Music Advisory Committee Summary

Held on May 25, 2011


      ***   1.    Recommend placing an item on the 2012 MSHSAA Annual Ballot to remove the activity of Winter Guard

                        from MSHSAA By-Law 280.1 (Dance Teams) and place it under music activities.   This item should also be referred to the Spirit Advisory Committee for input and discussion as well.


                2.    Recommend to allow for multiple percussion solo entries only, when a selection that is less than three minutes is entered the second selection may be chosen from the snare drum, keyboard mallet or timpani solo lists.


                3.    Recommend the following procedure be used to determine classification breaks for music activities.  The largest 96 schools registered for music activities be placed in class 5, the next largest 96 schools in class 4, the smallest 128 schools in class 1 and the next smallest 128 schools in class 2 with the remaining schools to be placed in class 3 beginning with the 2012-13 and 2013-14 two year classification cycle.



                *            Denied

**         Tabled

***       Approved as Amended

****    No Action