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 TRXC Timing, LLC. - Contractor License                     HY-TEK's Meet Manager
              MSHSAA State Cross Country Championships - 11/3/2012               
                       Entries and Results by TRXC Timing                        
                               Jefferson City, MO                                
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 6  Girls 5k Run CC Class 1
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 McNiel, Lexi              SO Plato                 20:27.85    1             
  2 Reagan, Ryleigh           SO DeKalb                21:08.01                  
  3 Schroder, Amy             SR Stover                21:34.78                  
  4 Hill, Miranda             JR Russellville          21:46.76    2             
  5 Grimm, Sierra             JR Lutheran (K.C.)       21:56.82    3             
  6 Vaught, Lexie             FR Crane                 21:58.05                  
  7 Eaton, Kendey             FR Mound City            21:59.37                  
  8 Linneman, Amber           SR Salisbury             22:01.46    4             
  9 Weimer, Maria             JR Salisbury             22:02.33    5             
 10 Moss, Alessandra          SO Couch                 22:04.31    6             
 11 Williams, Jacklynn        SR Drexel                22:05.90                  
 12 Ratliff, Savannah         SO Salisbury             22:07.16    7             
 13 Baker, Autumn             FR Chamois               22:09.52                  
 14 Wunderlich, Lexi          JR Oak Ridge             22:13.14                  
 15 Strong, Shelby            FR Dora                  22:15.68                  
 16 Kirkland, Lacy            SR Rock Port             22:20.60                  
 17 Hollis, Calee             SO Vienna                22:21.17                  
 18 Cavanaugh, Neve           SR Valle Catholic        22:31.52    8             
 19 Ratliff, Sydney           SO Salisbury             22:33.37    9             
 20 Hinkle, Emily             FR Marion C. Early       22:34.22   10             
 21 Hodge, Jamie              FR Delta                 22:34.77                  
 22 Bondurant, Ruth           SO Columbia Ind.         22:34.92   11             
 23 Michitsch, Hannah         SO Russellville          22:36.82   12             
 24 Bonney, Tabitha           FR Viburnum              22:40.98                  
 25 Stevens, Hailey           SO Chadwick              22:41.99                  
 26 Spratt, Maggie            FR Elsberry              22:42.36   13             
 27 Gregory, Emily            FR Father Tolton         22:43.22                  
 28 Miller, Josie             FR Crystal City          22:47.84                  
 29 Barton, Shalyn            JR Plato                 22:48.81   14             
 30 Kurpjuweit, Sarah         JR Humansville           22:53.43                  
 31 Janorschke, Jacqueline    FR DeKalb                23:01.61                  
 32 Steeves, Monica           SO Jasper                23:02.60   15             
 33 Chavez, Fey               JR New Haven             23:03.61                  
 34 Morrison, MacKenzie       JR Plato                 23:04.21   16             
 35 Schalnus, Samantha        FR Couch                 23:13.36   17             
 36 Young, Grace              JR Russellville          23:14.98   18             
 37 Givens, Jerrica           SR Viburnum              23:24.74                  
 38 Parks, Rachelle           SO Princeton             23:26.78                  
 39 Driscoll, Rosemary        FR Koshkonong            23:28.05                  
 40 Zimmermann, Bailey        SR Elsberry              23:30.09   19             
 41 Hambelton, Kristen        SR Gainesville           23:31.23                  
 42 Rice, Virginia            SO Crystal City          23:31.79                  
 43 Abt, Rebecca              SR Valle Catholic        23:37.56   20             
 44 Hughes, Brianna           SR West Platte           23:38.80   21             
 45 Engeman, Mikayla          JR Montrose              23:40.54                  
 46 Payne, Alexis             FR Viburnum              23:40.67                  
 47 Garner, Lexis             FR Advance               23:44.22                  
 48 Hensley, Katy             JR Halfway               23:44.31                  
 49 Cawby, Sarah              SO Drexel                23:44.31                  
 50 Matthews, Hannah          JR Russellville          23:47.05   22             
 51 Mays, Leah                JR Community             23:47.87                  
 52 Davis, Paige              FR Fordland              23:48.26                  
 53 Bartholomew, Jenna        SO Drexel                23:48.69                  
 54 Hurt, Haley               SR Spokane               23:50.00                  
 55 Horseman, Brooke          SR West Platte           23:50.31   23             
 56 Spratt, Kaelyn            SR Marion County         23:51.35                  
 57 Bufford, Anne Marie       JR Elsberry              23:51.58   24             
 58 Minkler, Betsy            JR Bakersfield           23:53.23                  
 59 Gladney, Naomi            FR Elsberry              23:53.90   25             
 60 Ohrt, Baleigh             JR Tarkio                23:54.54   26             
 61 Painter, Kaitlyn          FR Marion C. Early       23:55.78   27             
 62 Emberton, Taylor          JR Couch                 23:59.05   28             
 63 Hammons, Caitlin          JR Salisbury             24:01.06   29             
 64 Bowdish, Lauren           FR Marion County         24:01.10                  
