14 won by decision over Michael Rossomanno (Rockwood Summit) 29-15 (Dec 10-5)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Austin Feely (Capital City) 17-11 won by major decision over Ryan Monroe (Farmington) 23-18 (MD 10-1)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Eugene Wu (Parkway West) 38-7 won by fall over Maximus Glueck (Vianney) 30-17 (Fall 1:36)

120 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 1 - Nick Baker (Ft. Zumwalt South) 42-9 won by decision over Jaylen Civil (Warrensburg) 27-14 (Dec 6-2)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Robinson Yoshino (McDonald County) 27-23 won by fall over Logan Loporto (Vianney) 22-25 (Fall 0:56)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Brayden Belding (Windsor (Imperial)) 39-9 won by tech fall over Alex Wieberg (Helias Catholic) 21-22 (TF-1.5 5:00 (16-1))
  • Cons. Round 1 - Brenton Drummond (DeSoto) 39-8 won by fall over Carson Mickem (Rolla) 32-19 (Fall 4:14)

126 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 1 - Couper Deckard (Washington) 41-6 won by major decision over Evan Dunn (Helias Catholic) 12-21 (MD 18-5)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Max Matthews (Carl Junction) 30-15 won by fall over Dawson Ballard (Smithville) 18-24 (Fall 2:16)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Mac Mohnen (Marshfield) 36-22 won by fall over Kayden Vaught (Belton) 20-17 (Fall 3:00)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Timothy Link (Pacific) 30-9 won by fall over Xavier Woods (Winnetonka) 14-15 (Fall 2:25)

132 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 1 - Blaine Turpin (Kearney) 26-18 won by fall over Brock Webb (Pacific) 31-19 (Fall 4:44)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Norman Schneider (Raytown South) 41-6 won by decision over Conner Michael (Sikeston) 13-12 (Dec 9-2)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Grant Fadler (Platte County) 27-23 won by decision over Finnegan McNitt (Camdenton) 37-9 (Dec 6-5)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Javarien Jeffries (William Chrisman) 32-3 won by major decision over Colt Taylor (Webb City) 35-11 (MD 11-1)

138 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 1 - Ryan Poropat (Ft. Zumwalt South) 35-16 won by decision over Justin Wieberg (Helias Catholic) 29-17 (Dec 7-4)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Jace Amsden (Farmington) 23-24 won by decision over Kendahl Davis (Kearney) 21-18 (Dec 6-5)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Drake Brinkley (Hannibal) 37-14 won by tech fall over Jeremiah Austin (Capital City) 30-19 (TF-1.5 3:00 (15-0))
  • Cons. Round 1 - Maddux NeSmith (Bolivar) 31-11 won by fall over Donovan Brown (Rockwood Summit) 24-10 (Fall 2:26)

144 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 1 - Jack Johnson (Platte County) 27-14 won by decision over Sawyer Black (Rolla) 33-19 (Dec 1-0)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Kale Davis (Kearney) 28-15 won by fall over Robert Buehre (Festus) 24-10 (Fall 1:25)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Levi Casey (Capital City) 21-12 won by fall over Zeke Moreland (Farmington) 30-15 (Fall 2:13)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Wyatt Hendrix (Hillsboro) 33-16 won by decision over Max Tesson (Warrenton) 28-20 (Dec 10-4)

150 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 1 - Evan MacCuish (Platte County) 32-15 won by decision over Peyton Elliot (Hannibal) 25-12 (Dec 4-3)
  • Cons. Round 1 - DeMarkus Lyddon-Allen (Capital City) 34-18 won by decision over James Rowe (Ladue Horton Watkins) 43-12 (Dec 11-5)
  • Cons. Round 1 - George Rodgers (Sikeston) 26-11 won by decision over Aleksandr Careaga (Helias Catholic) 23-21 (Dec 6-1)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Mikel Carver (Jefferson City) 38-16 won by decision over Hunter Adams (DeSoto) 29-12 (Dec 9-5)

