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 PrimeTime Timing - Contractor License                      HY-TEK's Meet Manager
               MSHSAA State Championships - 11/5/2020 to 11/7/2020               
                         Gans Creek Cross Country Course                         
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 6  Boys 5k CC Class 3
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
Results - Men                                                                    
  1 Daelen Ackley             11 El Dorado Sp           15:41.1    1             
  2 Connor Burns              10 Southern Boo           15:42.2                  
  3 Joe Kremp                 12 Lamar HS               16:02.8    2             
  4 Samuel Wilhelm            12 Knob Noster HS         16:09.8                  
  5 Caleb Lind                11 Lutheran (St           16:13.4    3             
  6 Dalton Gleeson            12 Hermann HS             16:14.4    4             
  7 Landon Fatino             12 Pleasant Hill HS       16:18.1                  
  8 Garrett Dumke             12 Maryville HS           16:26.4    5             
  9 Brody Whalen              12 Priory HS              16:31.4                  
 10 Gabe Bergen               11 East Newton HS         16:45.4    6             
 11 Lucas Laux                12 Fatima HS              16:49.7    7             
 12 Ethan Pittsenbarger       12 Lamar HS               16:51.9    8             
 13 Cody Glisson              12 Herculaneum HS         16:53.4    9             
 14 Jag Galapin               11 Maryville HS           16:57.9   10             
 15 Dawson Woehr              12 Fatima HS              16:59.7   11             
 16 Ian Schwierjohn           12 Orchard Farm HS        17:03.3                  
 17 Lyndan Gruenke            11 Fredericktown HS       17:05.1                  
 18 John Markovitz            12 Osage HS               17:05.7   12             
 19 Nathan Reynolds            9 Eldon HS               17:07.6                  
 20 Devin St. Clair           12 Ste. Genevieve HS      17:07.9   13             
 21 Travis Fruend             12 Lutheran (St           17:08.1   14             
 22 David Marino              11 Maplewood-Ri           17:09.6                  
 23 Sean Walker               10 Buffalo HS             17:12.7                  
 24 William Falk              12 Micds                  17:14.6                  
 25 Logan Fraker              11 Strafford HS           17:17.6   15             
 26 Andrew Snoke              10 Lutheran South HS      17:21.1                  
 27 Cale Sterling             11 Maryville HS           17:22.0   16             
 28 Kelton Sorrell            11 East Newton HS         17:23.3   17             
 29 Jake Boyce                12 Fatima HS              17:25.2   18             
 30 Christopher Oberkrom      12 St. Michael            17:26.8                  
 31 Akash Mallady             11 John Burroughs HS      17:27.5   19             
 32 Ted Spetnagel              9 John Burroughs HS      17:29.1   20             
 33 Nathaniel Doty            12 John Burroughs HS      17:30.1   21             
 34 Dean Hagenhoff            12 Fatima HS              17:31.3   22             
 35 Trent Bruning             11 Wright City HS         17:31.9                  
 36 Keith Vance               10 Herculaneum HS         17:33.4   23             
 37 Pace Evans                12 Cassville HS           17:34.9   24             
 38 Tobin Wise                12 Pleasant Hill HS       17:41.5                  
 39 Chase Sorrell              9 East Newton HS         17:42.6   25             
 40 Peter Conard              10 Priory HS              17:43.8                  
 41 Connor Blackford           9 Maryville HS           17:44.1   26             
 42 Austin Terry              12 Hermann HS             17:44.1   27             
 43 Samuel Masa               11 Lutheran (St           17:45.9   28             
 44 Brody Hudson              12 Lutheran (St           17:51.0   29             
 45 Levi Frisbie              11 Blair Oaks HS          17:51.2   30             
 46 Benjamin Chance            9 Bowling Green HS       17:51.4   31             
 47 Jackson Strelo            11 Micds                  17:54.0                  
 48 Damian Luther              9 Herculaneum HS         17:55.3   32             
 49 Jayden Allen              11 Hallsville HS          17:56.6                  
 50 Tristin Webb              12 North Callaway HS      17:57.5                  
 51 Baden Costlow             10 Herculaneum HS         17:58.6   33             
 52 Jacob Semple              11 Strafford HS           18:01.1   34             
