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 TRXC Timing, LLC. - Contractor License                     HY-TEK's Meet Manager
              MSHSAA State Cross Country Championships - 11/7/2015               
                       Entries and Results by TRXC Timing                        
                              Oak Hills Golf Course                              
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 4  Boys 5k Run CC Class 2 C-2
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Kielhofner, Stephen       SO Spgfld. Catholic      16:13.52    1             
  2 Burns, Shane              JR Strafford             16:36.88    2             
  3 Stillings, Caleb          SR Ava                   16:45.52    3             
  4 Ray, Nicholas             SR Lamar                 16:45.82    4             
  5 Gelber, Simon             JR Whitfield             16:51.78    5             
  6 Quinn, Daylan             SR Liberty (M.V.)        16:52.99                  
  7 Cortner, Loki             SO Herculaneum           16:59.58    6             
  8 Pieper, Ryan              SR Herculaneum           17:07.67    7             
  9 Stock, Joseph             SR Crane                 17:07.97                  
 10 Rieth, Austin             SR Spgfld. Catholic      17:09.63    8             
 11 Moore, Lachlan            SR Spgfld. Catholic      17:10.72    9             
 12 Hennier, Hunter           SR Fatima                17:11.75   10             
 13 Bertucci, Anthony         JR Russellville          17:21.72   11             
 14 Frank, Harrison           SO Russellville          17:22.48   12             
 15 Goatley, Tyler            JR El Dorado Springs     17:23.23                  
 16 Hausman, Jack             JR Bishop LeBlond        17:23.65   13             
 17 Stephens, Cole            FR Linn                  17:23.92                  
 18 Johnson, Jonathan         JR College Hts           17:25.11                  
 19 Neville, Christian        JR Arcadia Valley        17:29.87                  
 20 Maddox, John              JR Herculaneum           17:30.14   14             
 21 Otto, Jason               SR Blair Oaks            17:31.24                  
 22 Sims, Nathan              JR Centralia             17:33.16                  
 23 Clements, Jacob           SR Strafford             17:34.72   15             
 24 Barrett-Young, Matt       JR Strafford             17:37.67   16             
 25 Larsen, Dallas            SO Warsaw                17:43.18                  
 26 Robertson, Max            JR Bishop LeBlond        17:45.01   17             
 27 Uthlaut, Grant            SR Hermann               17:46.11                  
 28 Ferguson, Josh            SR Herculaneum           17:48.66   18             
 29 Sisney, Thomas            JR Spgfld. Catholic      17:50.58   19             
 30 Chafin, Cory              SR Willow Springs        17:51.15                  
 31 Venable, Mark             SO Lamar                 17:51.93   20             
 32 Todd, Tyler               JR Plato                 17:52.20   21             
 33 Bradley, Ethan            SR Whitfield             17:53.09   22             
 34 Hoover, Brandyn           JR Plato                 17:55.42   23             
 35 Schroeder, Caleb          SR Fatima                17:58.38   24             
 36 Allen, Jerald             SO N.J.R.O.T.C.          18:00.09                  
 37 Krieg, Alex               JR Fatima                18:00.81   25             
 38 Grindstaff, Thomas        JR Woodland              18:02.26   26             
 39 Davis, Jacob              JR Strafford             18:05.70   27             
 40 Roebke, Trevor            SR Strafford             18:06.51   28             
 41 Slavens, Jessie           SR Ava                   18:08.13   29             
 42 Russo, Joseph             SR Spgfld. Catholic      18:09.02   30             
 43 Adams, Zachary            JR Stockton              18:09.36   31             
 44 Borland, Logan            SO Fatima                18:09.39   32             
 45 Hanson, Chris             JR Whitfield             18:10.18   33             
 46 Compton, Jesse            JR Lamar                 18:10.68   34             
 47 Neff, Devin               SO Mark Twain            18:11.35                  
 48 Becker, Garrett           SO Steelville            18:11.54                  
 49 Morey, Garrett            SO Lamar                 18:12.42   35             
 50 Duvall, Ryan              JR Herculaneum           18:12.49   36             
