MARCH 8, 2018



SPRINGFIELD (University Plaza Hotel)

* * THURSDAY - 10:00 a.m. * * 


Anyone attending a meeting of the MSHSAA Board of Directors who requires auxiliary aids or services should request such services by contacting the MSHSAA, telephone 573/875-4880, no later than 48 hours before the meeting.


A = Action R = Report I = Information T = Table D = Discussion





2:00 p.m. - Closed Session - Matters involving legal actions or litigation involving MSHSAA including any confidential or privileged communications between MSHSAA and its attorney. Section 610.021(1) R.S.Mo.



A - 1. a. Minutes of the MSHSAA Board of Directors - January 24, 2018




2. Transfer Waiver Applications (By-Law 3.10.4.i):

3. Transfer Hardship Applications (By-Law 3.10.4.h):

4. Self-Reported Violations and/or Requests for Lesser Penalties (By-Law 5.4):








A - 1. Association Financial Reports and Other Business Matters - Urhahn/Long

a. MSHSAA Financial Statements

A - 2. Advisory Committee -- a) Athletic-Directors - Garner/Maurer; b) Liaison Committee - Urhahn; c) Wrestling - Stahl

A - 3. Violations - Liberty High School - Urhahn

A - 4. Mid-Cycle Cooperative Agreement Request - Urhahn

a. Fair Play/Dadeville high schools - Girls Track

A - 5. Karian Cook Retirement - Urhahn

A - 6. Reclassification of Boys Golf due to closing of JFK - Urhahn

A - 7. Request to Dissolve Golf Co-op - Valley Park High School - Urhahn

A - 8. Speech, Debate & Theatre Schedule - Urhahn

A - 9. Request for Membership with MSHSAA (Ewing Marion Kauffman Charter HS) - Urhahn

A - 10. Certification of Annual Questionnaire Results - Urhahn

A - 11. Approval of items to appear on Annual Ballot - Urhahn




I - 1. Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles and Informational Materials

a. Boys Basketball: Brainerd Head Coach Stanfield to Step Down at End of Season

b. Washington article regarding tackle football

c. Kansas City Star Article - Bishop Miege’s Sports Dominance

I - 2. MIAAA Conference Schedule - Urhahn

I - 3. April Board Meeting and Executive Director’s Evaluation Schedule - Urhahn








April 6-7, 2018

June 13, 2018

National Federation Summer Meeting--

June 28-July 2, 2018 - Chicago, IL








March 7, 2018





Notice of closed meeting, closed record and closed vote


Anyone attending a meeting of the MSHSAA Board of Directors who requires auxiliary aids or services should request such services by contacting the Executive Director of the MSHSAA, telephone 573/875-4880, no later than 48 hours before the meeting.


A closed meeting of the MSHSAA Board of Directors will be held at the location date and times listed below.


Location: MSHSAA Board Meeting Date: March 7, 2018

1 N. Keene Street Time(s): 10:00 a.m.

Columbia, MO 65201



1. (March 7, 2018 - 10:00 a.m. ) - Matters involving legal actions or litigation involving MSHSAA including any confidential or privileged communications between MSHSAA and its attorney. Section 610.021(1) R.S.Mo.



The tentative agenda of this meeting also includes a vote to close part of this meeting pursuant to the affirmative vote of the MSHSAA Board of Directors with the vote of each member individually taken by roll call in public session, and the vote having been announced publicly, the meeting on the date and at the time and place aforesaid shall be closed, and the record thereof closed, and the vote at such meeting closed.


Representatives of the news media may obtain copies of this notice by contacting Kerwin Urhahn, 1 N. Keene St., Columbia, MO 65201 or 573-875-4880.












Final Agenda

March 7, 2018



2. Transfer Waiver Applications (By-Law 3.10.4.i) (Duplicate school names indicates an additional transfer(s) student(s) for that school): Affton, Calvary Lutheran, Christian, Christian, Duchesne, Eminence, Francis Howell North, Ft. Zumwalt West, Harrisonville, Hazelwood Central, Incarnate Word Academy, Jefferson City, Jennings, Liberty, Lindbergh, Malden, Mehlville, MICDS, Ozark, Parkway Central, Parkway West, Parkway West, Smithville, Springfield Catholic, St. Joseph's Academy, St. Louis University, St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington), Sullivan, Summit Christian Academy, Summit Christian Academy, Summit Christian Academy, Thomas Jefferson Independent, Trinity Catholic, Vashon, and Vashon.