157 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 1 - Blaine Curtis (Helias Catholic) 27-20 won by decision over Cj Bauer (Hillsboro) 34-13 (Dec 5-2)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Anthony Seneker (Jefferson City) 32-15 won by decision over Lane Weiss (Farmington) 30-19 (Dec 5-2)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Jax Lancaster (Sikeston) 33-13 won by fall over Aiden Arellano (Kearney) 17-13 (Fall 4:07)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Sy Rosipal (Branson) 24-22 won by fall over Lucas Sapp (North Point) 35-15 (Fall 1:26)

165 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 1 - Darrell Smith (Platte County) 20-11 won by fall over Brody Wilmes (North Point) 15-19 (Fall 2:42)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Evan Weingart (Parkway Central) 43-12 won by major decision over Levi Huck (DeSoto) 33-13 (MD 12-4)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Nate Lawhon (Smithville) 31-15 won by fall over Lucas Tennyson (Pacific) 35-14 (Fall 3:43)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Owen Dalpoas (Vianney) 41-8 won by decision over Korben Johnson (Warrenton) 25-17 (Dec 7-0)

175 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 1 - Cohen Davis (Capital City) 29-9 won by fall over Evan Rolwes (De Smet Jesuit) 17-12 (Fall 0:45)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Trey Ladymon (Union) 43-7 won by fall over JD Dunn (Ft. Zumwalt South) 42-12 (Fall 4:55)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Cole Johnson (Platte County) 13-13 won by major decision over Jacob Ketterman (Holt) 28-20 (MD 15-1)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Tyce Jones (Marshfield) 39-17 won by fall over William Rodgers (Farmington) 14-28 (Fall 2:20)

190 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 1 - Colin Carter (Windsor (Imperial)) 42-13 won by fall over Tyler Jones (Parkway North) 37-6 (Fall 0:42)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Maurice Beers (Parkway West) 34-14 won by fall over Jacob Winbush (Ladue Horton Watkins) 26-15 (Fall 2:05)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Nolan Hendrix (Washington) 30-23 won by decision over Jason Kirk (Rockwood Summit) 23-10 (Dec 6-2)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Hunter Rhodes (Hillsboro) 15-8 won by decision over Tristan Shannon (Hazelwood East) 28-16 (Dec 4-1)

215 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 1 - Mason Cummins (Parkway West) 38-13 won by decision over Louden Bolinger (Webb City) 20-21 (Dec 3-1)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Mason Clark (Ft. Zumwalt South) 34-12 won by fall over Turner Hunsaker (Vianney) 29-14 (Fall 3:57)
  • Cons. Round 1 - JD Romero (Kearney) 29-14 won by decision over Aiden Isaacson (DeSoto) 32-18 (Dec 9-5)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Ethan Flemming (De Smet Jesuit) 21-13 won by fall over Riley Weisner (Windsor (Imperial)) 31-14 (Fall 2:11)

285 Class 3

  • Cons. Round 1 - Nathaniel Knaff (Pacific) 31-4 won by fall over Clevon Woodard (Raytown South) 22-13 (Fall 0:33)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Junior Rudd (Ft. Zumwalt South) 44-9 won by decision over Sam Berger (Vianney) 23-9 (Dec 10-7)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Tyler Jarrett (Kearney) 17-10 won by fall over Logan Earhart (Farmington) 23-21 (Fall 1:32)
  • Cons. Round 1 - Patrick Brown (Webster Groves) 28-10 won by fall over Elias McPike (Warrenton) 16-5 (Fall 2:02)

Round 1 (16 Man)

