Music Advisory Committee Recommendations

Held via Zoom

May 20, 2020

Recommend to amend language in Section 3-B-2-Note of the Music Manual regarding use of Smart Music accompaniment in the interactive mode setting. “The use of Smart Music accompaniment will be allowed without the interactive mode setting. This policy will be reviewed annually until the interactive mode setting becomes available in the online classic version.” Motion passed 7-0.

Recommend to include a new rating category for small ensembles that perform the day of the festival without the required number of members for that event type due to a student(s) sudden illness or injury occurring that day and no eligible replacement can be located. The event will be allowed to perform and a rating of ABS (Absent) rather than a DQ (Disqualification) recorded for the performance due to this specific circumstance. Motion passed 7-0.

Recommend removing the phrase “It is recommended” from Sections 4-B-2-a and 5-B-2-a in the Music Manual. Motion passed 7-0.

Recommend to the use of text in the second vocal sight reading to be optional and no longer required. Motion passed 7-0.

Recommend to include language in Section 5-B-5 of the Music Manual that would limit instrumentation for Large Percussion Orchestras to those represented in the percussion family. Motion passed 7-0.

* Denied
** Tabled
*** Approved as Amended
**** No Action