 65 Cordell, Emily            JR West Nodaway          24:02.31                  
 66 McClure, Mary             JR West Platte           24:02.89   30             
 67 Roth, Clare               FR New Haven             24:10.96                  
 68 Haake, Kameron            SO Greenwood             24:11.02                  
 69 Freeman, Kora             FR Plato                 24:11.62   31             
 70 Nolte, Michaela           FR Chamois               24:13.46                  
 71 Fallert, Paige            SO Valle Catholic        24:16.09   32             
 72 Briner, Rachel            SO Columbia Ind.         24:19.75   33             
 73 Roth, Amber               JR Valle Catholic        24:19.82   34             
 74 Barron, Nicole            SR Valle Catholic        24:22.97   35             
 75 Cahalan, Cheyenne         SR Weaubleau             24:26.82                  
 76 Stump, Kamryn             SO Jasper                24:27.69   36             
 77 Hutchinson, Ashley        FR Sparta                24:27.93                  
 78 Fowers, Adrienne          SR Laquey                24:28.07                  
 79 Coble, Memphis            FR Humansville           24:28.76                  
 80 Kozak, Maggie             JR Lone Jack             24:29.76                  
 81 Gibbs, Avery              JR Viburnum              24:30.03                  
 82 Schroeder, Kayla          FR Lutheran (K.C.)       24:30.86   37             
 83 Burns, Chase              JR Wheaton               24:31.59   38             
 84 Whaley, Elisabeth         SR Fair Play             24:33.74                  
 85 Hunt, Kensey              FR Couch                 24:33.81   39             
 86 Stark, Anne               SO St. Mary's (Ind)      24:37.48   40             
 87 Gremaud, Ashley           SR St. Vincent           24:38.21                  
 88 Duggan, Kimmy             SR Silex                 24:43.95                  
 89 Masters, Hannah           SO Dora                  24:44.15                  
 90 Kelley, Monica            SO Dora                  24:44.19                  
 91 McClain, Carrie           FR Smithton              24:45.36                  
 92 Leineger, Sarah           FR Maysville             24:47.59                  
 93 Ware, Jenny               SR Zalma                 24:47.77                  
 94 Moose, Lauren             FR West Platte           24:49.10   41             
 95 Bencomo, Tanner           SO Elsberry              24:50.01   42             
 96 Meagher, Riki             FR Weaubleau             24:53.08                  
 97 Bennett, Haley            SO Jasper                24:54.37   43             
 98 Kern, Elisa               JR Vienna                24:55.09                  
 99 Gittemeier, Morgan        JR Northeast (Cairo)     24:55.33                  
100 Parker, Emma              JR Salisbury             24:55.41   44             
101 Miller, Erica             SO Russellville          24:55.45   45             
102 Harmon, Brittany          SO Wheaton               25:02.07   46             
103 Rutherford, Holly         JR Chaffee               25:03.32                  
104 Marschel, Lacey           SO Valle Catholic        25:04.73   47             
105 Baker, Becca              JR Plato                 25:05.70   48             
106 Kirkland, Leslie          SR Rock Port             25:08.31                  
107 Lightfoot, Miranda        FR Fair Play             25:09.99                  
108 Admire, Sydney            FR Midway                25:11.43                  
109 Lamphere, Hunter          FR Sheldon               25:12.78                  
110 Kellogg, Jordan           SO Wellsville            25:12.83                  
111 Legg, Hailey              SO Couch                 25:20.64   49             
112 Graves, Claira            JR Maysville             25:23.54                  
113 Mereness, Megan           SO Valle Catholic        25:24.09   50             
114 Kidd, Kathryn             SO Plato                 25:28.74   51             
115 Beal, Brook               SO Couch                 25:30.67   52             
116 Bergthold, Lexi           JR Hermitage             25:31.51                  
117 Scassellati, Erica        JR St. Mary's (Ind)      25:33.73   53             
118 Winborn, Abby             JR Hermitage             25:34.61                  
119 Jewell, Jessica           SR Lutheran (K.C.)       25:35.98   54             
120 McEnaney, Abby            JR Tarkio                25:38.74   55             
121 Ebert, Whitney            FR Lutheran (K.C.)       25:39.14   56             
122 Janes, Samantha           SO Couch                 25:45.00   57             
123 Klosek, Destiny           FR Tarkio                25:48.47   58             
124 Baughman, Kaylee          JR Sparta                25:50.54                  
125 Shelly, Lanae             FR Lutheran (K.C.)       25:53.57   59             
126 Looney, Sapphire          JR Marion C. Early       25:58.03   60             
127 Hall, Bailey              FR Marion C. Early       26:00.90   61             
128 Broermann, Blair          FR Tarkio                26:03.49   62             
129 Hargus, Kinsey            JR Marion C. Early       26:05.98   63             
130 Beede, MaKenzie           FR Marion C. Early       26:08.05   64             
131 Tipton, Makayla           JR Sparta                26:08.92                  
132 Young, Taylor             JR Russellville          26:13.08   65             
133 Bloss, Kristen            SR Salisbury             26:29.81   66             