106 Class 3

  • Champ. Round 1 - Aiden Hahn (Farmington) 41-4 won by fall over Mlondani Emoyi (Van Horn) 27-15 (Fall 0:25)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Tristan Ace (Rolla) 33-13 won by forfeit over Bryce Smith (Chaminade College Preparatory) 16-10 (For.)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jaxson Shute (Platte County) 38-3 won by fall over Lane Cobb (Windsor (Imperial)) 18-18 (Fall 0:57)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Gable Ohm (Washington) 45-4 won by decision over Brody Apenbrinck (North Point) 32-18 (Dec 4-1)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Zayden Teson (Warrenton) 42-2 won by fall over Adam Bogart (McDonald County) 27-23 (Fall 3:29)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Daemen Duemmel (Helias Catholic) 32-8 won by fall over Daniel Feldmeier (Vianney) 19-29 (Fall 1:29)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Ryzen Isringhausen (Branson) 45-1 won by fall over Chase Youngwirth (Hannibal) 11-14 (Fall 0:37)
  • Champ. Round 1 - James Penick (Hillsboro) 25-6 won by decision over Phoenix Shelton (Kearney) 32-13 (Dec 6-4)

113 Class 3

  • Champ. Round 1 - Evan Litzsinger (Hillsboro) 36-10 won by decision over Caleb Parker (Rolla) 22-23 (Dec 9-3)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Manny McCauley (Warrenton) 29-3 won by fall over Landon Westfall (Kearney) 30-15 (Fall 5:20)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Carter Foglesong (Carl Junction) 44-1 won by fall over Michael Rossomanno (Rockwood Summit) 29-15 (Fall 0:24)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Kanyon Shurtz (Ft. Zumwalt South) 41-10 won by decision over Parker Lock (Helias Catholic) 25-14 (Dec 4-2)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Austin Brown (Hannibal) 46-3 won by fall over Austin Feely (Capital City) 17-11 (Fall 3:19)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Eberson Perez (McDonald County) 21-19 won by fall over Ryan Monroe (Farmington) 23-18 (Fall 1:43)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Tyrre Broom (Winnetonka) 30-10 won by decision over Eugene Wu (Parkway West) 38-7 (Dec 9-7)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Makoa Castillo (Jefferson City) 33-14 won by fall over Maximus Glueck (Vianney) 30-17 (Fall 5:56)

120 Class 3

  • Champ. Round 1 - Carter Wallis (Hillsboro) 36-5 won by fall over Nick Baker (Ft. Zumwalt South) 42-9 (Fall 4:58)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Caden Browning (Pacific) 32-13 won by decision over Jaylen Civil (Warrensburg) 27-14 (Dec 10-3)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Reign Creech (Hannibal) 44-6 won by fall over Logan Loporto (Vianney) 22-25 (Fall 2:42)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Caden Hulett (Platte County) 34-12 won by fall over Robinson Yoshino (McDonald County) 27-23 (Fall 0:49)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Sam Melton (Carl Junction) 30-3 won by tech fall over Alex Wieberg (Helias Catholic) 21-22 (TF-1.5 5:27 (16-1))
  • Champ. Round 1 - Brody Kell (North Point) 37-17 won by decision over Brayden Belding (Windsor (Imperial)) 39-9 (Dec 7-2)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Ryder Shelton (Kearney) 40-5 won by fall over Carson Mickem (Rolla) 32-19 (Fall 1:30)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jackson Bassett (Whitfield) 19-13 won by fall over Brenton Drummond (DeSoto) 39-8 (Fall 4:27)

126 Class 3

  • Champ. Round 1 - Presley Johnson (Farmington) 39-3 won by fall over Evan Dunn (Helias Catholic) 12-21 (Fall 1:57)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Korbin Howe (Hannibal) 36-10 won by decision over Couper Deckard (Washington) 41-6 (Dec 8-4)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Bradley `cy` Holder (Webster Groves) 37-12 won by decision over Dawson Ballard (Smithville) 18-24 (Dec 6-5)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Zack Tihen (Ft. Zumwalt South) 48-3 won by major decision over Max Matthews (Carl Junction) 30-15 (MD 12-0)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Porter Matecki (Whitfield) 24-2 won by fall over Mac Mohnen (Marshfield) 36-22 (Fall 0:35)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jordan Penick (Hillsboro) 28-14 won by fall over Kayden Vaught (Belton) 20-17 (Fall 3:22)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jeremiah Kassing (Warrenton) 37-10 won by fall over Timothy Link (Pacific) 30-9 (Fall 3:46)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Nehemiah Ford (Festus) 21-13 won by fall over Xavier Woods (Winnetonka) 14-15 (Fall 3:57)

