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MSHSAA Championship Meet                                  Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
10/09/02 10:47 AM   2002 MSHSAA CLASS 2 GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY MEET         Page 1
         Oak Hills Golf Center - Jefferson City, MO - Saturday 11/09/02        
                         Event 1 Girls 5,000 Meter Run                         
                 Results by Order of Finish - Saturday 11/09/02                
RANK COMP# ATHLETE NAME           YR SCHOOL                          TIME SCORE
   1   363 Hilary Forman          SO Pembroke Hill               20:24.72     1
   2   389 Missy Moody            SR Smithville                  20:36.75     2
   3   301 Sandy Davidson         SO Holden                      20:37.37      
   4   331 Amber Warren           SO Lutheran (St. Peters)       20:49.53     3
   5   329 Mallori Sanford        SO Lutheran (St. Peters)       21:10.15     4
   6   265 Shradha Samuel         SR Cassville                   21:14.95      
   7   398 Sara Pitia             JR St. Mary's-Independence     21:26.24     5
   8   325 Courtney Waltbillig    FR Logan-Rogersville           21:27.43     6
   9   399 Lori Seigler           SO St. Mary's-Independence     21:29.19     7
  10   295 Lindsey Yates          SO Herculaneum                 21:40.14     8
  11   322 Kim Miller             SR Logan-Rogersville           21:52.43     9
  12   403 Kate Brittan           SR Valley Park                 21:58.07    10
  13   314 Jessica Buchanan       SR Licking                     22:02.29    11
  14   343 Jessica Snider         FR Monett                      22:06.22    12
  15   383 Tahina Mailes          SO Seneca                      22:06.89      
  16   356 Lauren Nystrom         SR Orchard Farm                22:07.29    13
  17   374 Melissa Sanderson      SO Pleasant Hill               22:07.71      
  18   304 Sheena Orton           SO Hollister                   22:10.06      
  19   278 Amanda Bragg           FR East Newton                 22:11.10      
  20   297 Theresa Baumstark      FR Hermann                     23:34.25      
  21   748 Leah Hempelmann        JR Owensville                  22:15.07      
  22   339 Sara Green             JR Monett                      22:18.59    14
  23   323 Leah Oatman            SO Logan-Rogersville           22:19.25    15
  24   373 Elise Cretel           JR Pleasant Hill               22:20.03      
  25   263 Danielle LeCompte      SO Cassville                   22:22.67      
  26   388 Angela Moody           JR Smithville                  22:25.48    16
  27   316 Stephanie Hugger       SR Licking                     22:28.13    17
  28   313 Erica Burns            FR Lawson                      22:29.92      
  29   294 Kelly Williams         FR Herculaneum                 22:34.63    18
  30   309 Katie Perris           SR John Burroughs              22:36.93    19
  31   257 Nanci Hagenhoff        SR Blair Oaks                  22:37.68      
  32   291 Lindsey Rettig         SO Herculaneum                 22:38.41    20
  33   266 Kelley Gengelbach      SO Chillicothe                 22:38.90      
  34   279 Georgia Hudson         JR East Newton                 22:39.57      
  35   412 Ciara Crawford         SR Willow Springs              22:46.87    21
  36   341 Stephanie Hilton       SO Monett                      22:47.68    22
  37   281 Jessie Bennet          JR Fatima                      22:48.70    23
  38   290 Ashley Janish          FR Herculaneum                 22:49.29    24
  39   267 Candice Taylor         JR Chillicothe                 22:51.65      
  40   384 Ashley Buchanan        SR Smithville                  22:52.38    25
  41   312 Abbey Logan            JR Lamar                       22:53.96      
  42   277 Ashlee Allphin         SO East Newton                 22:55.79      
  43   407 Samantha Rawie         FR Valley Park                 22:56.78    26
  44   310 Rohinni Sankaran       JR John Burroughs              22:57.59    27
  45   408 Rachel Rogers          SO Valley Park                 22:58.01    28
  46   362 Annie Forman           FR Pembroke Hill               22:59.86    29
  47   401 Melissa Ruhlman        JR St. Pius X (Kansas City)    23:07.96      
  48   359 Natalie Armstrong      SR Pembroke Hill               23:09.70    30
  49   392 Kay Geter              SR Springfield Catholic        23:10.03      
  50   386 Sam Gordon             JR Smithville                  23:12.43    31
  51   270 Thea Gillham           SR Clinton                     23:13.81      

MSHSAA Championship Meet                                  Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
10/09/02 10:47 AM   2002 MSHSAA CLASS 2 GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY MEET         Page 2
         Oak Hills Golf Center - Jefferson City, MO - Saturday 11/09/02        
