Golf Advisory Recommendations

May 24, 2012


            1.  Golf Coaches may coach their athletes at District and Sectional tournaments provided all duties assigned for the tournament are filled by the site manager and all coaches are given the same opportunity to fulfill the assigned responsibilities as delegated by the site manager.

            Rationale: At some district and sectional golf tournaments the site manager has secured volunteers to work the tournament and coaches have been allowed to coach.  This is a clarification to manual so the manager is informed that it is permissible for coaches to    coach if all duties are filled.

            2. In the district, sectional, and state tournaments coaches will be required to stay off the putting greens when giving advice to players.

            Rationale:  USGA Rule 8-2b-4 allows the tournament committee to prohibit coaches from giving advice on the putting green.  Now that we allow the coaches to coach throughout the course, we feel it is best if they are not on the putting green.  When coaches are on the green it leads to slow play and they can be in the way of the other players.

            3. Recommended moving the starting time of the Sunday State Tournament meeting of Head Coaches to 4pm.

            Rationale: The coaches meeting is currently held at 6:30pm.  The coaches would like the meeting to be earlier so they can have time in the evening to be with the players and eat dinner at a more reasonable time. 



*             Denied

**           Tabled for further study

***        Approved as amended

****     No Action

All others approved