 53 Jack Wheeler              11 St. Michael            18:02.7                  
 54 Aiden Kearns              10 Lutheran (St           18:03.8   35             
 55 Grant Dahl                10 John Burroughs HS      18:06.8   36             
 56 Jackson Hargroves         12 Pembroke Hil           18:07.1   37             
 57 Brayden Brown             12 Hermann HS             18:07.8   38             
 58 Conner Galarza            12 Montgomery C           18:10.1                  
 59 Luke Kingsbury            11 Lawson HS              18:10.3                  
 60 Nathan St. Clair          11 Ste. Genevieve HS      18:10.8   39             
 61 Cody Berhorst              9 Fatima HS              18:11.6   40             
 62 Ezekiel Sisk               9 Potosi HS              18:12.9                  
 63 Willard (Trey) Palmer     12 Warsaw HS              18:13.8                  
 64 Kameron Mayberry          12 Kelly HS               18:14.2                  
 65 Tyler Husch               12 Cameron HS             18:15.8                  
 66 Rustin Branstetter        10 Pleasant Hill HS       18:15.8                  
 67 Thomas Libbert            11 Fatima HS              18:16.7   41             
 68 Will Jarvis               12 Potosi HS              18:16.9                  
 69 Mason Gegg                11 Ste. Genevieve HS      18:18.2   42             
 70 Charles Masa               9 Lutheran (St           18:19.3   43             
 71 Richard Humiston          12 St. Pius X (           18:19.5                  
 72 Nate Riddle               12 Centralia HS           18:21.0                  
 73 Garrett Downum            11 East Newton HS         18:21.6   44             
 74 Sam Rosenberg             10 St. Michael            18:25.4                  
 75 Quintin Webb              10 Lamar HS               18:25.7   45             
 76 Daniel Martin             12 John Burroughs HS      18:26.2   46             
 77 George Montez             10 Warsaw HS              18:27.0                  
 78 Garrett Klaiber           10 El Dorado Sp           18:27.8   47             
 79 Thomas Mccauley           11 Blair Oaks HS          18:27.9   48             
 80 Jackson Chu               12 Pembroke Hil           18:28.0   49             
 81 Peter Giles               12 Hermann HS             18:31.3   50             
 82 Colton Hearn              11 Bowling Green HS       18:31.8   51             
 83 Jd Hunt                   11 Strafford HS           18:32.1   52             
 84 Cameron O'Neal            12 Owensville HS          18:32.5                  
 85 Austin Jackson            12 Herculaneum HS         18:33.8   53             
 86 Sam Vaughn                 9 Herculaneum HS         18:34.2   54             
 87 Alexander Mcmillan        12 John Burroughs HS      18:34.3   55             
 88 Blaine Breshears          10 Lamar HS               18:36.7   56             
 89 Nick Stover               11 Blair Oaks HS          18:37.4   58             
 89 Trenton Griffith          10 Bowling Green HS       18:37.4   57             
 91 Jude Rumbaugh             12 Richmond HS            18:38.5                  
 92 Blayze Mccullough         10 El Dorado Sp           18:39.7   59             
 93 Gavin Cartwright          12 Dexter HS              18:42.0                  
 94 Michael Giles             12 Hermann HS             18:42.8   60             
 95 Samuel Knispel            10 John Burroughs HS      18:44.2   61             
 96 Tavis Harris              11 Hermann HS             18:45.5   62             
 97 Hayden Simmer             12 Chillicothe HS         18:46.9                  
 98 John Holiman               9 Centralia HS           18:48.6                  
 99 Tyler Olcott              12 Lawson HS              18:48.7                  
100 Levi Wiegand              11 Ste. Genevieve HS      18:49.6   63             
101 Tyler Lutjen              12 Clinton HS             18:49.9                  
102 Jose Soto                 10 Bowling Green HS       18:51.0   64             
103 Jacob Morrison            11 Lamar HS               18:51.9   65             
104 Connor Goatley            10 El Dorado Sp           18:54.4   66             
105 Marcus Shaeffer           12 East Newton HS         18:55.2   67             
106 John Myslinski            12 Salem HS               18:56.0                  
107 Jackson Poehlman           9 Hermann HS             18:58.5   68             
108 Luke Shields               9 St. James HS           19:00.2                  
109 Dylan Barnett             10 Osage HS               19:01.7   69             
110 Zachary Radefeld          12 Versailles HS          19:03.1                  