                         Event 1 Girls 5,000 Meter Run                         
                 Results by Order of Finish - Saturday 11/09/02                
RANK COMP# ATHLETE NAME           YR SCHOOL                          TIME SCORE
  52   269 Jaryn Dameron          SO Clinton                     23:16.35      
  53   381 Becky Wetzler          SR Principia                   23:18.65    32
  54   747 Kara Montgomery        JR Bishop LeBlond              23:20.49      
  55   349 Heather Davis          JR Oak Grove                   23:22.74      
  56   382 Ashley Simmons         JR Richmond                    23:23.58      
  57   371 Jenny Murphy           SO Platte County               23:24.07    33
  58   409 Amanda Arrington       JR Whitfield                   23:24.67      
  59   271 Landre Engelbrecht     SO Cole County                 23:25.84      
  60   410 Julie Brummond         FR Whitfield                   23:27.51      
  61   302 Christina Hirt         SR Holden                      23:28.52      
  62   260 Emma Greenwood         JR Bowling Green               23:29.49      
  63   327 Meagan Debrick         JR Lutheran (St. Peters)       23:33.09    34
  64   296 Renee Baumstark        SR Hermann                     22:13.34      
  65   282 Meghan Falter          FR Fatima                      23:36.76    35
  66   372 Angela Scheetz         JR Platte County               23:39.12    36
  67   365 Moira Neet             FR Pembroke Hill               23:40.52    37
  68   306 Lilly Hine             SR John Burroughs              23:44.12    38
  69   344 Amy Hicks              FR Montgomery County           23:49.25      
  70   360 Lauren Cates           JR Pembroke Hill               23:50.02    39
  71   335 Katie Sudhoff          SO Maryville                   23:51.13      
  72   328 Missy Ruegg            SR Lutheran (St. Peters)       23:51.89    40
  73   338 Caressa Ginther        FR Monett                      23:53.51    41
  74   287 Elvia Gonzalez         SR Hancock                     23:54.49      
  75   264 Angelica Morris        SO Cassville                   23:55.47      
  76   285 Kayla veit             FR Fatima                      23:56.47    42
  77   299 Megan Lennertson       FR Hermann                     26:02.42      
  78   380 Bonne Treworgy         SR Principia                   23:58.09    43
  79   387 Beth Mayberry          SR Smithville                  23:58.47    44
  80   406 Marcella Macdermott    JR Valley Park                 23:58.89    45
  81   305 Sarah Jane Bullock     SR John Burroughs              23:59.29    46
  82   379 Erika Moller           JR Principia                   23:59.70    47
  83   402 Crystal Bartlett       SO Valley Park                 24:00.53    48
  84   336 Carol Sutton           SR Maryville                   24:03.10      
  85   315 Carrie Floyd           SR Licking                     24:06.45    49
  86   319 Natasha Layton         SO Licking                     24:09.03    50
  87   350 Liz Blase              SO Orchard Farm                24:09.45    51
  88   369 Tara Gutshall          SO Platte County               24:10.03    52
  89   391 Kim Broswell           JR Southern Boone              24:10.72      
  90   272 Joni Laur              SO Cole County                 24:11.26      
  91   345 Kelly Biessie          JR Mountain Grove              24:12.87      
  92   358 Miranda Knight         SR Owensville                  24:13.47      
  93   370 K.D. Mead              FR Platte County               24:17.33    53
  94   293 Ashley Williams        SO Herculaneum                 24:18.81    54
  95   262 Bobbie Virden          FR Bowling Green               24:19.97      
  96   261 Laura Henderson        SR Bowling Green               24:20.98      
  97   259 Kaylen Sanborn         FR Bourbon                     24:22.14      
  98   275 Amanda Crockett        JR Doniphan                    24:22.98      
  99   411 Jenny Cosgrove         FR Whitfield                   24:23.45      
 100   376 Jenn Bollinger         FR Principia                   24:24.01    55
 101   348 Sarah Unterreiner      SR Notre Dame (Cape Gir.)      24:24.90      
 102   347 Megan Rosenquist       SO Notre Dame (Cape Gir.)      24:25.27      

MSHSAA Championship Meet                                  Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
10/09/02 10:47 AM   2002 MSHSAA CLASS 2 GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY MEET         Page 3
         Oak Hills Golf Center - Jefferson City, MO - Saturday 11/09/02        
                         Event 1 Girls 5,000 Meter Run                         
                 Results by Order of Finish - Saturday 11/09/02                
RANK COMP# ATHLETE NAME           YR SCHOOL                          TIME SCORE
 103   256 Michelle Woods         SR Berkeley                    24:30.48      
 104   288 Jackie Rohlfing        JR Hancock                     24:32.73      
