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              MSHSAA State Cross Country Championships - 11/4/2017               
                       Entries and Results by TRXC Timing                        
                              Oak Hills Golf Course                              
Event 3  (B) 5k R. CC Class 2 C-2
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Cornelius, Caleb          JR Saxony Lutheran       16:22.55    1             
  2 Stewart, Malik            SO M.R.H.                16:47.57                  
  3 Ashton, Isaac             JR Tipton                17:02.39                  
  4 Venable, Mark             SR Lamar                 17:04.20    2             
  5 Overstreet, Kolin         SO Lamar                 17:09.87    3             
  6 Coulter, Bryson           JR Stockton              17:10.96    4             
  7 Neff, Devin               SR Mark Twain            17:15.52                  
  8 Stephens, Cole            JR Linn                  17:16.72                  
  9 Morey, Garrett            SR Lamar                 17:18.77    5             
 10 Baer, Joseph              JR St. Vincent           17:19.93    6             
 11 Borland, Logan            SR Fatima                17:23.01    7             
 12 Frazee, Nathan            SO Clark County          17:23.90    8             
 13 Larsen, Dallas            SR Warsaw                17:25.81                  
 14 Laux, Lucas               FR Fatima                17:25.97    9             
 15 Luebbert, Dalton          SR Fatima                17:30.76   10             
 16 Pittsenbarger, Ethan      FR Lamar                 17:32.23   11             
 17 Holt, Zachery             FR Sherwood              17:32.33                  
 18 Stout, Isaac              JR Lutheran North        17:32.46                  
 19 Forck, Nathan             SO Father Tolton         17:36.61                  
 20 Distler, Caleb            FR New Bloomfield        17:38.04                  
 21 Nolie, Jered              SR Bourbon               17:40.52                  
 22 Adams, Tyler              JR Stockton              17:40.98   12             
 23 Smith, Andrew             JR Whitfield             17:41.39   13             
 24 Cockrum, Mason            SR Alton                 17:41.59   14             
 25 Pursley, Stephen          SO Arcadia Valley        17:41.72                  
 26 Lipe, Andrew              SR St. Vincent           17:42.31   15             
 27 Reger, Kendall            SR Versailles            17:42.57                  
 28 Allen, James              SR N.J.R.O.T.C.          17:42.65                  
 29 Hutchinson, Mark          FR N.J.R.O.T.C.          17:49.09                  
 30 Pyatt, Josh               SO Plato                 17:51.08                  
 31 Conner, Jackson           SR Liberty (M.V.)        17:52.40                  
 32 Becker, Garrett           SR Steelville            17:53.96   16             
 33 Lawrence, Isaac           SO Plattsburg            17:54.12                  
 34 Smith, Dylan              JR Fatima                17:56.68   17             
 35 Woehr, Dawson             FR Fatima                17:57.07   18             
 36 Turner, Jermeiah          SR Hancock               17:57.81                  
 37 Boyce, Jake               FR Fatima                17:59.97   19             
 38 Thompson, Isaac           JR East Carter           18:00.81                  
 39 Ellison, Jeremiah         SR Sparta                18:01.53                  
 40 Steel, Boone              SR Principia             18:01.57   20             
 41 Frank, Harrison           SR Russellville          18:02.80                  
 42 Haslag, Caden             FR Fatima                18:03.11   21             
 43 Kirchner, Cole            SR Clark County          18:03.38   22             
 44 Whited, Peyton            SR Arcadia Valley        18:05.17                  
 45 Melvin, Kayelor           SO Lexington             18:05.33   23             
 46 Crow, Jason               FR California            18:05.80   24             
 47 Bondurant, Jordan         SO California            18:06.70   25             
 48 Black, Keegan             JR Licking               18:08.17                  
 49 Diemer, Donald            SO Whitfield             18:10.93   26             
 50 King, Parker              SR Lamar                 18:12.50   27             
 51 Rote, Andrew              SO Plattsburg            18:13.30                  
 52 Kirksey, Caden            SO California            18:13.63   28             
 53 Clark, Dylan              JR Hancock               18:13.74                  
 54 Harper, Corbyn            SO Clark County          18:14.94   29             