3. Transfer Hardship Applications (By-Law 3.10.4.h) (Duplicate school names indicates an additional transfer(s) student(s) for that school): Affton, Alta Vista Charter, Appleton City, Barstow, Benton, Cabool, Cabool, Cardinal Ritter, Christian, Cuba, DeSoto, Doniphan, El Dorado Springs, Elsberry, Everton, Exeter, Farmington, Fort Osage, Fort Osage, Francis Howell, Francis Howell Central, Galena, Gideon, Glendale, Green Ridge, Green Ridge, Hallsville, Hickman, Hickman, Holden, Holt, Jefferson (Festus), Kirksville, Kirkwood, Lee's Summit North, Lexington, Mehlville, Monroe City, Monroe City, New Covenant Academy, North Shelby, Oakville, Orchard Farm, Orchard Farm, Park Hill South, Parkway South, Pattonville, Pipkin MS, Plato, Pleasant Hill, Raytown, Ritenour, Rolla, Ruskin, Salem, Santa Fe, Seckman, Seneca, Smithton, Southwest (Washburn), Spokane, Springfield Catholic, Staley, Van Horn (Independence), Verona, Weaubleau, Wheatland, and Willow Springs.

4. Self-Reported Violations and/or Requests for Lesser Penalties (By-Law 5.4):

Recommend action by school be accepted with reprimand issued and administration acknowledged for self-reporting - Blue Springs - Self-reported a violation of By-law 3.14.2, accepted the school’s actions, no forfeitures required, students’ eligibility to be reinstated; Buffalo - Self-reported a violation of By-Law 3.10.4, accepted school’s actions, no forfeitures required, student was eligible under the transfer rule at Buffalo after the transfer rule was followed; California - Self-reported a violation of By-Law 3.14.2.e.2, accepted schools actions, no forfeitures required, students fully eligible to participate in summer camps and activities run by the school, accepted actions against the coach with no contact during the summer with 7th grade students and sitting out first two contests of the 2018-19 season; Central (St. Joseph) - Self-reported a violation of By-Law 2.3, accepted school’s actions, school to forfeit any events and points participated in by the ineligible student and return any awards won by ineligible student, student must sit out first event next school year if returning and academically eligible; DeSmet - Self-reported a violation of By-Law 3.1.1, accepted school’s actions, no forfeitures required, coaches cannot coach until they meet all requirements; Father Tolton Catholic - Self-reported a violation of By-Law 3.1.3, accepted school’s actions, no forfeitures required, coach is ineligible to participate as a coach in games and practice until all qualifications are met; Festus - Self-reported a violation of By-Laws 2.2.2 and 2.2.5, accepted the school’s actions, school to forfeit all matches wrestled by the ineligible student, student is ineligible until all conditions of the court have been met, then the student will have to sit out eight contests to match the number he competed in while ineligible; Hannibal MS - Self-reported a violation of MSHSAA Board Policy 27 (Open Facilities Violation), accepted school’s actions, no forfeitures required, the students’ eligibility to be reinstated, decrease the junior high boys basketball program to 18 days - down from 20 days; Hazelwood Central - Self-reported a violation of By-Law 3.1.3, accepted school’s actions, no forfeitures required, coaches cannot coach until they meet all requirements; McCluer - Self-reported a violation of By-Law 3.1.3, accepted school’s actions, no forfeitures required, individual cannot coach until all requirements are met; Moberly - Self-reported a violation of By-Law 2.3.2, accepted school’s actions, school to forfeit any events and points participated in by the ineligible student and return any awards won by ineligible student, student must sit out first event next school year if returning and academically eligible; New Covenant Academy - Self-reported a violation of By-Law 3.10.4, accepted school’s actions, school to forfeit any games played by ineligible player, student is restricted in eligibility in accordance with online ruling, no further restriction in addition to the online ruling; Rockwood Summit - Self-reported a violation of By-Law 2.3, accepted school’s actions, school to forfeit all games participated in by ineligible player, student is ineligible for this semester, once student regains academic eligibility she must sit out 11 games to match the number played while ineligible; Salem - Self-reported a violation of By-Law 3.19.3, accepted the school’s actions, no forfeitures required, students’ eligibility in tennis to be reinstated and accept actions against the tennis coach; Savannah - Self-reported a violation of By-Laws 2.2.2 and 2.2.5, accepted school’s actions, no forfeitures required, student is ineligible until all conditions are met and he sits out the equal number of contests as he played while ineligible; Smithville - Self-reported a violation of By-Law 3.26.1.a, accepted school’s actions, school to forfeit all matches wrestled by the student in the 7th tournament, student’s eligibility to be reinstated after sitting out the district wrestling tournament.

Recommend action by school be accepted and administration acknowledged for self-reporting with no further action - Stanberry - Self-reported a violation of By-Law 2.2.1, accepted school’s actions, no forfeitures required, student’s eligibility to be reinstated following sitting out the school’s consequences.