132 Class 3

  • Champ. Round 1 - Luke Patterson (Windsor (Imperial)) 43-10 won by decision over Brock Webb (Pacific) 31-19 (Dec 7-6)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Joshua Kassing (Warrenton) 41-7 won by decision over Blaine Turpin (Kearney) 26-18 (Dec 3-1)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Braden Werdehausen (Jefferson City) 44-6 won by fall over Conner Michael (Sikeston) 13-12 (Fall 1:15)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Kaden Purler (North Point) 34-2 won by fall over Norman Schneider (Raytown South) 41-6 (Fall 5:40)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Tristen Essig (Hannibal) 47-1 won by fall over Grant Fadler (Platte County) 27-23 (Fall 1:35)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Zach Dennis (Farmington) 37-13 won by decision over Finnegan McNitt (Camdenton) 37-9 (Dec 6-2)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Cameron Clark (Ft. Zumwalt South) 41-9 won by decision over Javarien Jeffries (William Chrisman) 32-3 (Dec 6-4)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Minko Brown (Rockwood Summit) 28-9 won in sudden victory - 1 over Colt Taylor (Webb City) 35-11 (SV-1 11-9)

138 Class 3

  • Champ. Round 1 - Jackson Tucker (Hillsboro) 28-3 won by tech fall over Ryan Poropat (Ft. Zumwalt South) 35-16 (TF-1.5 4:32 (21-6))
  • Champ. Round 1 - Brenden Berry (Carl Junction) 32-14 won by decision over Justin Wieberg (Helias Catholic) 29-17 (Dec 9-6)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Caleb Carter (Whitfield) 40-7 won by fall over Jace Amsden (Farmington) 23-24 (Fall 1:38)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jack Mrozowicz (Rolla) 32-21 won by fall over Kendahl Davis (Kearney) 21-18 (Fall 5:58)
  • Champ. Round 1 - MJ Gritts (Marshfield) 51-4 won by fall over Jeremiah Austin (Capital City) 30-19 (Fall 5:24)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Drake Peeler (DeSoto) 38-4 won by decision over Drake Brinkley (Hannibal) 37-14 (Dec 5-2)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jaden Lambert (Belton) 43-7 won by decision over Maddux NeSmith (Bolivar) 31-11 (Dec 7-1)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Noah Lohrmann (Warrenton) 44-12 won by fall over Donovan Brown (Rockwood Summit) 24-10 (Fall 5:33)

144 Class 3

  • Champ. Round 1 - Dominic Eakins (DeSoto) 41-9 won by decision over Sawyer Black (Rolla) 33-19 (Dec 6-3)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Austin Hunter (Ft. Zumwalt South) 35-9 won by decision over Jack Johnson (Platte County) 27-14 (Dec 7-0)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Cooper Moore (Bolivar) 41-3 won by fall over Robert Buehre (Festus) 24-10 (Fall 1:41)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Leo Buchheit (North Point) 42-5 won by fall over Kale Davis (Kearney) 28-15 (Fall 3:07)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Cody Culp (Hannibal) 31-0 won by fall over Levi Casey (Capital City) 21-12 (Fall 2:58)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Deegan Mitchell (Jefferson City) 36-5 won by fall over Zeke Moreland (Farmington) 30-15 (Fall 2:53)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Brennen Green (Smithville) 43-10 won by fall over Max Tesson (Warrenton) 28-20 (Fall 3:46)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Tanner Davidson (Marshfield) 46-7 won by decision over Wyatt Hendrix (Hillsboro) 33-16 (Dec 3-1)

