Fordland Junior high school - School Information
Fordland Junior high school
School Details
School Name: |
Fordland Junior high school |
Shortened Name: |
Fordland Jr. |
Bracket Name: |
Abbreviation: |
Membership Type: |
Affiliate Registered
School Type: |
Customer ID: |
DESE Code: |
112-101-2050 |
Board District: |
#2 Southwest |
County: |
Webster |
Organization: |
Junior High |
Grades Served: |
7-8 |
Genders: |
Boys and Girls |
Boarding School: |
No |
Affiliation: |
Affiliate Registered |
Designation: |
Normal |
Contact information
Mailing Address: |
1248 School St.
Fordland, MO 65652
Get Directions
PO Box Address: |
Phone: |
(417) 767-4555 |
Fax: |
(417) 767-2240 |
Lat/Long: |
37.161135, -92.953291 |
Boys' Nickname: |
Eagles |
Boys' Logo: |
Girls' Nickname: |
Lady Eagles |
Girls' Logo: |
School Colors: |
Blue and Gold |
School Color Dark: |
School Color Light: |
Roster Team Code: (Cross Country/Track & Field) |
Swim Team Code: (Hy-Tek) |
Football Conference: |
None |
Website/Social Media