Baseball Advisory Committee Recommendations

Spring 2019



Recommends to add to the online rules review a point of emphasis for enforcement of NFHS Rule 7-3-1. (5-0)


Rationale: Rule 7-3-1 covers the batter conduct regarding entry and maintaining the batter’s box for the duration of an at-bat.  The committee believes that consistent enforcement of NFHS Rule 7-3-14 will assist in the speed of play






Recommends to adopt separate baseball bat standards for junior high members as follows: (5-0)


The following bats are legal for use in MSHSAA contests where only grades 7 & 8 are competing:

  1. Any non-wood bat containing a silkscreened or permanently marked BBCOR label as detailed in NFHS Baseball Rule 1-3-2;
  2. Any bat 30 inches and under with a drop greater than minus three AND a barrel diameter of 2 5/8 inches AND USA Baseball logo or;
  3. Any wood bat that meets the standards in NFHS Baseball Rules 1-3-2 and 1-3-3.

NOTE 1: Bats 31 inches and over must meet NFHS Rule 1-3-2 including the BBCOR label

NOTE 2: All bats with a 2 1/4" barrel diameter are illegal

NOTE 3: Any bat with a USSSA logo is illegal


 Rationale: The committee believes the use of the drop-3 for junior high school players does not fit with the physical ability of the players and is detrimental to the development of players and the game.






Recommends to add language to the Baseball Manual and related post season documents: (5-0)


A coach from both teams shall be included in the discussion of the resumption of a contest following a delay including a review of pitch count limitations.


Rationale: The committee believes the coaches should be able to provide input on potential ramifications to the resumption of a contest due to limitations that may play a factor in the conclusion of the contest on the day or ate a later date.






Recommends to adopt the following modification under NFHS Rule 4-2-4: (5-0)


By mutual agreement, in sub-varsity and junior high school contests, two schools may elect to shorten game length by inning count or time-limit.


Rationale:  Schools are already modifying game lengths at the sub-varsity and junior high school levels.  This adoption will just bring these modifications into compliance.






Recommends MSHSAA staff assign all umpires for State Series contests.  (5-0)


Rationale:  Brings Baseball in-line with all other team sports with regards to selection of state series officials.






Recommends moving the Baseball Advisory Committee meeting to the Wednesday of Standard Week 48.  (5-0)


Rationale:  Attendance at the meeting continues to be burdensome on members schedules and the belief of moving it to an early morning during the State Championships will be helpful.




Staff Recommendations



Recommends to add language to the Baseball Manual Section 1.G Pitching Limitations and related post season documents:


Any pitcher unavailable to pitch in a state series round shall not be eligible for said round if the contest is rescheduled for a later date.


Rationale: The committee is not in favor as they believe this is counter to the established guidelines established for the safety of the pitchers but staff believes this language will prevent any attempts at gamesmanship in making sure facilities are ready to play on the prescribed date.




Board Action




Tabled for further study


Approved as amended


No Action

All others approved