150 Class 3

  • Champ. Round 1 - Kyeler Aders (Farmington) 41-8 won by fall over Peyton Elliot (Hannibal) 25-12 (Fall 0:50)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Aaron Dillingham (Carl Junction) 36-16 won by major decision over Evan MacCuish (Platte County) 32-15 (MD 17-5)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Logan Rubinstein (Holt) 29-0 won by tech fall over James Rowe (Ladue Horton Watkins) 43-12 (TF-1.5 2:24 (16-0))
  • Champ. Round 1 - Tyler Storment (Branson) 24-10 won by major decision over DeMarkus Lyddon-Allen (Capital City) 34-18 (MD 16-2)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Kayden Kinder (Rolla) 32-3 won by decision over Aleksandr Careaga (Helias Catholic) 23-21 (Dec 6-0)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jeric Gumahin (Ft. Zumwalt South) 46-9 won by tech fall over George Rodgers (Sikeston) 26-11 (TF-1.5 4:00 (17-2))
  • Champ. Round 1 - Tristan Waters (Smithville) 34-18 won by tech fall over Mikel Carver (Jefferson City) 38-16 (TF-1.5 5:31 (15-0))
  • Champ. Round 1 - Rome Tate (Whitfield) 40-12 won by fall over Hunter Adams (DeSoto) 29-12 (Fall 1:08)

157 Class 3

  • Champ. Round 1 - Koen Erickson (Ft. Zumwalt South) 37-11 won in sudden victory - 1 over Cj Bauer (Hillsboro) 34-13 (SV-1 8-6)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Dexter Merrell (Carl Junction) 37-9 won by fall over Blaine Curtis (Helias Catholic) 27-20 (Fall 0:45)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Koen Ramage (Hannibal) 26-4 won by major decision over Lane Weiss (Farmington) 30-19 (MD 11-1)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Shane Leary (Platte County) 34-16 won by decision over Anthony Seneker (Jefferson City) 32-15 (Dec 2-1)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Casey Olszowka (Washington) 49-0 won by fall over Aiden Arellano (Kearney) 17-13 (Fall 1:55)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Lucas Parietti (Whitfield) 34-12 won by fall over Jax Lancaster (Sikeston) 33-13 (Fall 0:49)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Alex Hutchcraft (Smithville) 44-5 won by fall over Sy Rosipal (Branson) 24-22 (Fall 2:23)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Shaun Roberts (Ladue Horton Watkins) 23-11 won by decision over Lucas Sapp (North Point) 35-15 (Dec 9-4)

165 Class 3

  • Champ. Round 1 - Sam Richardson (Hillsboro) 46-3 won by fall over Darrell Smith (Platte County) 20-11 (Fall 5:37)
  • Champ. Round 1 - John Holt (Camdenton) 44-4 won by fall over Brody Wilmes (North Point) 15-19 (Fall 3:19)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Eli Homan (Helias Catholic) 43-3 won by fall over Levi Huck (DeSoto) 33-13 (Fall 0:22)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Levi Fuller (Marshfield) 37-10 won by fall over Evan Weingart (Parkway Central) 43-12 (Fall 3:05)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jayden McCaster (De Smet Jesuit) 34-8 won by major decision over Lucas Tennyson (Pacific) 35-14 (MD 13-3)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Ethan Turner (Farmington) 38-7 won by decision over Nate Lawhon (Smithville) 31-15 (Dec 6-5)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Marcus Lopez-Durman (Carl Junction) 34-8 won by fall over Korben Johnson (Warrenton) 25-17 (Fall 2:55)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Darrius Paige (Van Horn) 28-4 won by fall over Owen Dalpoas (Vianney) 41-8 (Fall 3:28)

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  • Champ. Round 1 - Brice Henry (Windsor (Imperial)) 46-1 won by decision over Evan Rolwes (De Smet Jesuit) 17-12 (Dec 9-3)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Mason McCurry (Bolivar) 38-4 won by fall over Cohen Davis (Capital City) 29-9 (Fall 2:34)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Davarious Nunley (Central (Cape Girardeau)) 27-11 won by decision over JD Dunn (Ft. Zumwalt South) 42-12 (Dec 4-2)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Quinten Attebury (Belton) 39-10 won by major decision over Trey Ladymon (Union) 43-7 (MD 12-3)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Tony Stewart (Carl Junction) 46-3 won by fall over Cole Johnson (Platte County) 13-13 (Fall 4:49)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Dylan Johnson (Festus) 38-13 won by fall over Jacob Ketterman (Holt) 28-20 (Fall 1:36)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Carter Temple (Kearney) 35-4 won by decision over Tyce Jones (Marshfield) 39-17 (Dec 7-1)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Brody Williams (North Point) 24-15 won by decision over William Rodgers (Farmington) 14-28 (Dec 8-1)

