Music Advisory Committee Summary

Held on May 17, 2017


        *     1.    Recommend delaying the implementation of the 50% rule for the 2017-18 school year and appoint a committee to review this change and its impact on class 1 and 2 schools.


                2.    Recommend that timpani be the only percussion instrument allowed to perform with brass choir events and include the following statement for brass choir events in Section 5-B-5 of the MSHSAA Music Manual.  “Selections written for percussion instruments other than timpani shall not be performed.  Failure to follow this rule shall result in the event being disqualified.” 


                3.    Recommend the following clarification for music scores and to move this information to Section 3-A-5 in the MSHSAA Music Manual. 


                        Section 3 General Event Regulations

                        A-5  Scores:  There is a lack of consistency among the music publishers when it comes to scores for solo and ensemble (large and small) events.  Some publishers create and provide a separate score showing the soloist and/or ensemble while other works have these parts notated above the piano accompaniment.  Some selections do not include articulations, dynamics and phrasing, do not appear in the correct octave for that instrument or ensemble, or are written in concert pitch.  This creates a hardship for the adjudicator as he/she cannot evaluate the event properly.  Due to this inconsistency, for the MSHSAA Music Festivals, the score(s) supplied to the adjudicator(s) must meet the following requirements:

                a. Vocal large and small ensemble entries shall supply the performance adjudicator, at the time of the performance, an original score(s) of the work, in paper format (no electronic devices), with the correct voicing of the work for that ensemble and each measure must be clearly numbered.

                        b. Vocal soloist shall supply the adjudicator with one original of the soloist part of the selection, in paper format (no electronic devices), with each measure clearly numbered.  The score supplied to the adjudicator must be the same as the soloist/accompanist’s copy (same arrangement, etc.), however, it is not a requirement that it be in the same key.  The score must also be written for solo voice.

                        c.   Instrumental soloists at the time of the performance shall supply the adjudicator with an original of the soloist’s part, in paper format (no electronic devices), with each measure clearly numbered.  It is not acceptable to provide the piano accompaniment or Smart Music, if one is published.  See Note below if score is not published.

                        d.  Instrumental small ensembles events shall supply the adjudicator, at the time of performance, an original score of the work, in paper format (no electronic devices) with each measure clearly numbered, not the piano accompaniment or Smart Music, if one is published.  See Note below if score is not published.

                        e.  Band, orchestra, brass choir, woodwind choir, large percussion orchestra, string orchestra, mixed choir, tenor-bass choir, SSA choir and chamber choir directors must provide three scores for each selection for the adjudicators with each measure clearly numbered.  Brass choirs may or may not include timpani.  Selections written for percussion instruments other than timpani shall not be performed.  Failure to follow this rule shall result in the event being disqualified.

                        f.   It is strongly recommended that all scores used in the festivals, including those provided for adjudicators, be labeled with the name of the school.



NOTE:  If no score of the work selected is published or is not available in the format defined above, contact the publisher to request permission to make a score of the work showing all of the parts of the work, including dynamics, articulations, phrasing, etc., to present to the adjudicator(s).  If the publisher will not grant written permission select a different work to perform and notify the MSHSAA office to have the work reviewed by the appropriate literature review committee.  Separate parts or an incomplete score will not be allowed and will result in disqualification of the entry.  Exception:  For string duets only, if no score of the work is available and the music publisher will not grant permission to create a score, individual parts may be provided to the adjudicator.  For example, a violin/cello duet must supply the adjudicator with the violin and cello part.


Penalty:  Failure to supply each adjudicator at the time of performance with a score with each measure clearly numbered shall result in the overall rating be lowered one rank.

Penalty:  Brass choir events that do not meet Section 3-A-5-e shall be disqualified.


        ***   4.    Recommend that all vocal solos and small ensembles be required to perform both selections from the MSHSAA prescribed graded music list.




               *           Denied

               **         Tabled

                       ***       Approved as Amended

               ****     No Action