134 Bichara, Mariana          SR St. Mary's (Ind)      26:36.75   67             
135 Stark, Dee                SO Midway                26:42.24                  
136 Villagrana, Mariana       SO Tarkio                26:42.45   68             
137 Chavez, Julia             SR Columbia Ind.         26:43.08   69             
138 Kimbrough, Melody         JR St. Mary's (Ind)      26:44.90   70             
139 Keeton, Samantha          FR Plato                 26:45.60   71             
140 Maneval, Elizabeth        FR Jasper                26:51.76   72             
141 Beck, Haley               FR Wheaton               26:54.45   73             
142 Graef, Rachel             SR St. Mary's (Ind)      26:59.99   74             
143 Atkins, Davis             FR Columbia Ind.         27:10.07   75             
144 Bialek, Jordan            SR West Platte           28:04.74   76             
145 Rains, Maria              JR Lutheran (K.C.)       28:05.65   77             
146 Haggerty, Victoria        FR St. Mary's (Ind)      28:42.43   78             
147 Yang, Hli                 SR Wheaton               28:54.73   79             
148 Yount, Linda              JR Lutie                 28:57.48                  
149 Lowry, Anastasia          FR Wheaton               28:59.86   80             
150 McFarlin, Makayla         SO Lutie                 29:10.15                  
151 Bryant, KelLeigh          JR Columbia Ind.         29:49.81   81             
152 Doyle, Emily              FR Lutie                 30:01.89                  
153 Rockers, Portia           JR St. Mary's (Ind)      30:12.72   82             
154 Semlitsch, Sarah          SO Columbia Ind.         31:11.66   83             
155 Jensen, Hannah            JR Jasper                31:50.94   84             
156 Khan, Zoya                FR Columbia Ind.         32:00.24   85             
157 Price, Kelsie             SO Lutie                 33:28.38                  
158 Wright, Annie             SO Jasper                33:44.08   86             
159 Conn, Haley               SO Tarkio                33:45.52   87             
160 Dunegan, Krista           SO Wheaton               35:31.14   88             
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Salisbury                    54    4    5    7    9   29   44   66          
      Total Time:  1:52:45.38                                                    
         Average:    22:33.08                                                    
   2 Russellville                 99    2   12   18   22   45   65               
      Total Time:  1:56:21.07                                                    
         Average:    23:16.22                                                    
   3 Plato                       110    1   14   16   31   48   51   71          
      Total Time:  1:55:38.19                                                    
         Average:    23:07.64                                                    
   4 Elsberry                    123   13   19   24   25   42                    
      Total Time:  1:58:47.94                                                    
         Average:    23:45.59                                                    
   5 Valle Catholic              129    8   20   32   34   35   47   50          
      Total Time:  1:59:07.96                                                    
         Average:    23:49.60                                                    
   6 Couch                       139    6   17   28   39   49   52   57          
      Total Time:  1:59:11.17                                                    
         Average:    23:50.24                                                    
   7 West Platte                 191   21   23   30   41   76                    
      Total Time:  2:04:25.84                                                    
         Average:    24:53.17                                                    
   8 Lutheran (K.C.)             209    3   37   54   56   59   77               
      Total Time:  2:03:36.37                                                    
         Average:    24:43.28                                                    
   9 Marion C. Early             221   10   27   60   61   63   64               
      Total Time:  2:04:34.91                                                    
         Average:    24:54.99                                                    
  10 Jasper                      250   15   36   43   72   84   86               
      Total Time:  2:11:07.36                                                    
         Average:    26:13.48                                                    
  11 Columbia Independent        269   11   33   69   75   81   83   85          
      Total Time:  2:10:37.63                                                    
         Average:    26:07.53                                                    
  12 Tarkio                      269   26   55   58   62   68   87               
      Total Time:  2:08:07.69                                                    
         Average:    25:37.54                                                    
  13 St. Mary's (Independence)   304   40   53   67   70   74   78   82          
      Total Time:  2:10:32.85                                                    
         Average:    26:06.57                                                    
  14 Wheaton                     316   38   46   73   79   80   88               
      Total Time:  2:14:22.70                                                    
         Average:    26:52.54                                                    

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