 51 Sicilia, Logan            SR Ava                   18:16.18   37             
 52 Evans, Daniel             SR Herculaneum           18:16.51   38             
 53 Leitner, Alex             JR Plato                 18:17.41   39             
 54 Miller, Damian            SR Russellville          18:18.00   40             
 55 Quinn, Blake              SR Spgfld. Catholic      18:18.06   41             
 56 Brenneke, Cole            SO Blair Oaks            18:19.82                  
 57 Thomas, Cameron           JR Stockton              18:20.11   42             
 58 Sherrod, Paul             SR College Hts           18:20.57                  
 59 Horner, Kyle              FR Bowling Green         18:20.61   43             
 60 Funcannon, Dylan          SO Crane                 18:20.96                  
 61 Fringer, Matthew          SR Russellville          18:21.30   44             
 62 Shilts, Collin            JR Lawson                18:21.96   45             
 63 Ruvinov, Matthew          SR Whitfield             18:22.23   46             
 64 Huhn, Cody                SR Fatima                18:22.51   47             
 65 Sicilia, Joe              SO Ava                   18:22.52   48             
 66 Steel, Boone              SO Principia             18:22.57                  
 67 Holliman, Logan           FR Fair Grove            18:25.11                  
 68 Thomsen, Landon           JR Woodland              18:25.18   49             
 69 Davis, Patrick            SO Strafford             18:25.34   50             
 70 Bryant, Beau              SO Russellville          18:27.20   51             
 71 Lebeouf, Justin           SO Bowling Green         18:27.41   52             
 72 Cockrum, Mason            SO Alton                 18:29.16                  
 73 Fuson, Joel               SO Bishop LeBlond        18:29.50   53             
 74 Reddick, Chris            SO El Dorado Springs     18:29.58                  
 75 Thomason, Eric            JR Holden                18:29.62                  
 76 Sitzes, Brandon           SO Woodland              18:31.39   54             
 77 Thomsen, Logan            JR Woodland              18:31.48   55             
 78 Thomas, Morgan            SO Stockton              18:32.65   56             
 79 Johnson, Griffin          SR Lawson                18:34.02   57             
 80 Ashton, Isaac             FR Tipton                18:35.08                  
 81 Voss, Noah                JR Linn                  18:35.12                  
 82 Merseal, Gunner           FR Steelville            18:35.83                  
 83 Pike, Jarrett             FR S.W. (Washburn)       18:35.94                  
 84 Roe, Austin               FR Russellville          18:38.93   58             
 85 Shirley, Jared            FR Russellville          18:39.04   59             
 86 Davis, Peyton             FR Centralia             18:39.46                  
 87 Owen, Luke                SR Hallsville            18:39.90                  
 88 Briscoe, Kenny            SO Willow Springs        18:40.68                  
 89 Whited, Peyton            SO Arcadia Valley        18:42.41                  
 90 Fowers, Peter             SO Laquey                18:42.56                  
 91 Cornejo, Tommy            SR El Dorado Springs     18:47.17                  
 92 Adams, Drew               SO Ava                   18:48.65   60             
 93 Kelly, Caleb              SO Principia             18:50.66                  
 94 Wegenka, Luke             SO Spgfld. Catholic      18:51.05   61             
 95 Kelley, Brenden           FR Lamar                 18:51.12   62             
 96 Lindsey, Blain            JR Clark County          18:54.03                  
 97 Graves, Matt              JR Father Tolton         18:54.23   63             
 98 Grigsby, Tristan          SR Lawson                18:55.43   64             
 99 Allen, James              SO N.J.R.O.T.C.          18:55.72                  
100 Kassen, Garrett           JR Jefferson (Festus)    18:56.95                  
101 Holaday, Kenneth          SR Mid-Buchanan          18:59.06                  
102 LaRiviere, Ian            JR Principia             19:01.58                  
103 Runyon, Marcus            SR Jefferson (Festus)    19:03.68                  
104 Mahoney, Matthew          JR Bishop LeBlond        19:06.73   65             
105 Key, Jacob                FR Ava                   19:07.07   66             
106 Shannon, Connor           FR Bowling Green         19:07.14   67             
107 Supancic, Jacob           JR Plato                 19:09.21   68             