 105   368 Stevie Grabau          JR Platte County               24:34.76    56
 106   385 Bria Gomez             JR Smithville                  24:35.92    57
 107   355 K.C. Nystrom           SO Orchard Farm                24:41.47    58
 108   274 Jasmine Bowles         JR Cuba                        24:41.82      
 109   284 Kristen Huhn           SR Fatima                      24:44.19    59
 110   324 Emily Seaton           SO Logan-Rogersville           24:47.53    60
 111   354 Laura Liston           SO Orchard Farm                24:51.53    61
 112   405 Chelsey Flamm          FR Valley Park                 24:52.75    62
 113   292 Casie Wedel            SR Herculaneum                 24:54.36    63
 114   337 Jeannine Blankinship   SR Monett                      24:56.33    64
 115   320 Anne Canter            FR Logan-Rogersville           24:56.74    65
 116   342 Kenna Justice          SR Monett                      25:00.73    66
 117   367 Jessica Duncan         SO Platte County               25:01.66    67
 118   311 Dianna Sternberg       SO John Burroughs              25:04.20    68
 119   333 Sarah Hughes           SR Mark Twain                  25:06.75      
 120   273 Kara Childers          JR Conway                      25:09.78      
 121   280 Elizabeth Platt        SR Eldon                       25:10.66      
 122   346 Brittany Phillips      FR Mountain Grove              25:16.42      
 123   395 Lauren Niemeyer        FR St. Mary's-Independence     25:18.02    69
 124   396 Rachel Nolte           SO St. Mary's-Independence     25:20.02    70
 125   390 Annie Tipton           SO Smithville                  25:21.75    71
 126   289 Brittany Dabrowski     FR Herculaneum                 25:25.61    72
 127   404 Melissa Dipiano        SO Valley Park                 25:27.61    73
 128   334 Samantha McCulloch     SO Mark Twain                  25:35.33      
 129   400 Nancy Declue           FR St. Pius X (Festus)         25:38.54      
 130   415 Ashley Gutscher        SO Willow Springs              25:43.85    74
 131   268 Kate Moon              FR Clark County                25:45.74      
 132   286 Ashley Volmert         FR Fatima                      25:48.89    75
 133   303 Sandra Larrabee        SR Hollister                   25:51.11      
 134   276 Miranda Maness         FR Doniphan                    25:55.29      
 135   307 Janelle Jones          SO John Burroughs              25:58.31    76
 136   300 Margaret O'Hara        FR Hermann                     23:57.46      
 137   330 Nicole Suit            SO Lutheran (St. Peters)       26:09.12    77
 138   375 Sarah Andrews          SR Principia                   26:13.81    78
 139   351 Sarah Connell          SO Orchard Farm                26:31.68    79
 140   340 Emily Greer            SR Monett                      26:35.29    80
 141   378 Christina Day          SR Principia                   26:39.59    81
 142   377 Jessica Bremer         JR Principia                   26:42.88    82
 143   364 Jessica Moeller        JR Pembroke Hill               26:47.14    83
 144   397 Meghan Pace            JR St. Mary's-Independence     26:54.80    84
 145   417 Joy Labayan            SO Willow Springs              26:57.45    85
 146   749 Elizabeth Anderson     JR Platte County               26:59.35    86
 147   414 Paula Domingo          SO Willow Springs              27:19.62    87
 148   326 Caitlin Cummings       SO Lutheran (St. Peters)       27:34.27    88
 149   258 Rachel Lass            FR Bourbon                     27:51.31      
 150   318 Llonda Jones           FR Licking                     27:55.58    89
 151   332 Ashley Warren          SO Lutheran (St. Peters)       28:03.65    90
 152   283 Rita Frickey           SO Fatima                      28:14.17    91
 153   361 Lydia Forman           FR Pembroke Hill               28:27.64    92

MSHSAA Championship Meet                                  Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
10/09/02 10:47 AM   2002 MSHSAA CLASS 2 GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY MEET         Page 4
         Oak Hills Golf Center - Jefferson City, MO - Saturday 11/09/02        
                         Event 1 Girls 5,000 Meter Run                         
                 Results by Order of Finish - Saturday 11/09/02                
RANK COMP# ATHLETE NAME           YR SCHOOL                          TIME SCORE
 154   394 Samantha Lary          JR St. Mary's-Independence     28:35.50    93
 155   308 Sarah Lampen           SO John Burroughs              28:56.85    94
 156   416 Alicia Gutsher         SO Willow Springs              29:38.53    95
 157   317 Samantha Jackson       SR Licking                     29:52.51    96
 158   393 Janna Boekhoff         JR St. Mary's-Independence     31:01.72    97
 159   413 Fran Domingo           FR Willow Springs              32:48.11    98

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