 55 Bradshaw, Mosiah          SR Stockton              18:15.40   30             
 56 Briscoe, Kenny            SR Willow Springs        18:16.18   31             
 57 Steinbecker, Kyle         FR St. Vincent           18:17.40   32             
 58 Gore, Zach                FR Whitfield             18:19.01   33             
 59 Wicklund, Caleb           SO College Hts.          18:22.09                  
 60 Townsend, Matthew         SO Alton                 18:24.78   34             
 61 Reiner, Justin            SO Steelville            18:24.82   35             
 62 Mudd, Avery               SR Bowling Green         18:26.44                  
 63 Chafin, Cole              SO Willow Springs        18:27.66   36             
 64 Porter, Trevor            SO California            18:29.13   37             
 65 Ash, Isaac                JR California            18:29.75   38             
 66 Sutton, Lucas             FR Steelville            18:29.81   39             
 67 Helle, Joshua             SO M.R.H.                18:30.18                  
 68 Harrison, Justin          FR Stockton              18:30.82   40             
 69 Stamper, Aaron            FR Palmyra               18:31.00   41             
 70 Carter, Nicolas           FR Bloomfield            18:31.69                  
 71 Levendosky, Skyler        JR College Hts.          18:31.90                  
 72 Wilhelm, Sam              FR Knob Noster           18:32.95                  
 73 French, Joshua            SR Highland              18:33.48                  
 74 Kremp, Joe                FR Lamar                 18:33.49   42             
 75 Culbertson, Luke          JR Stockton              18:33.85   43             
 76 Klouzek, Logan            JR Linn                  18:34.11                  
 77 Bettendorf, Joshua        FR Hartville             18:35.91                  
 78 Hardman, Kaleb            JR Willow Springs        18:36.07   44             
 79 Baer, Jack                FR St. Vincent           18:37.55   45             
 80 Tevis, Hunter             SR Holden                18:40.26                  
 81 Trautwein, Jacob          FR Steelville            18:42.20   46             
 82 Bray, Jackson             FR Spokane               18:42.50   47             
 83 Sommerer, Colby           FR California            18:42.78   48             
 84 Brown, Nolan              SR Saxony Lutheran       18:43.67   49             
 85 Griesbaum, Brett          JR Palmyra               18:43.96   50             
 86 Sitzes, Brandon           SR Woodland              18:44.77                  
 87 McDonald, Daniel          JR South Callaway        18:45.53                  
 88 Burns, Riley              SR Bloomfield            18:45.95                  
 89 Johnson, Zhenya           JR St. Michael           18:47.52   51             
 90 Funcannon, Dylan          SR Crane                 18:47.86                  
 91 Brandenburger, Max        JR Bowling Green         18:48.92                  
 92 Elliott, Wyatt            JR East Carter           18:49.14                  
 93 Roth, Caleb               SO St. Vincent           18:50.16   52             
 94 Mueller, Austin           JR Saxony Lutheran       18:50.43   53             
 95 Calhoon, Derek            SR Centralia             18:51.60                  
 96 Riddle, Nate              FR Centralia             18:53.22                  
 97 Sears, Carson             JR Valley Park           18:53.57                  
 98 Casey, Gavin              JR Alton                 18:54.20   54             
 99 Stanton, Gavin            JR Marionville           18:54.30                  
100 Bere, Donald              JR Lexington             18:54.54   55             
101 Clary, Devin              SR Alton                 18:55.66   56             
102 Ogilvie, Kimanii          SR Principia             18:58.50   57             
103 Locke, Spencer            SO Palmyra               18:59.13   58             
104 Cockrum, Myles            SO Alton                 19:00.70   59             
105 Schieber, Max             SR Bishop LeBlond        19:00.92                  
106 Elfrink, Samuel           JR Saxony Lutheran       19:01.18   60             
107 Hathaway, Caeden          JR Plato                 19:02.18                  
108 Lockhart, Justin          SO Valley Park           19:02.46                  
109 Nelson, Collin            JR Highland              19:02.67                  
110 Buckman, Brady            SR Palmyra               19:05.95   61             
111 Orwig, Chandler           SR Purdy                 19:06.86                  
112 Logston, Payton           SO Penney                19:08.40                  
113 Yates, Dakota             SO Lexington             19:09.46   62             