108 Dearman, Joseph           SO Stockton              19:09.88   69             
109 Adams, Tyler              FR Stockton              19:09.91   70             
110 Luebbert, Dalton          SO Fatima                19:10.26   71             
111 Even, Zachary             JR Fatima                19:13.86   72             
112 Williams, Cody            JR Lutheran (S.C.)       19:14.00   73             
113 Garrett, Harmon           SO Lawson                19:15.72   74             
114 Stahl, Connor             SR Lutheran (S.C.)       19:16.92   75             
115 Glenn, Reid               JR Bowling Green         19:17.67   76             
116 Stout, Isaac              FR Lutheran North        19:19.41                  
117 Thomason, Maxwell         JR Bishop LeBlond        19:19.49   77             
118 Crawford, Crayton         SO Penney                19:20.99                  
119 Riley, Tristin            FR Wright City           19:22.20                  
120 White, Dylan              SR Bowling Green         19:24.85   78             
121 Smith, Andrew             FR Whitfield             19:26.12   79             
122 Nichols, John             SO Whitfield             19:27.25   80             
123 Brown, Jonah              SR Ava                   19:27.98   81             
124 Irvin, Austin             JR Bowling Green         19:29.24   82             
125 Emerick, Zeke             FR Lutheran (S.C.)       19:29.51   83             
126 Langdon, Thomas           JR Barstow               19:29.66                  
127 Dearman, Patrick          SR Stockton              19:30.73   84             
128 Aholt, Matthew            FR Father Tolton         19:32.14   85             
129 Faulkner, Colton          JR Woodland              19:32.23   86             
130 Glover, Cole              FR Holden                19:32.26                  
131 Pratt, Aiden              SR Whitfield             19:35.91   87             
132 Ray, Stuart               FR Valley Park           19:36.00                  
133 Hunt, Blaine              SO Bowling Green         19:36.87   88             
134 Kassen, Colton            SR Jefferson (Festus)    19:38.49                  
135 Smith, Braden             FR Father Tolton         19:38.60   89             
136 Fruend, Joshua            SO Lutheran (S.C.)       19:39.33   90             
137 Ashby, David              SO Woodland              19:39.44   91             
138 Wynne, Seth               SR Penney                19:42.98                  
139 Schieber, Max             SO Bishop LeBlond        19:43.94   92             
140 Hathaway, Caeden          FR Plato                 19:44.63   93             
141 Dahlor, Evan              JR Lawson                19:45.51   94             
142 Nissing, Benjamin         SO Lutheran (S.C.)       19:49.25   95             
143 Dietz, Logan              SR Lawson                19:50.75   96             
144 Gannon, Justin            JR Lathrop               19:53.90                  
145 Messner, Jasper           JR Lamar                 20:01.23   97             
146 Fee, Riley                SR Palmyra               20:02.07                  
147 Locke, Cooper             JR Stockton              20:02.07   98             
148 Loy, Jack                 SO Father Tolton         20:07.18   99             
149 Wilson, Wesley            JR Plato                 20:11.52  100             
150 Bailey, Peyton            SR Lamar                 20:13.26  101             
151 Sponsel, James            SR Plato                 20:17.34  102             
152 Stewart, Joseph           SO Woodland              20:20.70  103             
153 Gilzean, Conner           JR Lathrop               20:22.53                  
154 Uptegrove, Dakota         SO Father Tolton         20:27.70  104             
155 Kessler, Harrison         SR Lawson                20:33.39  105             
156 Huff, Elliot              SO Lutheran (S.C.)       20:41.46  106             
157 Connor, Zachary           FR Lutheran (S.C.)       20:51.02  107             
158 Elliott, Wyatt            FR East Carter           20:55.84                  
159 Goedrich, Benjamin        SR Father Tolton         21:06.06  108             
160 Reed, Ryan                JR Strafford             21:48.80  109             
161 Hriso, John               FR Bishop LeBlond        21:49.05  110             
162 Currier, Alex             JR Father Tolton         22:36.40  111             
163 Thomas, Noah              JR Herculaneum           23:14.13  112             

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