James Melton 2/29/2024

MSHSAA is Seeking Vocal Music (Solo and Small Ensemble) and Multiple Percussion (Drum Set Solo) Submissions for the Prescribed Grade Music List (PML)


All Submissions must be received by June 1st, 2024, in order to be considered for addition to the PML fall of 2024. Anything received after this time will be postponed for review on the next available cycle. 


Literature for review may be submitted in one of two ways: 

1 - Via the MSHSAA Website while logged in as an approved music director. We are piloting an all-web-based submission process. Log   in on the MSHSAA Website, select Festival Manager, select Music, and begin the submission process by selecting PML Submissions.  (Preferred)


2 - Via the traditional paper forms (see resource links) with attached music mailed to the MSHSAA office. (If Necessary)


Resource Links:

PML Matrices (rubrics for determining literature grade level)

PML Submission Forms

Public Link to the PML

Guided Video Directions for Web-Based Submission


Important to Note: 

The MSHSAA encourages the submission of works from underrepresented composer groups and/or cultures. The MSHSAA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs.



Before submitting to the PML, please do a full search of the PML to ensure that your submission is a unique addition or would be an expansion of an available voicing or event type. This is particularly important when considering vocal music. 


More Details

The MSHSAA is continuously open for submissions to be reviewed and potentially approved for the Prescribed Graded Music List. This list is a compilation of all approved music that can be performed at the MSHSAA District and State Solo and Small Ensemble Festivals each year. Every year, we review submissions from one of three music specialties (Vocal Music, Instrumental Music Woodwind/Brass/Percussion, or Instrumental Music Strings/Harp/Piano). The approved pieces are added to the Prescribed Graded Music List (PML). 


This year, the rotation has turned to Vocal Music. The MSHSAA is actively seeking Vocal Music (solos and ensembles) submissions. MSHSAA partners with affiliate professional organizations to gather a panel of professionals to review the submissions and make final recommendations on what literature will be added to the PML. MSHSAA is proud and excited to work with the Missouri Choral Directors Association. 


Additionally, the Music Advisory Committee recommended, and the MSHSAA Board Approved the official addition of Drum Set solos to the PML as an approved Multi-Percussion Event Type. While this is not a year to review all Instrumental Music Woodwind/Brass/Percussion submissions, MSHSAA is extending the review period and is seeking Drum Set Solo submissions. Beyond Drum Set Solos, no other percussion submissions will be reviewed for approval off-cycle. MSHSAA is again proud to partner with the Missouri Percussive Arts Society (MOPAS) to review the submissions and make final recommendations on what Drum Set Solo literature will be added to the PML. 


All non-vocal and drum set solo literature submissions must continue to be submitted via the available paper forms. All music publishers, private teachers, or any other individuals who wish to submit music to the PML and do not have an active music director log-in for the MSHSAA website will need to submit via the available paper forms, or they can collaborate with an approved director who will submit on their behalf using the web-based process (for Vocal and Drum Set solo literature at this time).


We are excited to transition to a fully web-based process but know that change takes time, and there will be a few puzzles to solve before accepting all future literature in this fashion.