Monett Middle School

Monett MS vs. Webb City Junior Boys Wrestling Monday, November 20, 2023


710 9th St
Monett, MO 65708-1777

Levels of Play

Boys Junior HighJH: TBD

Matchup Comparison

Monett MS Cubs Webb City Junior Cardinals
- Score -
District Seed
- Win %Winning Percentage -
- Season Record -
- Home Record -
- Away Record -
- Neutral/Tourney Record -
- Points/Match -
- Points Allowed/Match -

Common Opponents

Monett MS Cubs Webb City Junior Cardinals
11/14 Republic Middle 11/27

Matchup History

Date Location Outcome Score
11/20/2023 @ Webb City with Neosho
11/17/2022 Monett, Webb City, Neosho
11/22/2021 Monett, Webb City, Neosho
11/23/2020 Webb City, Neosho, and Monett
11/20/2018 Away

Box Score

Box Score