Wet Bulb Globe Thermometers

MSHSAA will not recommend any particular manufacturer or retailer of Wet Bulb Globe Temperature devices.   MSHSAA is sensitive to directing schools to instruments that are portable and that are within the $200-$400 price range.

The following list of instruments and web sites is being put together with several caveats.  First, this is not an exhaustive list-there of units available in the market that are functional and affordable.  Secondly, there should not be any assumption that the MSHSAA is recommending or endorsing any particular instrument.  The purchasing decision on a WBGT monitor should be based on the reliability of the unit and the level to which it accurately assesses the WBGT.  Finally, there is no guarantee that any device listed will be sold within the price range cited above. 


EXTECH HT-30 Heat Stress Meter Wet Bulb Globe Temperature www.medco-athletics.com
Kestrel 5400 www.nkhome.com/kestrel-5400
Sigma Products Wet Globe Kit www.wetglobe.com
General Reed—WBGT Meter 8778 www.medco-athletics.com