Summary of the Soccer Advisory Committee Meeting                                                                     

Held December 3, 2018, at MSHSAA Office, Columbia, MO

** 1.    Recommend to accept the Open Facilities/Contact Facilities proposal as follows: 

        Eliminate the current open facilities procedure and implement a maximum three hours per week for off-season voluntary contact hours.  The contact time can be sport and gender specific.  Any contact time, on a given day, will count toward the three allowable hours and the contact time, on a specific day, cannot exceed 90 minutes.  The opportunity to participate is open to enrolled students.  Player skill development will be permitted.  No team offense or team defense concepts will be covered.  Contact hours will be as follows:

                  Fall:  Begins on Tuesday of Week #10 and ends on the Friday of Week #16

              Winter:  Begins on Monday of Week #22 and ends on the Friday of Week #33

                           No contact is allowed during Weeks #26, #27, #28

             Spring:  Begins on Monday or Week #39 and ends 1 week prior to the school’s last day of classes


2.     Recommend to accept the proposal for a Class 1-4 State Championship Weekend for the boys in the fall and the girls in the spring with semifinals on Friday and finals/third place games on Saturday. 


3.     Recommend to implement the Class 1-4 State Championship Weekend format for boys immediately (2019-20) and for the girls to begin when the new contract starts at the World Wide Technology Soccer Park in Fenton beginning in 2020-2021.


4.     Recommend a point of emphasis for officials to include enforcing persistent fouling and applying penalties as necessary.


5.     Recommend a point of emphasis for referees to properly use assistant referees more in game management. 


6.     Recommend that all third place games at the state tournament be played out with OT and PKs. 


7.     Recommend lowering the goal differential in the mercy rule from 10 goals to 8 goals.


8.     Recommend that wording in the soccer manual regarding regular season tournament play (Section 1, E. Duration of Game/Overtime Procedures) be adjusted as follows:

           2.  Regular season tournament play where no advancement from an established bracket is necessary overtime is optionalThe options are as follows:  (1) no overtime, or (2) the overtime procedure shall be two ten-minute sudden victory periods with the National Federation Penalty Kick Procedure to follow if necessary.  The winning team after overtime, and penalty kicks if necessary, will record this result as a win and the losing team will record this result as a loss on their seasonal records.  Overtime procedures will be determined at the discretion of the tournament host and must be provided in advance to all tournament participants





       *   Denied

     **   Tabled for further study

   ***   Approved as amended

****   No action necessary

            All others approved