114 Seese, Dylan              SR St. Michael           19:11.12   63             
115 Posey, Jayden             FR Alton                 19:11.83   64             
116 Clinton, Dorian           SR Willow Springs        19:12.86   65             
117 Marshall, Garrett         JR Steelville            19:13.37   66             
118 Finnegan, Patrick         SO Centralia             19:16.66                  
119 Merseal, Ty               FR Steelville            19:17.80   67             
120 Colgrove, Wyatt           SO Stockton              19:21.07   68             
121 Albrecht, Jordan          SO Stockton              19:22.07   69             
122 Martin, Lane              FR Lexington             19:22.83   70             
123 Mudd, Nick                SR Palmyra               19:23.86   71             
124 Stewart, Grant            FR Spokane               19:28.13   72             
125 Garrett, Harmon           SR Lawson                19:28.98                  
126 Dry, Taine                FR Principia             19:29.17   73             
127 Shuman, Sam               FR Spokane               19:31.49   74             
128 Hyatt, Andrew             SO Saxony Lutheran       19:31.51   75             
129 Blair, Grady              SO Lawson                19:33.21                  
130 Sauer, Dominic            SR St. Vincent           19:34.23   76             
131 Peppers, Ty               JR East Buchanan         19:34.42                  
132 Davis, Patrick            SR Strafford             19:35.54                  
133 Thornton, Sean            SR Principia             19:35.61   77             
134 Modlin, Stephen           JR Bishop LeBlond        19:38.03                  
135 Boulware, Brock           SR Palmyra               19:39.50   78             
136 Epperson, Drake           JR East Carter           19:40.75                  
137 Pouncil, Christopher      JR St. Michael           19:40.95   79             
138 Bushong, Payton           SO Willow Springs        19:45.15   80             
139 Stevens, Isreal           SO Spokane               19:46.45   81             
140 Bolin, Austin             JR California            19:47.20   82             
141 O'Hagan, Aidan            SR Principia             19:49.67   83             
142 Moller, Tanner            FR Valley Park           19:51.41                  
143 King, Isaac               JR Clark County          19:51.46   84             
144 Schueddig, Matt           SO Whitfield             19:57.27   85             
145 Waggoner, Devin           SO Willow Springs        20:00.80   86             
146 Oberkrom, Christopher     FR St. Michael           20:01.33   87             
147 Wolken, Connor            SO Lexington             20:01.56   88             
148 Geile, Nicholas           JR St. Vincent           20:04.12   89             
149 Hruska, Johnathan         SR Spokane               20:08.40   90             
150 Oberkrom, Joshua          FR St. Michael           20:10.65   91             
151 Diaz, Tanner              SO Steelville            20:13.87   92             
152 Plenge, Grant             JR Clark County          20:20.59   93             
153 Keesling, Cooper          SR Conway                20:25.96                  
154 Rosenkrans, Zach          JR Palmyra               20:27.52   94             
155 Nichols, John             SR Whitfield             20:28.88   95             
156 Grimsley, Chase           SO Clark County          20:30.77   96             
157 Carr, Kyan                SO Spokane               20:38.70   97             
158 Lovato, Caleb             JR Spokane               20:44.07   98             
159 Peckinpaugh, Max          SR Whitfield             20:47.39   99             
160 VanDeventer, Corbin       JR Principia             20:48.95  100             
161 Davis, Jack               JR St. Michael           20:53.24  101             
162 St.Clair, Blake           JR Clark County          20:56.09  102             
163 Bales, Kevin              FR Lexington             20:58.79  103             
164 Smith, Daniel             SO Alton                 21:07.66  104             
165 Berry, Mason              SO Lexington             21:14.74  105             
166 Kelley, Brenden           JR Lamar                 21:26.38  106             
167 Cornelius, Cyrus          FR Saxony Lutheran       21:30.78  107             
168 Shaw, Nick                JR Saxony Lutheran       21:52.31  108             
169 Smitka, Aleksandre        JR St. Michael           22:31.74  109             
170 Woolston, Evan            SR Principia             22:49.52  110             
171 Kazmierski, Lucas         FR Whitfield             23:22.33  111             

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