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  • Champ. Round 1 - Lonzo Johnson (Lincoln College Prep) 32-8 won by fall over Colin Carter (Windsor (Imperial)) 42-13 (Fall 1:47)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Malosi Sosef (McDonald County) 22-8 won by decision over Tyler Jones (Parkway North) 37-6 (Dec 6-5)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Logan Montoya (Helias Catholic) 47-0 won by fall over Jacob Winbush (Ladue Horton Watkins) 26-15 (Fall 1:27)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Levi Morris (Hillcrest) 28-12 won by fall over Maurice Beers (Parkway West) 34-14 (Fall 4:00)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jaren Jackson (De Smet Jesuit) 48-4 won by fall over Nolan Hendrix (Washington) 30-23 (Fall 2:44)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jakweli Gist (Kearney) 38-4 won by fall over Jason Kirk (Rockwood Summit) 23-10 (Fall 1:47)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Nathaniel Beeson (Camdenton) 43-3 won by decision over Tristan Shannon (Hazelwood East) 28-16 (Dec 7-0)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Matthew Wiegand (Capital City) 40-10 won in sudden victory - 1 over Hunter Rhodes (Hillsboro) 15-8 (SV-1 5-3)

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  • Champ. Round 1 - Rowdy Vaugh (Farmington) 36-8 won by fall over Louden Bolinger (Webb City) 20-21 (Fall 0:14)
  • Champ. Round 1 - CJ Nelson (Van Horn) 36-4 won by fall over Mason Cummins (Parkway West) 38-13 (Fall 3:56)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Samuel Murphy (McDonald County) 46-3 won by fall over Turner Hunsaker (Vianney) 29-14 (Fall 3:23)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Landen McNeil (Capital City) 41-9 won by major decision over Mason Clark (Ft. Zumwalt South) 34-12 (MD 12-2)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jacob Ruff (Warrenton) 47-0 won by fall over JD Romero (Kearney) 29-14 (Fall 3:56)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Alex Holloway (Jefferson City) 29-23 won by fall over Aiden Isaacson (DeSoto) 32-18 (Fall 2:27)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jake Fernandez (Platte County) 40-4 won by fall over Ethan Flemming (De Smet Jesuit) 21-13 (Fall 3:07)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Tyrese Thurmon (Washington) 41-14 won by decision over Riley Weisner (Windsor (Imperial)) 31-14 (Dec 11-4)

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  • Champ. Round 1 - Griffin Morris (Hillsboro) 37-6 won by decision over Nathaniel Knaff (Pacific) 31-4 (Dec 3-2)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Ryan Ross (Hannibal) 42-11 won by fall over Clevon Woodard (Raytown South) 22-13 (Fall 3:17)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Jayce Hitt (McDonald County) 41-4 won by tech fall over Sam Berger (Vianney) 23-9 (TF-1.5 4:53 (18-3))
  • Champ. Round 1 - Reyce Turner (Capital City) 46-4 won by fall over Junior Rudd (Ft. Zumwalt South) 44-9 (Fall 0:47)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Adrian Harrold (Whitfield) 38-10 won by decision over Tyler Jarrett (Kearney) 17-10 (Dec 11-4)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Killian Cordia (Union) 36-14 won by decision over Logan Earhart (Farmington) 23-21 (Dec 11-7)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Derek Joiner (Grandview) 33-1 won by fall over Elias McPike (Warrenton) 16-5 (Fall 0:27)
  • Champ. Round 1 - Luke Jenkins (Jefferson City) 29-18 won by fall over Patrick Brown (Webster Groves) 28-10 (Fall 1:20)

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