Sports Medicine Advisory Committee

Held September 5, 2017


1.      Recommend approving the Sports Medicine Page on the MSHSAA website, which serves as our Sports Medicine Manual.


2.      Recommend approving the 2016-17 Interscholastic Youth Sports Brain Injury Report  


3.       Recommend organizing a subcommittee to do research and develop guidelines on implementing the use of the wet bulb globe instead of heat index readings at member schools, with the goal of making a recommendation to the MSHSAA Board of Directors.


4.    Recommend that Dr. Colter create an educational resource document on the topic of Iron Screening in Female Endurance Athletes to add as a Position Statement to the Sports Medicine Tab on the MSHSAA website.





***       5.    Recommend that MSHSAA personnel provide a Minimum Standards Checklist for sports medicine services (to include an Emergency Action Plan) to the medical coordinator for each state championship site and location two weeks in advance of the championship.  Note:  The Minimum Standards Checklist is to be developed by MSHSAA staff and provided to the SMAC for review at their March-2018 meeting.  Final approval by SMAC and MSHSAA Board in June-2018 for implementation for the 2018-19 school year.



***       6. Recommend the Board place an item on the Annual Ballot for changing By-law 3.8.1 and 4.5.6 to allow a PPE to be valid for a two-year period, with the medical history, student agreement, parent permission, proof of insurance, concussion education and emergency contacts sections being updated annually.


7.    Recommend that the MSHSAA staff evaluate summer contact restrictions.


8.    Recommend to amend Item #7 of the Lightning Safety Guidelines to include the following statement, “If available, other tools should be utilized (i.e., internet access via mobile device monitoring the environmental conditions) in making a well-informed decision on delaying events and/or practices.”


9.    Recommend to include a point of clarification on what constitutes a conditioning practice in the online rules review for each sport.


10.  Recommend the Sports Medicine Advisory Committee go on record reiterating that chiropractors should not be able to perform a PPE due to the scope and sequence of their profession.


*      Denied

**    Tabled for further study

***  Approved as amended

**** No Action

All others approved



“Anyone attending a meeting of the Missouri State High School Activities Association who require auxiliary aids or services should request such services by contacting the Executive Director of the MSHSAA, telephone 573-875-4880,no later than 48 hours before the meeting. Thank you.”