111 Devyn Rains               12 Forsyth HS             19:04.3                  
112 Jaxon Thomas              12 Hollister HS           19:05.1                  
113 Brayden Hensley           11 Mountain Grove HS      19:05.8                  
114 Andrew Greaves             9 Pembroke Hil           19:07.0   70             
115 Grant Eichman             12 North Callaway HS      19:07.7                  
116 Brendan Reinhard          10 North Callaway HS      19:13.4                  
117 Austin Garza              11 St. Pius X (           19:15.0                  
118 Gavin Satterfield         11 Fatima HS              19:16.1   71             
119 Andrew Norris             11 Mountain Grove HS      19:18.0                  
120 Easton DeMilia             9 Blair Oaks HS          19:19.2   72             
121 William Greaves           11 Pembroke Hil           19:19.2   73             
122 Blake Cowan               11 Strafford HS           19:19.4   74             
123 Seth Newton               12 Versailles HS          19:19.6                  
124 Harm Rademacher           11 Owensville HS          19:23.8                  
125 Caleb Leach               10 Cassville HS           19:26.8   75             
126 Max Sproull               11 Pembroke Hil           19:28.3   76             
127 James Schultz             11 Lutheran (Ka           19:30.6                  
128 Jaysen Groll               9 Osage HS               19:31.1   77             
129 Will Pierce               11 Herculaneum HS         19:32.0   78             
130 Liam Draper                9 Fair Grove HS          19:36.2                  
131 Clay Smith                10 Strafford HS           19:38.7   79             
132 Levi Lux                  10 Forsyth HS             19:42.9                  
133 Robert Mcfarland          10 East Newton HS         19:43.1   80             
134 Caden Wyrick              10 Osage HS               19:44.5   81             
135 Jake Walker               12 Maryville HS           19:47.9   82             
136 Colin Misenheimer          9 Osage HS               19:48.6   83             
137 Aidan Colligan            12 Pembroke Hil           19:54.0   84             
138 Jackson Hughes            10 Bowling Green HS       19:55.9   85             
139 Ethan Bohmke               9 Cassville HS           19:58.1   86             
140 Jacob Martinez            10 Cassville HS           19:59.2   87             
141 Brice Knoll               12 El Dorado Sp           20:00.1   88             
142 Pierce Heins               9 Lamar HS               20:02.9   89             
143 Jonathon Hill              9 Strafford HS           20:11.8   90             
144 Mason Marriott             9 Maryville HS           20:17.9   91             
145 Joseph Hargus             10 Aurora HS              20:22.2                  
146 Eli Dunnaway              11 California HS          20:23.0                  
147 Cody Pickett               9 Blair Oaks HS          20:25.1   92             
148 Evan Meyer                12 Bowling Green HS       20:29.0   93             
149 Ethan Ball                10 Lamar HS               20:30.6   94             
150 Nicholas Shaeffer          9 East Newton HS         20:34.0   95             
151 Gavin Lux                 12 Forsyth HS             20:46.3                  
152 Gage Robertson            10 Strafford HS           20:48.1   96             
153 Evan Brandsma             10 Reeds Spring HS        20:59.0                  
154 Riley Quinlan             11 El Dorado Sp           21:03.2   97             
155 Garrett Horn              11 Blair Oaks HS          21:04.9   98             
156 Corey Simmons             11 Ste. Genevieve HS      21:15.6   99             
157 Charles Elliott           10 Cassville HS           21:20.4  100             
158 Caleb Klaus               10 Osage HS               21:39.4  101             
159 Dex Crane                 11 Blair Oaks HS          21:40.5  102             
160 Daniel Crossett           10 St. Pius X (           22:05.4                  
161 Donald Pettyjohn          10 Cassville HS           24:15.4  103             
162 Jaxsen Gamm                9 Osage HS               24:19.7  104             
 -- Julian Nunez              12 Pembroke Hil               DNF                  
 -- Dawson Mccown             11 Montgomery C               DNF                  
 -- Trevyn Garringer          12 El Dorado Sp               DNF                  
 -- Adam Snoke                10 Lutheran South HS          DNF                  
 -- Carson Schwenk            10 Bowling Green HS           DNF                  
 -- Noah McMullen             11 Lutheran (St                DQ                  

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